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Everything posted by Joshua

  1. It throws apples at us. "Get out of my shed!"
  2. What's in the shed? A live grizzly bear! Best of luck to you!
  3. I can definitely see Congo Falls going away in the not too distant future.
  4. I never rode King Cobra and since I was born in 1985, I never got to experience many of the rides that were gone by the time I was able to ride the "grown up" coasters.
  5. It doesn't appear so as far as streaming goes, though you may be able to get it through Netflix's DVD service. Amazon has a copy for $17, as well. But judging from the reactions, that may be overpriced by $17.
  6. I hope not. Now if it were removed for a larger log flume, then I'd be all for it. But that is just wishful thinking.
  7. Wow! The toast is usually the best part. It's not supposed to be burnt or hard at all. I would definitely complain. Granted, mistakes happen, but they shouldn't be handing out their mistakes to customers.
  8. They're cutting down Molly Ringwald to make room for another coaster?
  9. I would love that!
  10. It could be another log flume perhaps. I would love that, but I also would love another wooden rollercoaster. Maybe a second try at Son of Beast. (Bride of Beast? GrandSon of Beast? The Beast In Law?) I would also just be happy with cleaning up the theming for Rivertown and Coney Mall.
  11. I hope that if anyone in the park has something that isn't quite positive to say about the park, they not discuss it here and simply contact the park.... --12 HOURS LATER-- The forum is a ghost town. Kidding aside, it doesn't necessarily matter if people contacted the park or not. No one said the sky is falling. No one is crying. People are (were?) simply discussing something that isn't like what it used to be, which matches a lot of conversations here. I seem to recall a similar discussion when the rules for the Dining Plans were changed one year. It's okay to have a different opinion, and your's, chugh, has been handed respectfully. However, it's another story to come in here, suggest everyone not quite satisfied are whiny children, then use the cheap "I'm playing devil's advocate" defense. For some reason, an image of Donald Trump just popped in my head..
  12. A lot of people have different "cups of tea," so a more balanced line up could greatly benefit a majority of all parties who care about ERT. I understand some people don't care about ERT. But, then again, why come into an ERT thread if you don't care about ERT?
  13. No one said the new system wasn't "fair" nor did they say it wasn't what was advertised for this year. They are conversationally saying they simply prefer a more balanced system or something similar to previous years. I'm all for the rotating ERT schedule and I like that there are smaller riders on it. However, I would prefer* having two major thrill rides on the list, not just one. *Note that I said "preferred," not "demanded." EDIT: I also understand that people hold different values to their pass. Some have a more open schedule and can go a couple times every week, while others may only get 4 or 5 visits a year, due to careers, families, and just life in general. So, for some, the perks are more of a deal than to others.
  14. I think you misunderstood what I meant by "fair." I was referring to the critique of this year's ERT being fair. You also don't seem to understand that very few of us are "upset." At least not in the dramatic terms you clearly think. The only one who seems upset, that their piece of cake didn't come before dinner, is apparently you, because people are complaining about something you don't care about, so why not come stomp on our parade for "fun?" You must be a young 30...
  15. The Gold Pass is more expensive than the Regular Pass. The sole reason for buying a higher tier pass is for extras such as "free" parking, ERT, and discounts. You pay for them when you buy the pass, whether it be the flat rate or the monthly one. None of the benefits are "free." Sure, it saves you money and you don't have to pay for that parking when you physically go to the park, but it's certainly not free.
  16. If you've been getting 25% off the past several years, and expected it this year, too...yeah...you might be upset. Exactly. People are NOT asking for more nor freebies. People are asking for a balanced system or something closer than what ERT was last year. That is fair.
  17. Umm.... Yes it is something we pay for. Perks are not free. You pay extra for them. That's the point of a Gold Pass. You pay more, you get more. Otherwise, you are soullessly paying more for a higher tier of pass than the regular pass and thus, wasting money. That's less food on your table for extra perks you don't use nor care about. (Even if you're rich, money is money.)
  18. In the first sentence, you imply that because you don't think it is a big deal, those "complaining" about it are making a big deal. The rest of your post implies that because *some* people don't have a home park, no one should complain about the park, and that if you have a problem, no matter how large or small, you should go to the park, not here. Plus, there's that silly exaggeration, which once again misses the point. It's not that people didn't get ride after ride, it's that they didn't even get their one ERT ride, on a morning that wasn't nearly busy as it could have been., simply because they system now weighs smaller rides over thrill rides, with only one major thrill ride on the list. Couple that with shark's more prevalent comments about "slamfests," "nitpicks" and our "more more more" society. I also never said I was offended. For the most part, I wasn't even talking about your post, but shark's. I really do believe in constructive criticism. However, I just don't understand why many of the comments here are being misconstrued by some as petty whining when they offer up a reasonable criticism and a possible solution and especially since no one has suggested that they are never going back to the park nor anything like that.
