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Everything posted by BB1

  1. When sitting back in the car, feeling the warm wind, you feel spring coming and that Opening Day is coming.
  2. I don't know about you, but I think this is the next best thing on here since the Decoding topic! Dirt is dirt, don't make a Mountain out of a mole Hill. I don't think this is big, but i do however think that this is a diversion, just saying.
  3. Going off of last week's topic, this week we will be taking a much lighter note on the various areas of Kings Island. Throughout the history of Kings Island we have had some incredible themed areas. The areas of Kings Island have evolved and changed to the ever changing amusement industry that we live in today. From some of the great themes by Paramount, to some of the more interesting notes on theme by Cedar Fair, we have seen some huge changes in how the areas have evolved and changed. This week, we will be taking a look at the most utilized theme of an area. This could be by use of attractions, or revamps that created even better areas. The main focus though is theme and how it is used. Coney Mall is the prime example for me. Even though it has evolved and changed, it still has that classic feel that it meant to provoke. The classic carnival theme, even though modified, still strikes a tone with me and how I feel about the area. It's a place to where you can find classic attractions with modern day flare. Flats, an ARROW Looper, and a classic woody sums up everything that a carnival should have. Also, it's the one area that I can proudly support Midway Games along the side of the walkways.
  4. Every year it seems people get excited over a new addition to a certain area of the park. Whether it be a new coaster, or a new food stand (Also where we get solid information from the Dippin' Dots Guy) it is always exciting to see growth. But, for some areas of the park, growth is lacking. From a loosely themed German area to a military base with no restrooms, it's sad to think about the loss of theme. So, which area is the most under valued area of the park, and what do you think could make it better?
  5. And i have no doubt that it is coming sooner than what we think. More than ever are people connected to their phones and especially at the parks. Personally, I hate mobile image viewing as it gets odd image layouts and also it is zoomed in or zoomed out so much that i cannot see the full image correctly. Would i personally use a virtual map? No, but that doesn't mean the virtual populous won't.
  6. With the possibility of more options for the day's events(Fingers crossed for sign shop tour and or some tour to where I can see old Boomerang Bay stuff!) , I might be able to go to COASTERSTOCK 2016. Especially with the Gold Pass Preview Day for the waterpark happening in the same weekend it should be a nice get away!
  7. So I just realized that I might be at Kings Island's Opening Day this year, pretty excited and ready to get back on The Beast and get my first Banshee ride of 2016!
  8. Better late than not at all, right? With the recent revelation of a possible new basketball game in River Town, it has brought about alot of speculation in our community. With that, questions on where the park will go or what should be done. What do you guys think on the new additions as of late? Should the park take a different approach to River Town in whole?
  9. 2004, Paramount's Kings Island proudly presents.....Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay! That was by far the most perfect Kings Island map ever made and everything since has been a mimic of the WaterWorks mimic. Even the new Cedar Fair art style of which now is more like carrying around a canvas instead of a brochure. I hate folding that monstrosity into my pockets because it doesn't look right there after. Sure, I know the park like how I know the back of my hand, but i always keep a new updated map.
  10. Maybe we should just let Interpreter interpret the weather, he's usually right......usually. I honestly am impressed that Don can rouse an enthusiast base with a photo of some dirt and sticks with words on them. He seriously knows what he is doing, and kudos too! Personally i see it nothing more than a possible new flower bed, or sign area for a certain 2017 attraction?
  11. Where is Goble? Meanwhile, I will be taking my first "Spring" walk today!
  12. Of course I get The Beast. Glad to be the fourth and first to not be Vortex!
  13. BB1

    Project 2017?

