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Everything posted by KIBeast

  1. Great trip report! Sounds like you guys had an awesome time, other than the little bit of sickness. So, did you feel like a teenager again? By next summer, I'll know the feeling of leaving the little one at home while we play as we are planning a trek to include CP, KI and Holiday World. Not sure if I'll be able to stand being away from baby that long. Great pics too!
  2. Some of you guys are really going over the edge on this one. The coaster valleyed, which is a problem with most of these types of rides. If it was breaking down on a regular basis, you might have a case.
  3. I just didn't see that as anything major considering they all do that. I don't call that little incident enough to say, well, they shouldn't have bought that one. Now, if it winds up havng major downtime, then there's a case.
  4. It doesn't tower over SOB, but it does tower over anything remotely in that area, not to mention towering over all steel coasters in the park.
  5. Aren't Vekomas infamous for valleying? Reason I ask is the article is not showing up for me.
  6. Was it also you who came up with Snakes on the Eiffel Tower thingy? That was funny as well.
  7. You mean a GIANT top spin in a box.
  8. It's basically torture, which we claim we would never do, according to the Geneva Convention.
  9. If the gate does go up, I don't think it will be THAT much anyway. Shouldn't be enough to make or break a trip. Maybe fuel prices will be more in line next summer and that could offset the difference in ticket price.
  10. Awwwww! These are the memories that I cannot wait to make myself. Sounds like you guys had a great time. Some of my best memories of KI are with my family. Although, I have to admit that my bro and I have had some great memories at KI, CP, and GL in our adulthood. I rode Avatar last two years and I just think it's a blast!
  11. Morning, Interp! I was not aware that Coasterdynamix makes a hypercoaster model. Or, is that a custom job?
  12. I can't agree with waterboarding being done by the U.S. Glad someone is bringing attention to this serious problem.
  13. Cool pics, Dane! Is that a coasterdynamix model? It sure looks like it.
  14. It's lived up to the hype and then some!
  15. If you're thinking vertical as in 90*, you're wrong. No one here has said 90 degrees.
  16. You mean, how you will have a great time in the future. Delorean Rider has the copyrights to any time machines. rofl It did sound like a pretty good time.
  17. I'm sure that they bought the rights to pki.com, that way any wayward traffic could still wind up at the KI homepage instead of somewhere else.
  18. I agree with you. You don't see much positive news these days. Woofer, maybe the news should cover the EMT's and Paramedics and such. Unfortunately, the only way they'll get coverage is if someone dies.
  19. They're really nothing alike at all. SOB, tall and fast. Beast, low to the ground and not as fast.
  20. Really, there was no reason not to tell about the dry park was closing for good. You're probably right. They could have opened a couple more weekends and made a little cash. The problem with one of the metros you mentioned (Cleveland), is that their economy is in the crapper and has been long before the rest of the economy got there. Why would a lot of people drive from Pittsburgh when they have Kennywood which is a lot closer? As far as Akron, Columbus, Canton, and Youngstown go, I don't know enough about them to really try and answer that.
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