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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. Yes, I remember one Opening Day in particular (2018, I think, because Firehawk was still around) where all three of the Arrows didn't run as it was too cold. EDIT: Speaking of Firehawk, look how red the newly painted track was its opening year: https://rcdb.com/3793.htm#p=19045
  2. I volunteer as tribute!!! I'm now curious to see how wearing gloves and a mask would work on The Bat! Seriously, it kinda hit me today about facing the realities of different scenarios affecting Kings Island's future operations. I really hope the park opens this year or even for next year, but if something does happen that causes this to be longer than expected, at least NYE 2020 was one heck of a send-off!!!
  3. I think those icons are for Funpix stations, and since Funpix works with on-ride photos, than maybe FoF is getting its picture back! Also, Timberwolf is labeled on the map! I don't remember if it had been in recent years. And Mystic Timbers looks very fleshed out in this version. Finally, I didn't even notice Vortex was off the map until someone said something... I think it might hit me more when I see it (gone) in person. EDIT: And Orion looks great on that map!!!
  4. Not related to theme parks, but I just found this out via Youtube... country singer Joe Diffie died due to "complications from [COVID-19]. One article I found discussing his death: https://abc7ny.com/health/country-singer-joe-diffie-dies-after-covid-19-diagnosis/6060991/
  5. WOW! Coaster thru the Clouds looks like a Roller Coaster Tycoon-esque coaster loosely based on the idea of Millennium Force. Also, can we talk about those multiple headchoppers, though! Also, more relevant to the question, if Intamin did work with Cedar Fair again, I'd love to see a Intamin Impulse at KI. But if speaking more realistically, one of those 10 Inversion coasters and/or an Intamin Blitz would be fantastic!!! Or even something custom/unique would be cool. EDIT: An Aquatrax would be cool too! Also, Fun Fact: according to RCDB, there is apparently a max height restriction on Coaster Through the Clouds (much like Banshee, DT or Delirium at KI); definitely makes sense with those multiple headchoppers!
  6. Nice! Great theming! Also, I was going through this thread and I just now realized why there is a seemingly "random" blacktop path near the Rivertown restrooms* (where Backlot's switchbacks are visible)... based on the picture of the original Antique Cars, I think that's a remnant from back in the day as it looks like the Rivertown station is in that general area. *for those who don't know what I'm talking about, if walking towards Rivertown LaRosas and Diamondback's splashdown is on your left, it is a tiny blacktop path that goes upwards and to the left (in the direction of Backlot Stunt Coaster). If someone who knows what I'm talking about can post a picture, that would be fantastic (or we can see it whenever KI opens back up).
  7. When/if Kings Island opens for the season, I have an idea for how to do weekday operations: Each day, a section of the park (or select rides) could be open for that specific day. For example, on Mondays, they could only open Action Zone and the shops on I-Street, on Tuesday you could open Oktoberfest and half of Coney, Saturdays could be Planet Snoopy, Diamondback and Mystic Timbers, etc. Some rides, like Orion, Beast and Mystic, could be open every day or almost every day (especially Orion as that is what a lot of people have been anticipating riding and Beast/Mystic seem to be pretty popular). As conditions start to improve, more and more of the park would open on certain days, and eventually, once conditions and staffing improves, everything can open! EDIT: During this phased opening time, ticket prices could be scaled based on the day. It's basically ERT, but the park is open to everyone (or like those limited operation days they used to have back in the 2000's- that's how I got my first ride on Flight of Fear; it was one of the only coasters open that day!). Though I've worked at the park for numerous seasons (and hope to go back to scare again), I really don't know how the process of getting the park open for the season works from a business perspective (especially in times like these!); this is just my $.02 on this matter.
  8. I heard that the Costco near me is doing this exact thing: limiting the number of people in their store (warehouse?). Not sure if that measure has been implemented anywhere else.
  9. True. We still don't know what the complete economic impact of COVID-19 will be.
  10. Well, I'm glad we now have an answer re: Opening Day. I, for one, am looking forward to the mid-May opening, because now I know I can attend (barring any lingering COVID-19-restriction that says I can't or shouldn't). If Kings Island was opening in April as planned (excluding COVID-19 from the equation), I may have had to miss that weekend as my family typically celebrates Easter the day before (as well as the day of). While I could handle missing that day (as I could have just gone the next weekend), I feel better knowing there is a higher likelihood that I'll be at the park on Opening Day! EDIT: Also, this... If someone asks when KI plans to open, we can just say this:
  11. I quoted myself when I just posted in the Random Food Discussion Thread ^, but I'm curious on how others have seen COVID-19 affect daily life (besides social distancing measures, working from home and events being cancelled).
