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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Possibly something else on the horizon? I know its not the right response everyone wants but this decision seems kinda sudden. Vortex is one of those coasters that should be replaced with something else when it's removed. Sad day indeed.
  2. I believe the water is pumped quickly
  3. I'd look at other CF arrows and see what happens to them. Vortex is arguably the best looping arrow looper in the chain so it would most likely be the last one to go. I'm sure KI would want to keep it as long as possible.
  4. I consider Action Zone to be split in two. Half of it got love in 2014 with Banshee, The Bat, a repainted Delirium and Skyflyer, and a new seating area. The other half: Invertigo, Congo Falls, Drop Tower, and Timberwolf didn't get that same type of love and still feels kinda neglected and out of place.
  5. Bumping the thread. I think its kinda funny that I started a thread preaching improved/enclosed que lines and Orion will have an enclosed bunker of sorts for part of its que https://www.columbusnavigator.com/kings-island-giga-coaster/
  6. Intertigo is one of those rides that if the park were to announce its removal tomorrow, I wouldn't be upset. Its not that I don't hate the ride but in a park with coasters like Banshee, MT, DB, The Beast, and soon to come Orion, the ride feels like its overstayed its welcome. Though it'll be on the other side of the park, I think Orion will heavily contribute to Invertigo's eventual, speculated, removal.
  7. When a new coaster gets the introduced, some coasters experience higher ridership while others get lower ridership. Flight of Fear is obviously going to increase in ridership and maybe even The Racer with people wanting to see the coaster from a different perspective. I even think that non coaster rides like WindSeeker will see a boost in ridership. Coasters like Banshee, DB, The Beast, MT, and some others might see a decline given their locations in the park. The main coaster I'd see a significant decrease in ridership, in my opinion, is Invertigo. For the 2020 season a lot of people will be in the back corner of the park near Coney Mall and in the new Area 72. Additionally with how smooth Orion will be, I think people will opt out of riding Invertigo because of the comparative roughness, low capacity, and its age. Thoughts?
  8. @Hawaiian Coasters 325, you're getting better with your editing! You've come a long way Here's mine for a simple dive. An immalman where the drop of Invertigo would be, a cobra roll in the same general area where Invertigo's is, a MCBR, and a vertical loop after the MCBR before the final breaks. Looking back, I'd add a helix connecting the cobra roll to the MCBR. Name- Demon Height- 210ft Drop- 215ft Length- around 3,000ft Inversions-4
  9. I'm on the fence for what they should do to this building. On one hand, it can be re-purposed into another type of attraction- Mine Shaft, dark ride, etc. Not many CF parks have 3 dark ride buildings: (FoF, BBoBH, & the Crypt Building.) On the other hand, I don't know how easy it is to build a new ride in an existing building that was built to house a specific attraction. Additionally the building's presence restricts any possible Rivertown expansion, (should the park ever chose to expand that area).
  10. No. That campground makes them money and would ruin the whole atmosphere if a coaster ever made it that far.
  11. The colors on that wreath didn't stand out as much as they did when they were teasing Firehawks removal. With that being said there still are red, yellow and white flowers on the wreath-from what I saw. I think it's trolling at this point because they wouldn't remove something the same time they're getting a big coaster; however I've been wrong before. I can't think of anything that is due for immediate removal. I can almost guarantee it's not a coaster because it would be kind of foolish to remove to coasters back to back. Like I said I think the park is just trolling. Also unlike Firehawk, there's no sign saying that anything is leaving.
  12. Interesting. Are you thinking of something along the lines of Time Traveller or Helix where it sits over that Terrain?
  13. The only company that makes reliable launched coasters right now that CF would work with is Mack. There's two issues with this: first off Mack coasters are extremely expensive since their track is manufactured overseas so shipping costs will be higher than other companies, second, and this is my personal gripe, I've heard their launches aren't as intense as other manufactures like Premier, Intamin, etc which takes away from the experience IMO, It would be cool to work with Premier again but we already have 2 launched coasters from them so I don't see the need for a 3rd at this time.
  14. It was killed by a meteor shower apparently
  15. I think Firehawk would have looked kinda neat behind the Eiffel Tower.
  16. Anyone want to discuss theming? We have two news vehicles, a meteorite outside Flight of Fear, an enclosed section of the que. What else do you think there'll be in terms or props, etc? Are there any old Top Gun props that can be recycled?
  17. Its a prototype at a mid tier park so I'd have to disagree. Down the line I think we'll see 2 seater T-Rexes with larger layouts similar to Jersey Devil.
  18. At least not with wooden coasters- not in the same capacity anyway. I think CF is looking more at their steel coasters. I've heard Railblaizer is a resounding success
  19. I could hear Raptor from my apartment off property if that says anything
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