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  1. Geez! And I feel bad leaving my food tray and paper cup on the table after eating at the Brewhouse. If they had trash cans in there, I'd clean my table off. I ate at Rivertown Potato Works last week and they had 2 people cleaning the tables there. They actually cleaned ours right before we sat down. And we always throw our trash away after...my parents and grandparents taught me that simple task and I have passed it to my sons. Just common decency.
  2. I agree, the empty space that the former Bat and Vortex previously occupied is worthy of another iconic landmark and worthy coaster. The original Bat wasn't the fastest coaster around, but it was blast to ride while it lasted. Vortex was a stunning looking coaster and fit that spot perfectly, and a solid ride. My hope is that the powers that be install something in that spot worthy of its predecessors.
  3. It is unfortunately a sign of these times I suppose that this has to be implemented. I cherish the days as a preteen and teenager enjoying the park so many summer days by myself or with some friends. So many fantastic memories! Like I have said before, as a young kid, I never thought once of causing any problems at the park. It is my Zen place and always has been, so I treat it with the respect it is due. Line jumping and stupid behavior has always been a thing by few, but it seems more prevalent now at times. My parents and grandparents would have made my life miserable if I behaved badly at the park. But they never had to worry about that because KI is so special to me.
  4. I just got back from a two day visit to Holiday World with my youngest son a couple weeks ago. The Voyage absolutely rocks! Not as smooth as it once was, but very re-ridable for me anyway. Just truly, one of the best coaster experiences out there! Got 22 rides that day! I cannot get enough of that ride! Legend was running pretty good too...definitely rougher but still a wild fun ride. Raven on the other hand...not so much. First, as I have gotten bigger with age, those trains feel so small to fit into. And it was way rougher than I remembered from a few years ago when I last visited. The bonfire, a couple brews and comfy bed at the house we stayed at close to the park was much needed! Spent the first day enjoying the waterpark. Trying to keep up with my 18 year old walking up all those stairs was fun! Ha! Those water coasters are so much fun though! Wildebeast is my favorite there and such a blast! Cheetah Chase was awesome too! Hopefully the new addition to KI's waterpark will be close to those.
  5. Well with the posts today by the park, hoping for a Cheetah Chase type of racing water coaster! Just went to Holiday a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed the water coasters. And the tons of Voyage rides!
  6. This is truly a sad event. I just cannot wrap my head around thinking it's ok to climb over fencing with obvious warning signs and a coaster train traveling almost 70mph, to find your keys that were lost while riding. I always have worn zip pocket pants/shorts when I go to any amusement park since lost my wallet once at KI (very luckily I found it in the following train). Learned a lesson that day a long time ago. Secure everything in a zipper pocket when riding and check that everything is zipped up right before getting on a ride. I have seen a couple of horrible accidents, and I witnessed a truly tragic loss of a very young life when I was a teenager in my neighborhood when a little girl got hit by a car. It is an indescribable event and truly horrific. The lady that hit the girl was beyond grief, shock and heartbreaking emotions you rarely see. There was no time for her to react since the girl ran right out in front of her. Me and my friends were in complete shock. Even the first responders were hit hard by what happened. It is a rough story to read I know. But, my point is, once you witness something like that, it will always be there in your mind. So, I feel for the employees, riders, first responders or anyone there having to live through something of that magnitude. It stays with you forever. I truly hope the man who is fighting for his life survives and recovers as best he can. One lapse of judgement, so hopefully he pulls through. Those warning signs are there for a reason, but like the employee in the interview said...if someone wants to really get back there, there is no stopping them. People seem to think sometimes they can break rules, oblivious to the danger to themselves for things that just can wait and not worth being critically injured or killed over.
  7. And that's why, even as a big tough guy, I don't mess with anyone cutting in line anymore. People seem to have extremely short fuses, less morals and are prone to fight or worse these days. Even when they are obviously in the wrong. I was taught respect and rules from my family, especially in a public place. I love my home park and never think about breaking rules or being a general jerk in respect to the place that has been my second home my whole life. I just do not get people that think they are so special the rules do not apply to them and potentially are violent like this instance.
  8. I'm old school when it comes to having a physical pass always. I was in line at the Brewhouse last year with my son when a girl in front of me of had her phone die in line and had no physical pass to use her meal plan. She was freaking out a bit. I let her know her that she can get a physical pass. She kinda acted surprised you could get an actual pass. What would we do without our phones now...ha! Saw her later that day and she thanked me for pointing that out to her.
  9. Fearfest was definitely less tame than now days. Who could forget actual Midget Wrestling matches during Fearfest in the middle of the Festhaus! Who thought of that? There seemed to be generally more scares along the midways, alot more fog and if I remember right, real bugs in one of the mazes that was close to The Racer back then. I think it was a Mummy themed walk through and they had real bugs enclosed in glass as part of it. Yep, those were the early days of the event. There was so much fog, that riding Drop Zone, you could not see the ground below you after a certain point. It was freaky fun!
  10. I finally got a ride on Drop Tower this past Sunday. Absolutely love that ride. Only problem now as I have grown since it first opened, they had to squish me in my seat. My shoulders and torso just don't fit easy anymore. Only time being 6' 4" is a bad thing...ha! So, got the ride in but it was a bit uncomfortable going up. That is the only ride at KI I have trouble fitting into for my size.
  11. Cannot agree more and to add, the sound of snapping the Eagles back on that path is missed by me just as much. Vortex was an icon at the park and fit that spot perfect after the original Bat. So, whatever goes there has to pay tribute to the legendary coasters before it.
  12. I cannot remember ever seeing that particular refill station open it seems. Seems there is always a lot of people any given day through that area of the park. I think I got a drink there once...ha! But, very true, two people manning the beer bar next to Larosa's last night.
  13. Got my first ride on it yesterday afternoon. Not much of a line but it still took a bit to load. It's a snappy little coaster for it's size. I sat in the back seat and it was a bit taller than it looks from up there too. I really enjoyed it although as I get older, going backwards on any coaster is tough on the equilibrium. Funny cause I used to love the backwards Racer. I am curious to see how Good Gravy stacks up to it when I go to Holiday World in July between me marathoning Voyage. Absolutely love that coaster.
  14. I have only rode Mystic once this year. Got an early ride before the school crowds arrived. So the line was not long at all. Last year I witnessed the worst line jumping I have seen in Mystic's line. Groups of people just climbing over railings and getting in front of people on multiple occasions. I called the security number once but did not see the line jumpers get caught. It is so prevalent in that line any given day for some reason. In the past, since I am a big guy, I have told line jumpers to get lost. Now, no one really says anything since these days so many are just prone to fight first or worse if called out. It's a different world these days.
  15. Awesome news! It has become one of my favorite beers ever! I know it's not for everyone, but I think it's one of the tastiest summer brews out there. Making a stop after work next week to pick some up!
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