    Hanna Barberra Land had Bedrock, it was fun to drive around too!I'm honestly in the dark on this one, but I'm going to have to think out of the box for this one. Just remember kiddies that 2016 we got no "true" dark rides, but 2017 looks promising. Now if instead we got a shoot the chutes water attraction back in Coney Mall that would be incredible where Dinosaurs Alive! resides today. It would also fit in with the nostalgic theme that Kings Island has somewhat perpetuated in light tones here and there.
  14. So on my phone that I usually use to access the Forums Ibal am getting error code #2000 You are not allowed to visit this community. Meanwhile on another device I can still post and I don't believe I have been suspended. Anyone have any help or troubleshooting aid? Also I cannot get out of the mobile theme so i cannot go anywhere on the site. EDIT: Turned the phone off and back on again, do not have the slightest clue on why this happened but everything is working fine. Thanks, BB1
  15. Every Super Bowl Sunday many Americans sit back, relax and watches the big game. That is, the big game plus all the commercials that come with it. It has even become a fan fare to watch these commercials as it becomes a "Super Bowl" of branding. Some are audacious, some are just plain out weird and makes me not want to buy their product (I'm looking at you Mountain Dew, a Pepsi product, I wish I never saw that, ever.). So with the new commercials here and many of us already having our opinions on them, what was your favorite Super Bowl commercial for 2016?
  16. When you sit back looking at the thick snow and watch POVs of The Beast and Banshee.
  17. Every year many here on KIC wonder and question if we will ever see an Off Season tour of KI. That is, to have more tours by park sponsored events for enthusiasts. But other than KI, there are even more parks that many would like to see an off season tour of the park. So with this cold snap rolling in and many of us still in the coaster mood: Which park would you like to see an of season tour of?
  18. BB1

    Project 2017?

    If I have learned anything from KIC, it's that everything is a diversion until proven otherwise. Don't forget folks that the Dinosaurs may be going extinct if that great contract expires in the near future. (If that contract has been renewed please enlighten me as i have yet to hear other wise.) Thus creating a nice little plot of land just perfect for a new attraction(s).
  19. Just a few things: -Give me a new rollercoaster. Something different, MACK or RMC even. -Give me better food service, food quality, and food quantity. -Restrooms in X-Base -Retheme International Street to actually be an International Street. -Antique Cars -Mine ride in the big box o'FUN. -Rebrand/Retheme the waterpark, seriously it's what 4 years old now? I heard that Australian theming is a growing theme in the young people......
  20. It was an experience. I had fun watching everyone trying to eat them. I got a plate full and managed to find one bite of chewable meat. Those ribs should not be called ribs. I will never have ribs at the park again after that experience. Sadly, I will not be attending this year's event. It's basically last year's event added with a few more ERTs on coasters and attractions I rarely ride anyways, and if there is no new tours, then why bother? I would if I got Banshee or FoF tours, but not for something that has already been done once before. Things might change, things might not, but my resentment for those ribs still stands.
  21. ERT, commonly known as Early Ride Time, is one of the best perks at Kings Island. It's a chance to get some morning, or occasionally night, rides on our favorite attractions. These attractions though change throughout the year, and this year being the most volatile. With changing line ups, a few of us had acquired new tastes for the best rides to have ERT on and some of the worst. So, with the recent announcement of this year's ERT, which year or phase of the year's ERT did you enjoy the most?
  22. I'm not going to lie, at first i thought that this was a new show for Holiday World. I'm glad to see a change up in what they offer and it's healthy to do so. Meanwhile don't look for me to flock to the bandstand as i honestly never care about the live entertainment. I have only sat down once for the Ed Alonzo show but that was mainly for a friend of mine.
  23. I find it ironic that KIC has 195 pages of both accolades and criticisms about this park. Kentucky Kingdom would profit HEAVILY if they were to have opportunities to reach out to sites like this. Even though it is criticism, it is also a mode to state that "hey, we care for the well being of the park and want the best.". No one likes to see a park fail, and I think we can all agree that we like to see parks grow and flourish, like Kentucky Kingdom. I have good hope for the park is the PR can improve, as you stated Beast Unchained, there seems to be a new movement with their outreach. I hope that they do more advertising in 2016 as I believe they will need every last visitor from the state. It is time to take the eyes off of everywhere else and to go for the Kentuckians themselves not the external market, as it is Kentucky Kingdom, not Indiana Kingdom.
  24. Many here on the site have distinct view points on what Kings Island has to offer in terms of food. It's something we discussed last week with our favorite food stands at the park, but now it is time to look forward. The park has a colorful history of the foods given at the park and have innovated from what we had before. But where should Kings Island's food collection go from here? Should they go and make more food stands or should they lessen the load? Are there places where a food stand should be? Any of these ideas and anything else are viable in the poll discussion.
  25. Just remember Rudyza, there is also an amazing Skyline in Mason adjacent to The Beach Waterpark which hosts The Beach Mountain during this time of year. They have a neat train that goes through the main dining area with a great view of the Kings Island Skyline from the far side of the restaurant as well! Welcome to KIC!
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