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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Easy: Kings Island sign Hard: White Water Canyon queue
  2. Leave it as Cavern of Terror.
  3. It all depends on who you are. I've had friends, some in rides, some in merch, whom all offer different viewpoints. My friends in merch say that merch is the best job in the park. You aren't stuck running down the same station day in and day out, plus you get to mess around with all the different kinds of merchandise (wear crazy hats, play with an overpriced slinky, etc). On the contrary, my friends in rides wouldn't trade their jobs for the world. You get to interact with more crew members daily, it's a high-paced environment, and to them it's just fun. Also, be aware of labor laws. For minors, I do believe, you may only work a maximum of 8 hours. Perhaps driving 80 minutes round trip for 8 hours isn't "worth it"? Make your own judgement. I'm sure you would have fun at the park, whether it be in admissions or rides.
  4. The Outlaw Run POV is here! courtesy SDC Those are some interesting lift and braking mechanisms.
  5. This is sad. I really enjoyed Adventure Mountain. However, change is inevitable, so I'll be looking forward to the new addition(s). How old is Adventure Mountain?
  6. Considering Son of Beast was built primarily out of wood, I don't think so.Happy 2000th!
  7. Those images date back to 2007, the year immediately followed by the removal of all Paramount properties and brands. Ronny, do you have any up-to-date photos showcasing the spheres, providing they're still around FoF? Bonus Question of the Day: Are there duplicate spheres at Kings Dominion's Flight of Fear? If so, which, if any, are duplicates?
  8. As far as physical modifications go, what has been done to Maverick, apart from the heartline roll, and what has been done to I-305, apart from the trim on the first drop (which, to my knowledge, has since been removed)?
  9. *bump* Look at this gem from the Save Son of Beast website.
  10. Hard: Backstage Beast Easy: Anything pertinent to Adventure Express
  11. I don't think that's a picture you took. Pictures must be photos you took, at Kings Island. Your post does not abide by those guidelines.
  12. Giving a hormone-driven 18 year old a drink doesn't sound like the best of ideas. I can certainly see the reasoning behind the law.
  13. You dare hotel and bar owners to follow the law? Just because he or she has been in combat does not make him/her supreme over the law.
  14. Huh. I have the links Voicetek's speaks of, at least on my iPod.
  15. Hard: Picture inside Crypt building Easy: Eiffel Tower
  16. How? Intimidator 305 is all about speed, insane positive and negative g's, and twisty-ness. Diamondback is about floater air, mediocre positives and negatives, and it's an out and back. They don't even have the same theme or paint scheme--Diamondback is, well, a snake. 305 is centered around a racing theme. Really, all the two have in common is clearcutting and red track.
  17. KingsIslandPR tweeted about our opinions of an event similar to BeastBuzz. He did not say BeastBuzz will be returning. There is a difference. Also, if I am not mistaken, don't you need to be a member of CoasterBuzz to participate in one of there xBuzz events? Furthermore, even if an event were to be held, there is no guarantee a "Flight of Fear tour" will be on the agenda.
  18. This person doesn't sound like a she, at least from what others have shared with me. I didn't get a PM.
  19. This may be a horrible question, but how do you report a user with no posts?
  20. At least you used proper punctuation...sorta.
  21. I went on Great America's Condor last Summer. It is, in my opinion, one of the best flats HUSS has ever made. Thanks for sharing!
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