  12. "If You can hold the stars in place, You can hold my heart the same ... so here I am, lifting up my heart, to the One who holds the stars" -Skillet, Stars

    These are trying times right now, but we have to believe we WILL get through this! Have faith! :D

  13. I'm curious if Coasterstock will even be happening; only time will tell...
  14. I remember Coaster Studios talking about this a while back. I watched that video in the link and this thing looks insane. I kinda think they could do something to differentiate it from Pantheon and Tempesto (like maybe put wing trains on it or something), but other than that, it looks cool.
  15. That would be Danny Gokey! He's a Christian singer who was some really cool songs! I saw him live at Winter Jam a year or two ago, and during his set, I cheered, cried and breakdanced. He can sing in both English and Spanish. Here's another song of his for those that are interested:
  16. This is extremely relevant and extremely awesome; enjoy!
  17. A few things here... #1: If Orion is awesome (I'm thinking it's gonna be!), then I'll get a T-shirt! I'm also in the market for a zip-up hoodie since Vortex ate the zipper! #2: This is what I've been looking for since this whole outbreak started. It's a map showing how each US state (and other countries) is affected by this virus. Spoiler Alert: Washington State got hit hard: https://time.com/5800901/coronavirus-map/?utm_source=roundup&campaign=coronavirus #3: My stance on the whole park opening thing... yes, I love Kings Island, but I can wait it out, so long as I get to ride stuff eventually and it's not a Geagua Lake situation. In a (good) way, I feel like we've been spoiled by having a shorter offseason due to Winterfest coming back. We've waited six months in prior offseasons, and hopefully we can do it now. Though we may have a shorter season overall, there is so much to look forward to once we get past this crisis. I, for one, am looking forward to Orion, and Adventure Express, and The Bat, Invertigo, Drop Zone, Delirium and all the rest!!! On a final note, it will be interesting to see if there will be any refunds because of the shortened season or incentives to get people to come back (but like some have said, cabin fever may be enough!).
  18. Question: Does this mean drive-thru windows will still be open at restaurants that have them (such as Wendy's, Gold Star, etc.)?
  19. I was just at my local Kroger and I saw they are cutting their hours (7 AM-9 PM, IIRC). The shelves were not as empty as I thought they'd be (or, according to some, as they once were- according to a family friend I ran into while on my second trip, Night Crew is really helping out with restocking!), though parts of shelves were still pretty empty. During my total of two back-to-back trips, I only saw one person wearing a mask. On a final note, I finally got a pair of shades! Whenever KI decides to open, I'll be ready!
  20. This article explains how the National Guard is assisting with the COVID-19 pandemic : https://www.militarytimes.com/news/coronavirus/2020/03/13/national-guard-activated-to-combat-coronavirus-spread-in-six-states-more-to-follow/ Also mentions that New York is conducting drive-thru coronavirus testing
  21. I've recently got a ton of e-mails from companies (like Kenwood Towne Center, Regal Cinemas, etc.) regarding the coronavirus and what they are doing about it. In fact, there is a King Kong (1933) movie night tomorrow evening at Regal Deerfield (I'm not going lol)! My general approach to this is to stay calm and wait it out- it'll be alright, fam! That being said, I am feeling the impact in my own life as my Saturday morning Men's Group was cancelled and per doctor's orders, I'm not allowed to go to church on Sundays because crowds (which is alright; I can listen to the sermon online). On a more positive note, I really enjoyed sleeping in this morning and I've been training my Pokemon team on HeartGold for a majority of the day. I also want to give a shoutout to @Rustbucket for giving us encouraging news from other parts of the globe. It is good to hear the spread is going down in China and South Korea, even as the US and Italy are beginning to deal with this situation. As a final note, even though it takes longer, we absolutely want the flattened curve so medical staff an effectively handle this pandemic. Yes, it may take longer, but at least people are getting treated!
  22. Oh yes; fliggity floobity (or something like that...) Though it was shortened and toned down for the kids, I still enjoyed the HallowTween version of Chaos! What would be the cherry on top is if they put a scareactor or two in line (specifically in the first room).
  23. I think it would be cool to go through Chaos to get to Orion, at least until the lines die down (kind of like having to go through The Crypt/Madame Fatale's to get to Mystic Timbers on Preview Night 2017). They could start the line from where you come out of the maze, put switchbacks behind the building (like the maze had for Haunt), go through the maze, and then upon reaching the exit, curve back around to the Orion line. It would be complicated, but it would be so cool!
  24. Interesting concept! Looks like it's only the front of the park. No Rougarou but at least we have Valravn and Wicked Twister. Should be pretty cool! EDIT: Also, looks like this is the weekend before Opening Day; interesting... I'm excited to see what's in store for the rest of the season... I will likely be making only one trip (2 days) to CP this year, so I've got to plan accordingly. Also, as a note/reminder, Season passes are NOT valid for the event
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