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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Do we have an official opening date yet?EDIT: Goodness! Late again!
  2. His right what?Edit: man, you gosta be quick in this thread.
  3. You basically walk up the exit (or wherever the entrance is designated), you show the ride operator your wristband, and you enter the station. They don't "assign seats" for you (unless you're on a ride with assigned seats), you get to pick yourself. As for online or at the park, definitely buy at the park. You'll be able to gauge the crowds and decide then whether or not you really need it. It's supposed to be really hot this week so it may alleviate crowds into Soak City. Speaking of the waterpark, Fast Lane does not grant you anything there.
  4. Not sure how to respond to that. Thanks?
  5. So is the tough guy really a wuss and scared to really tell us how he feels, or is he admitting to (by his own definition) being a troll?Hmmmm.... THIS is trolling.... Hmm. Did you just call yourself a troll?
  6. Its funny that all the roller coaster specials that come on cable usually showcase MF or TTD. Those rides are recognized around the world. I cannot think of a b&m that is world renouned.Just because a ride is known all over the world doesn't mean it is the greatest roller coaster on the planet. Son of Beast, for instance.Unless you're an RCCA fanboy, too.
  7. Glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Someone else brought up Arrow in this thread. Here's my thought on the matter: Arrow>>>>
  9. There will be a point where these coasters will be removed. When that happens, you can find out.
  10. Pleasure Beach called. They want their ride back.
  11. Six Flags Great America is one of my favorite parks. I can't wait to hear what you think of the rides.
  12. A launched Eurofighter will have a much heftier price tag than 7 million.
  13. You really ought to let your kid ride Invertigo to be able to try it out for himself. What may be too intense for you might not be the same for your kid. If I didn't do anything my mother couldn't/wouldn't do (anything that is jerky or spins), I would have missed out on The Beast, Adventure Express, Invertigo, and Vortex. Let him get the lay of the land and boundaries can be more appropriately set.
  14. I find it funny she doesn't want an intense invert yet asks for a "family friendly" giga or blitz.
  15. There isn't a meal ticket for the Haunt meetup.
  16. Good thing you can come at 9:30 and have ERT with the other Gold Pass members because there most likely won't be any perks to this event.
  17. How else are you going to get around Firehawk? Flight of Fear blocks one way and the maintenance buildings block the other.
  18. But buildings cannot be easily moved.
  19. Perhaps the "dig deep enough" was a reference to the budget needed to buy them, set by the penny pinchers in charge at WDW.
  20. How often is Diamondback's splashdown checked for pH and chlorine levels? The water shouldn't smell like vomit if the pH is kept around 7 and is properly chlorinated.
  21. I know! It makes me so mad, especially when I bring the pair that don't have buttons at all! I've found, however, if you've put your phone in sideways the button will stop it from flying out.
  22. Not really. Nothing's happening other than concrete being poured. It's my understanding the RCDB wizards don't put a park in that section until they see things going vertical.
  23. I was repping eight measures for the umpteenth time, and I'll probably be doing that again tomorrow. Fun, no?
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