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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. I'll have to try a few microbrews on you at some point in time Beer and burger..Just..nice way to end the day honestly.
  2. Yes my battle uniform Currently a keyboard warrior then.. Only one IV/Blood draw today, nothing too special.. So keyboard warrior till 1400 when it gets exciting
  3. You forgot beer but you're not at that age to understand that yet..
  4. Packed here..have PT at 0500 then work. Changing out of abus depending on if I get to head into the park or not. But loading before pt then straight to work to get out early. Hope to catch a few last minute rides before heading to the hotel at night
  5. Exactly.. On another subject you can still smell smoke From up above FOr looks like a long stick with a bowl of smoke at the end..the park has created a bong It's Cheech and Chong the Ride
  6. I hear they got shipped the wrong part..dunno if accurate but it does fit the description of the manufacturer
  7. Done deal..headed up tomorrow hopefully by park close if not midnight.depends on when Lindz's friends get out of work. After that it's dirty Dusky bound
  8. There is a sign commemorating the Causeway as the Dick..Er.. Richard L Kinzel Causeway.. Yes the causeway is now named after a phallic..er Former CEO
  9. Fry choices are better at the location at the front of the park. Or an Employee Break area..which I will be at for Chili Cheese Tots
  10. Btw thinking on it CP has local stuff, Tofts & Famous Daves. Then they have special stuff like Chickies, Pinks, Tomo, etc.
  11. If you like Larosas/Skyline Me..meh, I'll stay away..I know what real Pizza tastes like
  12. Actually no..I had an employee do that, got counseled next morning. But yes..many a time we know why a ride is down, we just can't say why, unless it's something we control. Like we're down to transfer off a train, we will be back up when that's done, etc.
  13. How about again, buy a two dollar locker Or use the car you came with Or leave it with a non rider Or not bring it at all Or only have secured articles on you This is the policy that the park has decided to enforce. The policy works as demonstrated currently. I wouldn't want to add bins with a ride that has 8 ride ops already scrambling to secure riders to hit dispatch interval and keep things orderly. Could you imagine what would happen with bags as well on this ride? Sheesh. I already am surprised how much 8 ops on platform make things difficult lol.
  14. I'll be somewhere else for Fathers Day, celebrating something other than Fathers Day.. Ah what a day it is up north every year
  15. The sound of upstop wheels whirring on the ready brake makes me so happy. BS is running great post refurb. That first year after, just..wow
  16. No you can be completely oblivious to them..not all ride ops are in tune with the ride, some just consider it a job and that's it. Plus honestly, evacs happen, it's just another part of the job, it really isn't a big deal to us. FOF has already had evacs and shutdowns this season. It's not something you go into work the next day and go flipping out over..A motor made smoke, the e-stopped, evaced, and shutdown, end of story. Wasn't really as crazy as some and the media made it out to be.
  17. They may have not been there when the incident happened, so they may actually be clueless..
  18. Power Tower's four towers are powered by compressed air, high volume, low pressure. All movements involve opening/closing of valves/mufflers to facilitate a desired function. The four screw type compressors take a huge building under the safety/trim brakes of Corkscrew, they're quite loud, about as loud as the tower. Skyhawk, the S&S Screamin' Swing uses air to swing both arms, the compressors are right next to Mine Ride's exit
  19. Makr, If you have something that needs stowed, leave with a non rider and split the group, or fork out $1 to $2 dollars for a locker, plain and simple. If you can't and refuse to spend $2 on a locker, wow. Paid $200 for a season pass, bet you thought that was a deal.
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