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KI Guy

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Everything posted by KI Guy

  1. Amen! Here here! Huzzah!What kind of image do you want to portray? What should kids be seeing? If someone says Haunt is an adult event I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell him. That was pure marketing, and questionable marketing at that. Hey let's see how seedy crowds we can get. *Steps off soapbox.
  2. Yes, but often times a denial doesn't mean jack.
  3. Per the seat count this is not a Huss. It's probably a Zamperla, good choice, I'd say.
  4. For far too long, regular sized flats were forgotten at former Paramount and CF parks. Ownership dismissed flats and went towards more expensive and more issues prone "giant flats. It's great to see manufacturers so pumping out new rides. It's awesome that we'll probably see an influx of newer flats like this, as well as the classics that they are currently hunting at the parks. Mr. Ouimet gets it, he really does.
  5. When refurbishing the Son of Beast after the 2006 incident, they invested in Gerstlaur trains I believe to replace the ones from Premier Rides. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Correct, those trains were from the Myrtle Beach Pavillion Hurricane.
  6. When I rode it back in '04 it was fantastic. Do you think its deterioration is because of the CCI build quality, (materials and required upkeep), or the CCI ride design, (elements, banking, etc.) I still think CCI and Gravity group are the best rides out there when they are in great condition.
  7. KI Guy


    Good thing they went with Mondial!
  8. The Gerstlauer Polyp is an excellent flat. It is one of the most fun ones I've been on. I rode one at Freestyle Music Park. Until now, I thought is was a Huss Rodeo, (Breakdance). At least there is hope we could get one now given that it isn't a Huss. Edit: I was wrong that I was wrong; it was a Huss Rodeo afterall.
  9. That price does not include season parking. Interesting, I would have thought that it would as a former Paramount Park. It seems about even in that case.
  10. Wow that season pass price is awesome! I wish that we were offered that.. That's about $52 american.
  11. Calling the great Interpreter...
  12. Have they said where this will be located? My guess would be the large grassy area near the entrance formed when they rerouted the road outside the gate.
  13. Wait. Why would PTC have a say in this?Under Ohio law, ride manufacturers' safety suggestions must be abided by. Did PTC suggest that they run forward? Well they certainly didn't turn around recaR for nostalgia. I believe this has been discussed or at least heavily hinted at on this site. Personally, I believe that PTC changed their minds on backwards trains back in 2007(yr?).
  14. Wait. Why would PTC have a say in this? Under Ohio law, ride manufacturers' safety suggestions must be abided by.
  15. Racer is not going anywhere and recaR is not coming back unless PTC has changed their minds, (or there are new non-PTC trains which I HIGHLY doubt).
  16. Also the skid breaks were pretty ineffective when wet so those rides in particular were almost legendary from the accounts I've read. I really wonder if Millennium Flyer trains could eliminate the brakes all together. I believe they are heavier if I remember, but they don't shuffle through turns like those big 3 bench PTCs.
  17. And unless you were John Allen you wouldn't know the wiser.
  18. Hopefully this is in the plans as we speak.
  19. I've always thought those in horribly bad taste. Loss of human life should never become a source of humor or entertainment. I've always wondered how this happens. If I ever jumped a security fence, **AND I NEVER, EVER WOULD,** I would at least make sure a train wasn't coming when I walked under the track.
  20. I find CP's shortage of wood coasters given the park's age and sheer number of coasters amazing.
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