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Everything posted by BB1

  1. There's actually several neighborhoods in NKY that have a few graveyards mixed in. I know of a prominent one that had to create an actual round about around it to work around the plot.
  2. This is actually mfw I read this thread anymore. *sigh* I'm excited to get on Banshee tomorrow or Sunday, I missed it last week and I'm not going to miss it again!
  3. On that same track of concept, Banshee is, besides Orion IIRC, the most technologically advanced coaster in the park. It's practically a computer that just so happens to be a coaster at some points. With the amount of sensors it has, I wouldn't be surprised if one went out and it just needs that kind of work done instead of track work.
  4. ^So that comes on the tail of Newsom basically saying no and no to the concept. If anything, they're going deeper by saying that you have to wear a mask inbetween bites of food now. https://www.ocregister.com/2020/10/07/newsom-no-hurry-to-reopen-disneyland-and-other-california-theme-parks/ I'm not anticipating the parks to open until Winter or Spring at this rate.
  5. I'm going to be real for a second, anyone who is selling right now is not using their noggin for a lack of better terms. First off, the value of the product will gradually increase, I wouldn't put an exact percentage, but with it being such a sought after product there will be a market in the future. Secondly, selling this quickly is not the best idea, because honestly you're only playing into the narrative of the coaster enthusiast only out for cash. Enjoy your piece, maybe keep the other one for awhile sealed up just in case that piece were to have something happen to it. I think if you, an owner of a luxury, priceless object, wish to sell your piece at a later date, that's fine. It's capitalism, make money to get more stuff...... at a later point after all the sales have been made and the price has time to go up for a product. Appreciation folks, appreciate your Vortex pieces, and wait for the appreciation of the value thereof. For those of you who are wondering, no I'm not selling mine, ever.
  6. So I do know Banshee has been having a weird year this year. 1. Banshee's rattle got 3X worse this year, I ride Banshee almost every visit, heck it's my #3 coaster ranked on my steel rankings. I have easily a couple hundred cycles on this thing, and yet every seat this year I've gotten a nasty rattle. 2. A few weeks ago purple train was pulled from operations, which I thought maybe was a wheel issue for the rattling, and iirc I haven't seen purple train in operation since. With this new development, I'm seriously wondering if they're trying to fix some rattling or there is a piece of track they need to work on. (For the record though, I never felt any rattling on the first drop even in the flare out)
  7. I'm not going to lie, it's probably for some off season work on an electrical line or to renovate the whole parking lot (If KI has the money/time to do as we desperately need it.). I wouldn't hyperimpose on a lot of these markings, we already saw that going deep on some can lead to speculation about a water line system. This could even be a part of that renovation as they would need to show where the lines run if they're doing such a project. I personally would ask the Dippin' Dots guy for some clarification, but he's been referring me to Pepe Silvia recently....
  8. I wouldn't call myself a fan of Vortex, not even remotely close to even an enthusiast thereof. However, I did appreciate the coaster and enjoyed it more and more in it's latter years. It just had a really good layout, and honestly I think if it had some touch ups to smooth it out more it could have been a top 20 coaster at least.
  9. Ngl definitely higher quality than I was anticipating. It’s 100% metal and honestly it looks far more valuable than 198!
  10. Remember kiddies, you asked for it, now you get to buy it. I'm pretty excited, I have a fat stack of change ready for Saturday to buy two of them and head back home afterwards. It's another piece for the KI collection I have in the curio closet.
  11. To be frank, the SOB station and that whole region of the park needs to open up for future expansion into the old Safari plains if they want to grow the park out. If you remove SOB's station, regrade the whole area to be more open, the various choke points that were once an issue turns into a walkway that easily takes you into a new area of the park. I don't personally see such an expansion for a long time, but it's just something to be mindful of for the future of the park.
  12. That's the point, there's already a model developed that would fit perfectly with what you're asking for. Plus, in all honesty, BLSC is getting some age and it shows with some of the roughness it has now.
  13. .....Or you could just build a Gerstlauer custom family coaster that has a firetruck theme and expand on the area. I would love to see a reproduction of classic Cincinnati buildings and areas, a 1900's OTR with the German names, a "riverfront" marketplace, you could do a lot with something like that. Plus, in all honesty I would love to see more of a historical take on Rivertown and bring back that western/turn of the century vibe back to that part of the park.
  14. I mean Wildcat was an original coaster at Coney Island though, it ties with the history of the park. Ditto on the Wing coaster concept, however for as much as I would love to see a top tier launched Wing at the park, I don't know if CF wants to one up a headliner at CP with a coaster at KI. I actually believe a Wing is arguably the biggest hole in their park, something that is borderline family and borderline thrill while being a B&M that packs a punch in the lineup.
