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Everything posted by Dieseltech20

  1. Linda looks good, treat her well, does she have third row seats? Not very many clam shell wagons left in America. Watching the gate open is the coolest. I wouldn't trade my station wagon for any SUV on earth.
  2. Because I don't think the Peanuts Pirates go around killing innocent people. Rather, they probably sing and dance while entertaining children, a skill Somali Pirates lack. Same thing I was thinking. Just because some Americans used VERY POOR judgment in planning their sailing trip, the word Pirate should be banned? Someone better tell Johnny Depp the bad news.
  3. Cool. Only 3 more months til my first ever HW visit.
  4. American Country? I didn't know there was any other kind. Glad to see Snoopy on Ice return, that was my favorite show last year.
  5. Gonna check out the updated Coney Mall while making my way towards the new ride. Rotag--You gonna be there on opening day? The wife needs to challenge her Firehawk fear as well.
  6. Nice picture, I love seeing the old ride locations
  7. Theft is running rampant almost everywhere, sadly. People are having the catalytic converters stolen from their exhaust systems. A little while back a man in Louisville blew up a gas station while stealing gas. One of the storage tanks burst, trapping him and his truck in the collapsed parking lot.
  8. Don't forget that if someone is kidnapped, odds are they won't be making any phone calls either.
  9. Also keep in mind how large these ride pieces are. Since they are oversize that have to get permits from the states they are driving through. Those permits tell the driver the ONLY way he/she may travel with his/her oversize load. Sometimes those routes are not the smartest, lol.
  10. Exactly, it's 2012, not the 20th of December in Europe. The spoken words did not match the horrible transcription that was the written article. I agree with ya rcs. The park would be better off in a non land locked area beside an Airport.
  11. All the typos and such made that a hard article to read. When exactly is 20-12? Reading the article, it seems that Mr Hart and the Fair Board dropped the ball on this.
  12. The only evidence of work that I saw was a bare spot where Road Runner use to be.
  13. Saw the park today when we where at the Auto Show. It is in a very sad state right now with lots of rusty neglected rides and dirt. Some areas of fencing were topped with nice shiny new Razor Wire. A good sign the riff raff has been going in to "have fun" and rack up the amounts needed to re open the place. GL sure looks pretty from a distance.....once you get up close to it though....yikes. I couldn't grab a close pic because of traffic. Perfect chance for KI to get a Ferris Wheel.
  14. Finance companies are picky and very careful about whom they loan giant sums to now. A twice failed and shuttered Amusement Park is at the bottom of their list I'm sure.
  15. This line... lets you know the chances of Mr. Hart getting any money are pretty much non existent.
  16. The Beast is a Coaster from the 70's. Guess I'm in the minority, I love Vortex.
  17. KI posted a pic of Racer on Facebook today and it appears to be getting a paint job as well.
  18. Looks like I'll be taking lots of trips on Blue Racer this upcoming season.
  19. Holy smokes. This thread gets better and better everyday. Thank you soooooo much for sharing.
  20. When my wife first visited Disney as a child she fell and broke her arm. Wonder if she can sue them? It seems to be the in thing right now. CHECK THE TEMP OF THE MOLTEN CHEESE BEFORE YOU LET YOUR CHILD SHOVE THEIR FACE INTO IT!
  21. The dog on the Banana Splits was named Fleegle.
  22. I'm still young enough that I enjoy playing as much (if not more) than my kids.
  23. Lol. I had it typed in the browser before I even looked at the second pic. This thread is awesome so far. Thanks for sharing.
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