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Everything posted by gforce1994

  1. The employee entrance is closer to Waterpark.
  2. It isn’t like that at KI. CP and KI have different layouts.
  3. Actually, the main gate would block employees, using that road, from entering the park.
  4. The road would have to be redesigned if it was for employee transport.
  5. Question is, why are the markers being put on the park edge? They could easily remove Timberwolf and load that area with flat rides.
  6. It’s a SpongeBob joke. That being said, all together, there’s more markers here than at CP, so that’s a pretty decent indication that they’re putting a lot of markers down.
  7. As many have said on this forum, you can see the markers from the lift. Furthermore, there are a lot of markers (sprayed and staked).
  8. It turns out there was Ash Bore in the trees. It’s sad they were not replaced with trees and or theming. I feel any addition to AZ will help drive foot traffic to Bat, which is needed, as I feel it is very underrated.
  9. The tree by The Beast ended up being the far reverse Treble Clef for Orion. They needed to create a larger runoff network to prevent flooding in the lower areas of the ride. Going back to Columbia Road. I feel that a huge ride is needed to draw people to the area to ride Bat as well.
  10. That could potentially work. Look at GateKeeper at CP.
  11. It’s very interesting what is going on at the site.
  12. They did do a similar thing with the FC pad, if I remember correctly.
  13. I rode the one in KD a week before it closed. It and the KC were incredible rides, as the KC was my first big coaster (mistook it for Adventures Express, whoops).
  14. I was saying they were near marker 4 as in that was the marker closest to it.
  15. I mean percentage. All together there’s likely 30+ markers
  16. Pink and White. Around Marker 4 listed in the previous map.
  17. There’s a huge increase in the number of markers. I saw them while on The Bat.
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