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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. I wouldn't call Gary Coleman an "enthusiast," just some guy who really likes Diamondback.
  2. Great trip report. Glad you had a fun day. I second MDMC's thoughts about Adventure Express at night. I love the ride during the day and it gets so much better at night.
  3. As cool as a mega lite sounds, it would likely be out of KK's budget because their proposed new coaster will be about 7 million USD.
  4. Are there any rides at Kings Island with a triple redundant restraint?
  5. And what about cable lift hills? What's stopping a train from rolling back should a power outage occur?
  6. Flight of Fear has footage of crop circles in the preshow...
  7. That's because the system has the required x clicks to run. There is only so much a computer can do. Edit: beaten to the punch.
  8. I was of the impression the monorail was used for special occasions on the property, but I've been wrong plenty of times before.
  9. I'm only stating what I read here. Again, allegations. Edit: I see where I went wrong. A maintenance worker fell. Sorry Terp.
  10. There was an allegation posted saying a Millennium Force maintenance worker fell to his death earlier this month.
  11. I don't care how much proof you show me; I can't imagine me not falling out of my seat without a restraint.
  12. I don't think Intamin looks very appealing in Mr. Ouimet's eyes right now. I305 AND STR are having problems and the safety mechanism on MF failed (though I'm not sure if it was designed by Intamin or not.) Then there's always the possibility the launch cable could snap on TTD...
  13. And the ride operator essentially refused to get another click or two.
  14. Not fixing a problem (improperly balanced boats) will come back to bite you, as it did today. I hope this is the last straw for Shoot the Rapids.
  15. 20 million was the initial investment, but one must take into account extra bracing in the rosebowl, purchasing of new trains, retracking, removing the loop, and all the other costs associated with the ride.
  16. I thought the 40 million figure was just for Son of Beast. Tomb Raider cost the park 20 million.
  17. I like the idea of having ERT for the event but why waste it on Invertigo? Go for the bigger rides like Drop Tower, Delirium, or Flight of Fear.
  18. That shouldn't be too hard considering Invertigo isn't an ERT ride this year.
  19. Wow. The Bier Garten looks really nice from the tower.Sorry :/ Carry on decoding!
  20. Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror was a step in the right direction and I think every house that comes in the future will follow suit. If every Haunt was as immersive as Cavern of Terror, which can be done, you would have an event almost on par with HHN. As for the new mazes, I hope the second one replaces Urgent Scare. I went through it last year and it was a total snooze fest.
  21. That's great. Now could you explain in English, please?
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