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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. And keep it out of Coney Mall. A standup is the last thing we need there.
  2. Alright, SonofBaconador, I admit it. I cheated. I bought the cat from Cedar Point.
  3. Easy: The Racer Hard: Linus' Beetle Bugs Expert: Adventure Express brake run
  4. Who else noticed the red lamp (the type used all over Action Zone) next to the loop? I found it looking rather odd in that area.
  5. I wouldn't even care if it were a launch or not. The park needs a true terrain hugger. The last I can think of is The Beast, over 3 decades ago*. *I don't count Flight Deck as a terrain hugger. It feels, to me, as if it is too high off the ground for much of the duration.
  6. I'm willing to bet that's not your own picture. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26808-a-fun-newcomers-guide-to-the-kings-island/?fromsearch=1 First image. Please stop searching for images. It's really annoying.
  7. But doesn't Holiday World have Voyage, and Six Flags Great Adventure has El Toro? What's unique about that?
  8. Don, why did you decide to head into Public Relations as opposed to other professions?
  9. That's like saying the president doesn't have to obey laws. Does it say in the TOS that we have to use multi quote? EDIT: Just did a search of TOS. I see nowhere where is says multi quotes must be used. No laws have been broken, and we should be happy he is even interacting with us! But it does say something about spamming the forums, double posting, and using the edit function. I don't want to sound as if I'm saying "DON IS SPAMMING THE FORUMS!!!!!!!!!" , because he's not. I just asked a question. After all, that is the intent of this thread.
  10. That's like saying the president doesn't have to obey laws.
  11. Don, why are you not using the MultiQuote button?
  12. What is the speed just before lift 2? If I'm not mistaken, that is the fastest point in the ride. It certainly feels 65, but then again, I was always horrible with estimations.
  13. ^Publicly speaking, not so much. Rides like Firehawk seem to crawl a bit through their course. Which would draw you to a ride more--a max speed of 50 mph or an average of 30?
  14. Bushes count as landscaping, too! Easy: Flight Deck Hard: Monster
  15. Easy: Diamondback hill Hard: Flight Deck with train
  16. Wait, what? I think "water coaster" by the terms of that particular ride's manufacturer. They used to bill it as one back when it opened. I'm not up on my waterpark terminology, but I believe that ride uses the jets to push you up hills much like the more modern ones. Can anyone confirm? There are more than one water coaster in the Midwest (the one at GWL and the one at Castaway Bay come to mind). I don't know where the writers got confused--perhaps it was the first?
  17. I should have seen that coming... I mean the location where 3 Point Challenge currently sits. If I am not mistaken, our present-day Dodgems sits where Flying Scooters once stood.
  18. I'm thinking the "pad of concrete" malem refers to is what is currently the Dinosaur Alive! Party Pavilion. I thought the location would be cool, but not nearly as nice as the shrouded enclave our flying scooters used to reside.
  19. El Toro Leviathan Flight Deck (CGA) Viper (SFGAm) X-Flight (SFGAm) All of SFNE Xcelerator Silver Bullet Jurassic Park (IoA) Afterburn X2 Thunderation Moonsault Scramble looked fun, too, but it's defunct.
  20. This has been bugging me for awhile; why do Riverbend and Coney share the parking lot?
  21. So spaced out trees remedy the situation? I feel as if a fence would have sufficed, versus changing the entire look.
  22. Easy: Invertigo (blue paint) Hard: Overlook of Coney Mall from Eiffel Tower
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