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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Only thing I ever have a problem with, I've not personally experienced it, but RFID can be compromised..someone with the right scanner and proximity could take your info. The rare occurence of that happening is so slim, but it is possible.
  2. False money buys happiness... It got you a season pass to create memories yes? Thrills connect
  3. First video is gone, link was broken, user terminated Youtube account.. Here's a new one..
  4. If this song isn't somewhere in the park I have to say I'd be a little upset...it fits everything, it works, it's good, just awesome Makes me really miss all of the Lee family though, such a tragedy..
  5. For those constantly getting terped here you go , such a pretty disclaimer...hehehe All terms mentioned in this post that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. This poster cannot attest to the accuracy of this information, and all terms have been correct to the best of the posters knowledge. Use of a term in this post should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark of service mark. All trademarks are property of their respected owners and any affiliates. I win, I win na na na na boo boo
  6. Wow seeing all the train contacts and stuff on both sides...so similar to current wing rider trains...amazing to see this technology overlap. No more hydraulic restraint release and locks
  7. Yeah 150 to see trash, people out of costumes or where they eat.. I want to go behind the scenes of like Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Mission Space (I wanna see how that centrifuge thing works haha), ect.. Not trash
  8. ^You basically just repeated it, but a bit more technical
  9. I have about 7Gb of Halloween/Horror music...I have way too many suggestions.. If possible they could just copy my library xD
  10. We did stuff like that in IT...Let someone do things that yes circumvented the system but did flag the encounter in the system...do it enough times to come out, bam, you did this, loss of access and rights. IT sees practically everything
  11. Have an A1 Day See if anyone gets that reference hehe.. I think the announcement was there just for the reason of saying, hey we have this, don't be stupid with us if you work here. That's the kind of response I got out of it.
  12. Kinzel was found of alot of other ridiculous stuff too... I could rant for hours
  13. I still sadly use an open hand... Some things never change
  14. Look at the life that paint gives this great old ride
  15. Hmm...DB was slammed for riders..but how packed were other rides that day? Btw things to notice in the picture 1. Lack of grass near off limits area @ Swan Lake looks odd 2. Tower theater is a darker shade of green/blue 3. Tower Clock? 4. Nice dark rails on Vortex 5. Odd seeing Soak City not expanded 6. Flying Ace Aerial Chase w/ different paint, wow 7. No Starlight, wow!
  16. I like the all day locker fee, I'd do it, but only if you could change lockers. I'm not going to use a locker by Banshee, when I could use it again by White Water, or for Soak City, ect. If the fee enabled use park wide that'd be awesome, but currently I'm not a fan.
  17. We went up there for block checks on mean streak. Gemini I never went up there but saw maint mess with the photo eyes & brakes themselves. The controls for gemini's mid course trims are actually on the ground, maint helps us with those int he AM
  18. Still darn...For the guys on my crew, if they went out and messed with any high up brakes like on gemini or mean streak they had to have some sort of fall protection. Lucky buggers..Hell I even had to wear a freaking hard hat walking low zones..
  19. I think it will be, if this gets the attention that they really are putting into 2014 as an overall project I could see it. The only thing I will say about opening day is watch the weather...Like CP opening day was...decent, media day was excellent. Hopefully the same fortune extends next year to KI. Minus the rain and wind the evening of CP 2013 opening day.
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