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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. ... thanks ... EDIT: oh. Maybe you were talking about yourself
  2. I remember that, now. Thanks.
  3. Tomb Raider: The Ride in it's final years was The Crypt, but with more downtown, slightly better theming, and..no music. But to each his own!
  4. I'd take The Crypt's final years over Tomb Raider's.
  5. Old fountains in Oktoberfest? Were there more fountains than just the one in the pond?
  6. I remember seeing this posted on this site before and was mesmerized then, too. Thanks for posting!
  7. We had our fifth grade trip to Kings Island cut. I was looking forward to that since first grade. At least our district will still allow the three middle schools' eighth graders to go to Kings Island on the last day, which I appreciate. Kind of a "going away gift" so to speak.
  8. It'll be better. I can't wait to ride it. One might say I'm craving it. Crypt, who cross threads here and there.
  9. You could see Son of Beast from everywhere in the park--Oktoberfest, Coney, even as far as Rivertown.Removing a ride in plain sight could also be good publicity. Turn the news into a "what's next?" sort of scenario.
  10. ^I agree. I would love it if Incredible Hulk came to Kings Island.
  11. I doubt Cedar Fair wanted to sell the coaster. I feel the decision was forced, because they had to. After all, most of the parks in the chain could have used that coaster and other coasters at Geauga.
  12. I think the path should end where Flight Deck's plaza begins. Having a path spitting out visitors right at the ride's entrance couldn't hurt.
  13. *insert ubiquitous Interpreter post about breaking things*
  14. Rivertown was just adding in pavers, a new fence, and relocating a roller coaster entrance. What happened in Rivertown was more of a general spruce up. What we're talking about here is a complete, top to bottom retheme of the rides, buildings, and the general area.If retheming an area and adding an expensive attraction is so easy, why did did Son of Beast open after Action Zone?
  15. Which is it, a big coaster or an Action Zone renovation for 2014? You can't have both in the same year.
  16. The rest aren't (or don't look) particularly fun either. Iron Dragon is nice, but it doesn't have the swinging and high speeds Flight Deck and Vortex have. I've never ridden Vampire at Chessington but I hear the floorless Vekoma trains really dampen the swinging.
  17. TheCrypt

    A diversion

    I thought this thread was started by Terp. ... Wait...what is this diversion diverting our attention away from? Awk
  18. People still need to get to the ride. Removing part of the queue doesn't solve the distance issue.
  19. I like sculpted bushes far better than trees go as far as aesthetics go. I don't think you can say trees look better than the shrubbery that formerly enshrouded the fountains.
  20. ^I see your points, but... I waited 30 minutes to ride Flight Deck this past summer--on a weekday. It is obviously still popular. Dare I ask, what real theming did Top Gun have? It had a couple scattered props, a gigantic billboard, and a painted bridge. There really is no difference in the ride experience of Top Gun and Flight Deck. Could it be argued that much of Flight Deck's popularity, or lack thereof, is due to it's secluded location? It essentially is hidden at a dead end with no visible draw that way. With some kind of beacon, even just a sign pointing to Flight Deck saying "Flight Deck roller coaster -> ", would at least draw a bit more people to the area.
  21. The park looks so young. The Royal Fountains look spectacular. Thanks for sharing!
  22. As far as the other ride goes, an exclusive ride time on The Beast would be great. Not that we have that great a say in the matter, but that would be cool!
  23. And Coney Potato Works allegedly serves the same fries as Rivertown Potato Works, yet I have heard on numerous accounts that RPW's are far better than CPW's. Jukebox's fries might not be the same as Hank's.
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