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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. Happy Earth Day! B)

  2. Wow! This is actually hits me a lttle harder than Coasterstock being cancelled, mostly because June is a few months away while (comparatively speaking), Coasterstock is right around the corner. That being said, I wasn't planning on going this year as I didn't recognize a majority of the artists in this year's lineup.
  3. I was wondering why Possessed wasn't there; that's really unfortunate if it is being removed- especially considering it's history! If true, that would be the second relocated Geagua Lake ride that has bit the dust in its new location. I would really love to see if at Kings Island; they could put it next to Invertigo so the two coaster types could be in close proximity to each other. Between Bat, Banshee, Invertigo, Delirium, Drop Tower and Possessed, I would be staying in Action Zone for a good portion of my KI visit.
  4. Went home for a bit, but now I'm back! Just got some Vanilla Coke at the Oktoberfest Freestyle and going to ride AE next: Someone forgot to remove those Winterfest lights, though..
  5. Time to go soaring on Banshee! The line is actually pretty decent!
  6. Yeah, I don't see Invertigo opening any time soon...
  7. Just picked up pizza at Rivertown LaRosa's! And as I'm walking, it looks like we are getting the 80's show again starting next month...
  8. It would be 20 years old this season! Thankfully, Banshee is a much more reliable ride.
  9. From launch coaster to launch coaster... Unfortunately, it appears it's down right now...
  10. Despite all the increased traffic in Area 72, FOF's wait is not too bad today; hopefully it'll be a great ride experience!
  11. @Nutterie Sharing videos/pics from KI to make it feel like we are at Opening Day even though we physically can't be there b/c COVID-19 So, I just went down to the valley... yeah, I'm gonna be here a while... getting plenty of re-rides!
  12. Today would have been Opening Day! Though I may not have gone because Easter plans (my family celebrates the day before and the day of), I certainly would have been to breakfast at Frisch's. And to add to the above post, in addition to just getting into the park again, I'm really looking forward to riding The Bat, Adventure Express, Beast, Invertigo and of course, Orion. When I get to go again, I think I may stick to my plan of not doing Orion first (because I wanted to see how short the lines are elsewhere), but now I kinda think that reason is irrelevant as all lines may be short due to social distancing and/or the effects (the "fear factor", as someone put it) of COVID-19. Still, I think I will either do The Bat, Adventure Express (because remember 20 years ago, we got a hyper hybrid in Son of Beast and AE is a hybrid coaster) or Invertigo first before moving over to Area 72.
  13. I, too, cannot wait to get back to scaring again! As for what I'd like to see from a guest POV, I think it would be interesting if Blackout turned into a cold maze. Some cold wind and frostbite theming combined with the darkness would really freak me out. That being said, I might try it at least once (if that were possible), just to face my fears (I don't like the dark mazes or the idea of freezing to death).
  14. Here is an interesting article I found yesterday about how Microsoft thinks the world will change because of this pandemic: https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/9/21214314/microsoft-teams-usage-coronavirus-pandemic-work-habit-change Spoiler alert:
  15. I am also in favor of Coasterstock being rescheduled- this would be my first year going!
  16. From 1:32 until that disgustingly twisted part (1:54), if taken at proper speeds (like 45-55 mph), that part of the purple "crap coaster" actually has a pretty interesting layout. May want to knock off those last two inversions at the end, though, but to me, it looks solid! As for the "2020 as a (dumpster fire) coaster" jokes, personally for me 2020 was going fantastic and it's still going pretty well, even though I can't freely go places like I used to (though I do love the option of working from home). But at the same time, I have spent that time that I would have spent going out doing other meaningful things like watching movies with my family and bonding with my Pokemon team in Pokemon White. Not only are three of my teammates some of my faves from the Unova region (and Unova is turning out to be a fantastic region, might I add!), but this game/team is significant as I bought it online during this historic pandemic (that counts for something, right?). And also, don't forget, 2020 is still a special year because we are 20 years from the year 2000... coronavirus doesn't change that milestone! -MDMC, trying to stay positive
  17. I just read about the delay and I'm still very much looking forward to it! I just hope to get all the other books I plan to read done before it's out lol. But even if I don't, I'm still planning to buy it whenever it comes out!
  18. I, for one, can deal with this. I'm sure (I hope ) the thermometers used are sanitized with each use, though. Other than that, I will be happy riding The Bat, Orion, Adventure Express, The Beast and everything else that manages to open. Though it would put a damper on the new Area 72 if FOF didn't open with the park... Also, would Festhaus be open... many questions here...
  19. But wouldn't this mean these parks will (eventually) come back strong because they have these new, amazing coasters?
  20. I haven't ridden Slingshot since 2015. Also, I didn't ride Congo Falls, Dodgem, the Carousel, and RFYLCB once in 2019.
  21. I just watched my church service online yesterday and it was great; it actually brought a sense of normal-ness to it all as it was great to see the worship team and preacher that I would normally interact with most every Sunday And speaking of churches... https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/local/solid-rock-pastor-targets-reaction-church-services-during-sunday-sermon/15QyOacdLeAXnh7AyQ2KwK/ Just want to say that ultimately, I believe the Church is about the body of believers, not just the building (so what Solid Rock is doing is dangerous in this day and age). That being said, I understand some people will want to get back to normal, which includes being in-person at church, but we'll just have to wait it out. For now, online services will just have to do!
  22. I think I've been on all the adult rides the park currently offers (excluding Planet Snoopy and Orion ). There were some seasons where I just didn't ridden certain rides at all, but I think I've ridden every adult ride currently in operation at least once in my lifetime. As for defunct rides, I never got to ride King Cobra as I got a walk-of-shame for being too short. And I probably did not get to all of the Action Theater Rides (I know Smash Factory and the short-lived Funtastic World of Hanna Barbara as Side B was almost never open), but I know I did Spongebob and 7th Portal when they were around. Finally, I don't think I ever got to experience The Edge (that giant climbing wall near where the Oktoberfest Coke Freestyle is today)- though I do (barely) remember seeing it in person - and the Eurobobbles (I think?). The latter were on Flight Commander's pad, which has since been removed for Autos. Speaking of the Autos, I don't know if I ever did the Rivertown side of the original Antique Cars. EDIT: Also never rode Phantom Theater as it seemed scary as a kid.
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