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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. They may test at night so we can't see it though..but I doubt it because first cycle they're ganna want to watch the ride go through lol
  2. Someone needs to drive by the park or book a room at GWL to watch this sucker right now!
  3. Sorry to double post, just skimmed through the last hour, so far just looks like transfer track movements, that's about it, no evidence of anything else yet guys, keep ya posted.
  4. Testing Drop Tower as we speak and maybe Banshee..Photos found on DavidW's feed of the Banshee Cam:
  5. They're doing something, using DavidW's screen captures from the Banshee Cam: Here ya go folks, we have movement.
  6. I would just like a new design, the KIC shirt was great don't get me wrong, but it needs something to be..exciting I guess..Plus colored..plain grey..eh Plus..POLOS..I'm not a Tee Shirt person for the most part. Like I'd love to see a black or blue polo with the white lift hill and KICentral logo on the right chest, would look fancy IMO, plus comfy
  7. Where at from Dayton? I'm coming from WPAFB easiest way for me is 675-S to 35-E to 42-S and 48-S to 71-S. GPS is easiest guide. Another way is to take 675 S to 48-S and hit 71-S for a quick minute.Last way is more highway but quite easy. Take 675-S till it merges to 75-S, continue through that and get off at Tylersville, make a left follow local traffic until you pop up next to Kings Island. Cheap Hotels, right next to the Beach there's a Microtel Inn, I stayed once with the Chickens, it was pretty nice, def worth the price, pillows were the BOMB. Depending on what ammenities you want depends on where you stay. Some are even staying at KI Inn across the street, a bed is a bed. Have fun, cya in a few weeks, any other questions just ask
  8. Thank you Dane, this site gets alot of good quick maintance..No Putzing around..Still after four years, no mobile pointbuzz.
  9. Exactly...I want it pushed past towards the end of the month. I didn't think by early March it would have been set But this one kid who tried arguing with me..one more bit of sense I can hold above em
  10. Honestly some heavily themed queues are nice, no doubt. However something simple and unobstructed would be nice to watch this ride go through the paces. Also I think as everything is already similar to Gatekeeper on the ground and whatnot I expect hopefully something similar to it. Best part was honestly great queue layout, had merch involved with nice ice cold drinks, fans, and shade. I was very happy with that outcome.
  11. So important it requires an underline I think they will have some theming, keyword, some. However I don't expect anything extra special.
  12. I'm just excited concrete is being poured..no ugly black color that holds heat
  13. I'm kinda excited to see if it tests soon, but I want it to be past the 15th..Have a bet with this kid that's just stupid..so if it's past the 15th I can neener neener neener
  14. Almost both of the rear towers are painted. Froth arch still untouched. Action Zone looks to have fresh concrete poured
  15. Many Intamins have trim brakes..and the ones without actually wish they did too..see Millie for example. This trim really just prevents an overspeed that's all it's for. Ride uses the safety system to judge the speed, determines if it needs to trim the speed so it doesn't go through the course quicker to cause issues or speed through a block. If it's slower, you don't get trimmed. Why are y'all so freakied out over something to remove a chance of overspeed..see Maverick, Montu, Magnum, Beast, etc.. Sigh..enjoy the ride, the park is spending 30mil plus on us to have fun..
  16. ^^It's been that way for hours trust me been watching quite awhile. Use DavidW's website that he has setup to track the webcam, nothing has been going on since about 2000 or so
  17. There was a flashing light a few times on the ground away from the ride, and then lift lights moving or partially blocked out. Ride location has been blank the past bit though, stop teasing me folks!
  18. Being told take some of it with a grain of salt (4th woodie, etc.)
  19. Don't thank me, thank a good friend of mine, he has alot of interesting videos, and quite an interesting discussion. Could ride rides and converse with him for hours.
  20. Sorry to double post, it's a possibility IMO.. See the light that's in the bottom of the dive loop in the pic I'm posting, and how it's not in the next. Someone is down there doing something.. http://www.davidwaderich.com/hotlink/KI/Angle1/index.php?image=Angle120140310200819.jpg
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