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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. Yeah, my Saturday visit is showing up now.
  2. jcgoble3


    6 of 17 users have said that they believe in unicorns. Is it just me, or are people not taking this poll seriously?
  3. Go to the ticket window and report the passes as lost, and they'll replace them for $15 each. I assume that the old pass will cease to function after that. I think someone reported on here last year that if the passes were stolen (which this may count as) they will replace the passes for free if you show them a police report to that effect, but don't quote me on that.
  4. My FUN Perks account shows no record of my visit Saturday.
  5. 5-1, not 6-1. And yes, there is a BIG difference.
  6. I paid $149 last fall when they were on sale along with the Gold Passes.
  7. While at KI on Saturday afternoon, I couldn't even send a text message from my TracFone that runs on the AT&T network.
  8. ^ Nice review, but I think I'll keep the gold star.
  9. $21 is for the largest lockers. The small lockers, which appear to be slightly larger than the ones they had last year, are only $12.
  10. Oh Thank you, I did get what I wanted! So Cool. St. Ouimet heard my prayer. Wait, the CEO is now a saint? I know he's doing a lot of good things for KI and CF overall, but methinks that just might be a tad over the top.
  11. Literally, not figuratively. I paid $4.25 for a waterproof container and put my cash, pass, driver license, and spare car key in it and stuffed it in the side pocket of my swim trunks. Everything else, such as my shirt, sandals, glasses, and phone, got locked in the trunk of my car, which was within 100 yards of the entrance. Now, when I go to Holiwood Nights in two weeks, I'll gladly pay for a locker because 1) my car will be in the campground next door and thus harder to access, 2) the waterpark cannot be directly accessed from the parking lot like KI's Soak City can, and most importantly 3) they only charge $5, which is a reasonable price.
  12. I love Outback. Great place, just wish I could afford to go there more often. I usually get either the ribeye steak or the baby back ribs. Both are great.
  13. When I go to a waterpark, I expect to get soaked, and sometimes unexpectedly. The people on the action river that were the most puzzling to me were those that were trying to avoid getting wet. People were covering and hiding their face and even using empty tubes as shields. I made those people my primary targets.
  14. The lockers in Soak City are the brand new electronic lockers that were put in the dry park. Lockers are $12 small, $15 medium, or $21 large. There's no deposit because there's no key to lose; you enter a code on a keypad instead to open the locker.
  15. I was there most of the day. I loved the new action river. The entrance has been moved about halfway around the course from where it was and it is now a zero-depth entry pool instead of steps. Plus it appeared that they were letting people take as many laps as they wanted, but that may have something to do with the lack of any wait. On the bridge near what used to be Down Under Thunder (the group of four slides) are buckets that you can fill with water and dump on the people below you, along with a sprayer. I probably spent an hour soaking people with those. I briefly went into the new wave pool early in the day, but at the time it appeared that the waves weren't working right (they didn't come on sometimes, and the one time they did turn on while I was there they only stayed on for about 20 seconds. I didn't go back later to see if they fixed it. Overall, it was pretty good.
  16. They typically will, but be sure to ask the ride op as soon as they walk up to your car, as they often move quickly. If you wait until they've already pushed the lapbar down, they may have already moved on to the next car by the time you say something.
  17. For food, I recommend the Plymouth Rock Café. You can get a Thanksgiving-type meal consisting of a main dish, two sides, and bread for just $10, or add a third side for $1.50 more. Their Scrambler is interesting to watch or ride as it's manually operated, which isn't common to my understanding. As others above me have mentioned, Pilgrim's Plunge and Liberty Launch are great on the dry side of the park. Pilgrim's Plunge can also be accessed from the waterpark in your swimsuit if you'd rather not get your clothes wet.
  18. I am 5'6" and was about 135 lb last year. On Firehawk, unless the ride ops don't get the lap bar super tight (which they usually don't), I feel horribly insecure and get thrown around like a ragdoll, but I love those feelings. Feeling like I'm not secure in the harness and getting thrown around are about the only things left in regard to amusement rides that still scare me a bit, and being a little scared on every ride mean I never get bored with the ride. (I have no problem making myself get on because I don't get scared until I get flipped over at the top of the lift hill and realize how loose the restraints feel.)
  19. In what way? When I use a credit card at the gas pump when traveling, I've often had to enter my ZIP code to authorize the purchase. Online retailers typically require not just your ZIP code, but your full billing address as it appears on your statement in addition to a shipping address. How are either of those different, or are they violating this agreement of which you speak as well?
  20. As the poster above me stated, they only have fireworks when the park is open until 10pm or later. If they close at 8pm, there will not be any fireworks.
  21. On opening day, they did the high fives down the line as well. Definitely was a great touch.
  22. Hats have a tendency to be blown off at 54 miles per hour, so I would not recommend that. Sunscreen is a good idea. The Zune player won't be much use since electronics, like always, cannot be used on the ride. Aspirin is up to you. Typically, one side of The Racer is reserved solely for the event, while the other side is open to the public, so you can simply stay on as long as you want to with no need to get out. Lunch will be provided in the International Restaurant at noon. Last year, they provided free cold bottles of water in the afternoon; no guarantee they'll do that again (it was hot last year). HAVE FUN!!!
  23. ^ According to the email I received on May 8, the gate opens at 10:00. Operation doesn't start until 11:00
  24. Considering that the train won't be running yet, it's roughly 1/2 mile from the Main Gate to the Soak City gate. Figure out how long it takes you to walk that distance (about 10–12 minutes for most people) and calculate from there.
  25. Okay... that's not what the email newsletter said. But if you say so... We changed it. Thank you! I usually hit Congo Falls and White Water Canyon on waterpark days. Nice to know I won't have to walk a half mile from one entrance to the other and back.
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