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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. The Flight of Fear sign has always been correct without fail the time's I've seen it.
  2. ^The wheels underneath the track rails that keep the train from flying off the track when you go over hills.
  3. I guess my idea of fast is everyone else's slow!
  4. Great photos. I especially like the first one of Diamondback. I'm a sucker for vanishing points.
  5. Well then. Maybe my estimate is a little off, but don't you guys think it'd take a little more than 15 minutes to get from the station of Flight Deck to the steps of Mondo Monsoon? You have to factor in the pathway between Soak City, possible crowds, and everything in between. Maybe not. I was never good at estimating distances, anyways.
  6. I would be shocked if it took me an hour. When my son got in line for Drop Tower once (which I don't ride), I took a quick walk to Rivertown LaRosa's and back and it only took me 15 minutes.Two things:1. Why didn't you go to the Festhaus LaRosa's? 2. How fast were you walking? It took me 15 minutes to get from the Festhaus to Rivertown Pizza.
  7. I don't think Beast's operate like that. It wouldn't make much sense to remove them in the spring/fall if they could "shut off" that easily.
  8. The definition of "construction" means to build or the building of something. Land clearing isn't building anything.
  9. I don't mind it slowing down, but I just wish it could be less aggressive. I have to brace myself every time it comes or else my head goes right into the headrest in front of me.
  10. The ride opened with four sets of trims. One after the first drop, one after the first left turn, one in the "shed," and one after the second lift. The trims today are in the same locations as their predecessors.
  11. A long, long time ago, Graeter's was my favorite frozen dairy treat...before I had Jeni's.You have not tasted ice cream until you've been to Dairy Shed.
  12. I made your gf not ride that time so she would not ugly up the picture.I'm pretty sure Jr for Birdy has a wife...
  13. What would fit in Corkscrew's layout anyways?
  14. Personally, I absolutely LOVE Afterburn at Carowinds, and could ride that ride all day long. If Kings Island does end up getting an inverted coaster, then I will be happy. It would likely have inversions, and Kings Island`s last coaster with inversions was Invertigo, which offers your standard boomerang inversion package. Not to mention, if it does end up being a B&M invert, it would be another B&M ride that is a capacity machine, with limited down time. That being said, we have no guarantee what type of ride it is going to be yet, let alone the manufacturer or name. Some people will not be happy, no matter what type of ride Kings Island installs. As The Interpreter has said, just be happy that Kings Island appears to be getting a new ride. When was the last new ride installed at Dorney Park? Or Michigan`s Adventure? Well Michigan's Adventure and Dorney Park are CF lowest attendance parks so that would explain why they do not get new rides. Cedar Point and Kings Island are the top 2 parks they have. Wrong. Canada's Wonderland and Cedar Point are the chain's two highest producing seasonal parks. Right. Because when Flight of Fear and Invertigo were installed, Vortex and Flight Deck were doomed.
  15. Goodness gracious. Banshee isn't considered "taboo" anywhere.
  16. Who knows? Maybe Valleyfair, Dorney, or another park is getting a new ride named Banshee.
  17. Implement a no loose article policy??? If such a policy was ever implemented, you would be the first to complain that the park is digging into your wallet to force you into buying a $2 locker for your belongings.
  18. ^It hasn't been broken, most likely, because it was so darn expensive.
  19. I think you mean Firehawk and Beast.
  20. ^It should be noted Adventure Express does not have an on-ride photo as well. As for Fast Lane/no Fast Lane, if you are not planning to visit the park soon after, go for Fast Lane because both days will be packed and you might not get a chance to experience everything in one day, especially a Saturday. However, make sure you wait until you get to the park and do this because the park might be dead due to weather or other factors, eliminating the need for a Fast Lane.
  21. Mmm..now that's kinda tasteless. Terp's probably the most respected person on this board and to call him out doesn't seem right.Oh and BB1 never really "left." He was active just yesterday.
  22. You can refill souvenir cups from THIS YEAR for a dollar. You may not, however, bring your own food to the park.
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