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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. I heard they completely removed the early exclusive line benefit already. You know the same one that we still have here, but isn't enforced AT ALL and many times takes the longest to get thru, so for all intents and purposes isn't a benefit at all LOL
  2. Just like most of the Prestige benefits As you know, KD gets Prestige next year but many benefits started this year (sound familiar). I hear that the Prestige passholders at KD are already seeing the same sort of nonsense going on after purchasing theirs for next year as well.
  3. Weird, it played the 12 days when I rode it. I guess song selection is subject to change as well Caveat emptor
  4. On a positive note, since the VIP is now a money maker, it will remain open until park close thru Winterfest. Of course, that is subject to change at any time.
  5. They already got your money But they missed a real upcharge opportunity at Coney BBQ and could have charged to provide gravy with the turkey The first year of the mac-n-cheese bar was the best. It has been getting worse every year.
  6. That is what I am leaning towards. It appears to be glitchy at the moment looking at various social media posts.
  7. Apparently they were doing a test of the Media director applicants to see who would post about the Wonder Wand first and that is who will get the job - congrats @BoddaH1994
  8. While I agree with you, and probably was the case, maybe the thought process was not to look too greedy with attempting to sell merch or maybe it be a "surprise" for guests entering the park and shopping around? I mean they are already looking greedy with doubling the hot chocolate refill over last year, desserts are extra charge at the buffet, and some others that haven't been noted to social media yet LOL. Besides Mike was probably too busy trying to figure out how to screw over Prestige holders hey lets put hot chocolate dispensers right next to where they scan in to the VIP and then tell them the hot chocolate is an upcharge LOL
  9. Let's resurrect a 16 year old thread LOL. Could we see similar practices when the merger is complete?
  10. New for Winterfest '23 - the Winterfest season dessert add-on While it isn't valid on the select Nights, it is valid the other nights LOL
  11. Keep in mind KD runs about the same amount of rides as KI does. Meanwhile BGW runs basically all their rides during their Winter event. One cannot say that the temperature is that much different between KD and BGW.
  12. Nickel and dime ya. Is Kinzel back LOL Do they proofread these? So given where the comma is for "Open select Nights," does that mean on some nights the Dining Plan & Souvenir Hot Chocolate ARE accepted at this location on the other nights
  13. In the latest subject to change, there is now cooler water, but mug sales and refills are only for prestige holders. *subject to change
  14. They have all season as that was how they scanned passes, they just didn't sell anything lol.
  15. So the trolley is free, but imagine that it is broke lol. Flight of cheer is only one train ops. On the plus side Grain & Grill is busy. No doubt cause it is indoors lol.
  16. The line is only out to the restrooms
  17. So apparently the hot chocolate in the VIP lounge is ONLY for the guests with the hot chocolate souvenir cup. No cooler water either. Nothing but the best for the Prestige passholders. Apparently it is also being used to sell the cups and for non prestige to get refills also. caveat emptor
  18. There is hot chocolate available in the VIP lounge but apparently they are not allowed to give out cups. A guest is getting hot about it.
  19. On the plus side, you really aren't missing anything you don't already know LOL
  20. They posted twice in the last 24 hours on their Facebook page - WF sale extended and of course the OTD The Cincinnati Kids Brady Bunch episode aired. I guess you are blocked
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