  19. No one is making a "big deal" except the people complaining about people making a "big deal." Just because people have a complaint about something and voice it casually on a forum doesn't mean they are making a "big deal" about something. I'm sure everyone in this forum has, to others' perspectives, seemingly made big deals over "nitpicks" about the park. Why is it a "big deal" here?
  20. Some people just like to play devil's advocate, I guess. It's also worth noting that the entire history of the human race implies that we've always been a "more, more, more" society. It wasn't invented by millennials nor Obama nor Kings Island passholders.
  21. It wasn't a "slamfest." Does anybody remember New Coke/Coke II? For those who don't, decades ago, Pepsi was favored in certain markets for having a sweeter taste. So Coke decided to change their flavor to something more sweeter, taking the original Coke off the market. People were furious. And they were loud and clear about it. Paying customers spoke up. Coke came back with the "Classic" formula and, after a while co-existing on the market, the sweeter flavor was dismissed altogether and disappeared in a swirling, dark abyss of mostly forgotten history. This new ERT may not be New Coke, but customers should always have a voice under reasonable circumstances. There were legit complaints. Many people did NOT get to use ERT because the options weren't balanced as they were in the past. People seeking major thrill rides only had one option and for a lot of people, the ERT did not come in to play AT ALL. That's a legit complaint. If people came in at 9:30 but were stuck in line past 10:00, the general time for regular passholders, that is NOT "early." I don't know what your financial status is, nor will I guess. However, it doesn't matter if you $20 to your or $200 billion, you have to value your buck more. If you paid for a higher tier with perks, then perks, yes, should be a big deal. This isn't people asking for their idea of what KI offers. This is people either asking for what worked last year or simply more balance with the new set up. People were simply saying, "Hey, this didn't work out, here's how it can be fixed." That's constructive criticism. No one's talking petition nor marching to the gates of Kings Island singing songs of protest.
  22. If you want to be happy in life, never ever look at the comment section.
  23. The irony here is that out of the entire thread, the only post that seems to read "Oh no! The sky is falling" is this one. I don't think anyone here is angry beyond discontent, just opening up about a flaw they see with a something they paid for. No one seems to be saying the park is working against us, merely that the new system isn't working for them. What I don't understand is why it isn't okay to complain about a perk not being up to par, specifically when it was last year and the year before that. I could see the point if there was only a single season pass offered, then you could argue "Well, they don't have to do this." But the very nature of a Gold and Platinum Pass is the perks. That;s why you *pay more* for a Gold Pass. Sure, you could say they don't have to offer ERT, but it is something they offer. It is a major benefit and the system worked very well in previous years, but was worked around and doesn't seem to work this year, there is a validity for a complaint. There is always a validity to complain if you're a paying customer. We're not talking about going to McDonalds and asking for a bicycle. Most of the complaints and suggestions have been reasonable: more balance between the big rides and the little rides. Also, at 9:30 in the morning, it really didn't seem that busy. Plus, the point of the complaints wasn't that everyone went to the same place, but that, for passholders wanting to use their ERT on a major rollercoaster, they only had one place to go to for that, and for many in that line, the ERT didn't even come in to play for them, because they were still in line after 10am. The day itself, at least for the hours I was there, didn't seem all that busy. According to FunTV, The Beast had an hour wait, but when I rode it moments before, it was only like 5 to 10 minute wait. The longest I waited was like 40 minutes for Diamondback. The rest of the coasters I rode seemed to be about 20 minute waits. So it is reasonable to assume that if Banshee was also offered on that Sunday, then people might have gotten more bang for their buck, which again is why you pay extra for a Gold Pass in the first place. Granted, it is also reasonable to assume this won't be a big deal on weekdays. However, that doesn't make complaints about Sunday any less valid. This is a forum about Kings Island. Every complaint is a "first world" complaint.
  24. I don't mind a revolving ERT schedule, but I wish it would more balanced with at least two major thrill rides, not just one. I would love to see it return to an hour, as well, but even with the half hour, in the past, I was able to get like 3 rides on Diamondback within that half hour on a good day.
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