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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Cedar Point offers parasailing, which is a ride in itself. Seriously, if you've never been, you have to.
  2. There's a thread for Cedar Point's next new coaster, too.I guess the thread is now relevant!
  3. Especially when our BLSC is superior to the other two rides.
  4. Isn't it just a tad early for this? Just sayin'.
  5. ^That actually sounds fun. 0.o
  6. Terp, I realize that. But 2009 it was rivertown, 2010 it was Planet Snoopy, 2011 it was coney mall, 2012 was Soak City (renovating) 2013 Rivertown (non ride) and 2014/15?? is Action Zone. I just thought I would throw it out there thats all.Oktoberfest? International Street? Parking Lot? Tower Gardens?
  7. Didn't say they did. The current Flying Eagles didn't either. I was listing some of the rides that moved to Kings Island... Saying "the bumper cars" could get confused pretty easily.And ^no, Shake, Rattle & Roll was not brought from Coney Island.
  8. The current bumper cars did NOT originate from Coney Island. When Coney Mall was refurbished in the 80's, the original bumper cars brought from Coney Island left and were replaced with brand new cars.
  9. I believe STR Boats v1.0 were too heavy.
  10. The video makes me wish the Diamondback splashdown was lit better.
  11. I've ridden one coaster alone in the past three years and it's an awful experience for me, personally. Waiting in line alone isn't very fun because there's nobody to talk to, and riding alone is somewhat boring too because you don't get to enjoy the ride with a friend. Of course, this is just my opinion. Experiences will vary.
  12. No, CF would never allow that. Only CP can get record breakers.Why can't people get out of this mentality? Dick Kinzel is gone.
  13. But at least you can tell when Diamondback stacks!
  14. ^I'm pretty sure Terp knew what you meant.
  15. This does not mean that it is rigged it means it is harder than it seems rigged is like a claw machine that claw is loose and wont pic up any toys.If the parks do things to prevent you from winning a prize, it's labeled "RIGGED" in my book.
  16. I lose faith when I see poor grammar.
  17. I guess that lady doesn't know about the free ice water you can get anywhere you go. Lol is right.
  18. You would know this how? As far as I'm aware, you've only worked Corkscrew and a handful of flat rides at Cedar Point.
  19. Great find, malem! How'd you come across that?
  20. The yellow structure behind WindSeeker is the WindSeeker emergency evacuation vehicle.
  21. A tram would help at the end of the day when your feet are tired.
  22. Don't go for Chik-fil-a at the park. It's way over priced for the portions they give you. If I were to recommend something to you, it would be a funnel cake and Rivertown Potato Works fries.
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