  15. Comet, Wildcat, Shooting Star, Aeroplane, Cyclone, basically any more classic sounding name would work. Heck, you could even make it aviation themed as Lunken Airport is really close to the OG Coney Island.
  16. Boomerang Bay vibes intensifies In all seriousness though, I think it should be something tied to Coney Mall. Coney Mall. YTD, CM has one anchor coaster, RiverTown has two, three if you count Mystic. Coney is the perfect spot for something to hark back to the past, while bringing modern thrills. Heck, maybe something like a modern take on the Aeroplane concept would go really well back in that area. However, with that being said, I think we have a lot of options to run with and I'm looking forward to see what the park can do.
  17. Okay can we just take a second to appreciate the fact that Chef Major has been rocking the food scene ever since he came to KI? From the stylistic food choices at the Miami River Brewhouse, to the Chef's Plate program, Chef Major, honestly speaking, is my favorite executive chef YTD. I love the fact that he's also very out there unlike his predecessors. (IIRC I never saw the old Exec chef as active in the park as I have seen from Chef Major) Pre-Major, I had more reasons to go outside of the park than to eat inside. Now? I have 3 maybe even 4 different Kings Island "brand" restaurants to choose from, and that's honestly what I've been wanting for years now. Kudos on KI for getting some different food out there esp with the Chef's Plate program, definitely something I can say has been a smash hit with my family and several friends of mine.
  18. On Chrome Win 10 the avatar on the top ribbon is squished together, and on regular posts the avatar circle is hyper imposed over the rank/role. (Over a few points right and down) Also, you can't see the post reply number on the right hand side with the posts.
  19. As someone who actually worked at the waterpark, there is space there to operate both a daytime halloween event, a night time halloween attraction, and even a winter event if the park wanted to. You could make it into a crafts/food village or even make the trick or treating trail around the lazy river pathway. You could even make that into a haunt area to make it loop and go around the whole deal while still having a daytime area for the kids. For Winterfest, make a Hawaiian Christmas area, put up some faux palm trees, maybe even put up a faux sled hill on one of the straight ways of the WP. I think people just don't really think of the area much because of the distance, but honestly if the park did it right and made the trail or train as exciting as possible, I think the park could do it. As for the whole park, I honestly would love to see the park expand hours into November and March. November could have a few rides and attractions and take a week off before WF just to do last minute work, but I think people would go. However, with March, it would be the same idea, except less rides and more of a food festival. Maybe have a form of a celtic fest and focus more on the food and drinks line up with a few coasters and attractions that could operate. As, in my opinion, if people come in winter for Winterfest, people would be bound to come in March for an early opening. (Although, tbh if the park would let passholders do it, I would love to just walk the park during the off season if they could let us on certain days in a concentrated path.)
  20. It's honestly really sad that we have to have this conversation, but it is needed in this day in age. The coaster community from all across the board has been welcoming and should be a place for everyone to not have to worry about their safety. However with recent events, it's upsetting because I saw the individual at HWN, and I could have ridden in the same car as him. Safety, is, has, and will always be at the forefront of any park that you go to, the same should be said for the websites/communities that cover and discuss them too. Kudos to the individuals coming out on the subject, and kudos to the KIC team for making a statement of something that we all know is true; but is nice to be reminded of, that is, that KIC is and should be a safe place for all who are a part of it.
  21. You know, for as much as I would hate to say it, I think a RMC ground up hybrid would make for the perfect compliment in that area of the park. You have the terrain, you have the space, you have the capacity to maybe even make a true Son of Beast (If the park would even dare touch that IP anymore) right next to the original. Maybe even have some interactivity with The Beast and make it work around the area. I'll admit, the ride would probably be cramped and there is probably better areas in the park that elude me now that would be a better fit. However, I think it would be a good way to maybe integrate the two areas of the park with classic Coney getting a new icon coaster.
  22. I'm actually going to go a different direction with Flight of Fear. That coaster in and of itself personally could use a new area theme as it is kind of somewhat dated. Maybe have some more atmospheric affects, as it is currently one of my favorite themed coasters in the park besides Mystic. However, I can agree with Banshee as I think Banshee still has so much more potential than the park gives it. I'd love to see a redesign sometime soon to freshen up and make it more spooky sometime. (Maybe even a few trees while we're at it)
  23. Dude, I expected The Thing when I popped in so I respect the vibe. Looks pretty neat, not a huge show guy, and honestly the shows in the fall give me the most headaches. (Although the elf show during Winterfest is very close imo) Maybe they can finally pull off something that I can enjoy, who knows.
  24. Speculates for weeks about flags and markers, links his article for massive concepts and ideas. Then good old Mr M. comes in with some truth bombs about it being just a water line project. (I honestly don't mean to attack anyone by the way, I just simply love irony) In other news, glad to hear that they're upgrading some of the water systems. At least we're getting *some* improvements for 2021.
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