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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. I wonder what time the parking gates open, and whether they will open the main gates at 4:30 or 5? They let everyone in when they open the gates a half hour early, but only passholders through to the rides. Since it's all passholders tonight I guess they would just wait till 5 to open the main gates at all...
  2. I know I had one starting around 1992. I'm not sure when they were introduced, though.
  3. The wide variety of human stupidity, I think Yeah, it was transparent barriers the parents lifted their children to the tops of. If you don't have bare eyes on the animals it's like watching them on TV I guess.
  4. I remember a couple years ago after another incident of a child ending up in a zoo enclosure, that someone (who works in a zoo) mentioned on another message board I frequent that it is not uncommon for parents to lift small children up onto the tops of protective barriers to sit or stand so they can "see the animals". It's a real problem for zoos: to figure out ways to keep people and animals safe; and let patrons see the animals they came to see; and save people from their own stupidity. For the final part, it often takes more than one "layer" of barriers between people and animals.
  5. Since Missouri Jane was an actual person buried in the cemetery that now resides in the parking lot, I think that out of respect the park is unlikely to ever make use of her "legend." They want to avoid desecration, and drawing too much attention wouldn't help that. I would much rather they use Banshee in a storyline than Beast, even though the character of The Beast is more appealing to me in general. To me, one of the cool things about The Beast is that we don't know exactly what it is. Revealing it too much would remove the mystery and thus some of the fear. Whatever they do, I really hope for a cohesive plot. If you couldn't make at least a 30 minute cartoon about the backstory, I'd be disappointed (Phantom Theater's backstory probably could have made feature-length if they focused on each of the performers).
  6. I don't think it was "put back". It was in the drawing last year, too.
  7. The 2015 Color Me Rad 5k coincides with the first morning of Coasterstock (Saturday May 16). According to the Season Pass Portal, Gold and Platinum passholders can receive 50% off their race registration (although, when I tried, the promo code came back invalid). I'm not sure I want to start the two days of Coasterstock with an early morning run, myself, but I would like to do one of these races someday. It would be cool to get together a KIC team.
  8. Weird. I was looking for something else on the KI website, and ended up at the 2014 Guest Assistance Guide (https://www.visitkingsisland.com/images/uploads/file/2014%20Guest%20Assistance%20Guide(5).pdf). I came upon this interesting bit: "On Banshee and Firehawk loose items that are not able to be stored in waist packs or cargo pockets are not permitted in line and must be stored in a locker or with a non-rider." In practice, many have been told that waist packs were not permitted on those rides. If I was looking at the 2015 guide, I'd think they just changed the policy, but it is the 2014 one.
  9. YKItOSW, with less than a week to go, I transfer from anticipation and excitement, to panic that I've become too soft in the past few months to handle a day of hiking all over the park. And I still haven't found my stupid coin purse I like to carry smashed penny supplies in.
  10. As I was making happy noises while I went to get my season pass so I could sign up, my husband asked if I just won a million dollars. I guess you could say I'm a little excited. Thanks so much for letting us know first!
  11. If I'm alone, and don't have to take other people's pace into account (also, if the park isn't so crowded I can't maneuver around slower walkers), I can get from any part of the dry park to any other part in about five minutes or less. That's at a brisk walk, no running. So, there's pretty much no chance that a transportation ride would actually save me time (even if there was no line). I still ride the train because I enjoy it, and I would do the same with the sky ride if it were there.
  12. From what I remember of the Sky Ride, standing in queues for 30-40 minutes is missing from your scenario's timeline. Every time I think I'd like to have it back as a shortcut across the park, I remember that. I would like it back for its views and thrill, though.
  13. As dtk1730 posted in the other dining plan thread: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/images/uploads/file/2015%20KI%20Dining%20Plan%20Details.pdf The thread: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/30682-changes-to-2015-dining-plans-update-not-happening/page-7#entry674382
  14. CP Food Blog updated their listing of the meal plan options http://cpfoodblog.com/2015-kings-island-dining-plans/ Notably, there are actual listings for what is going to be available at RHoFG
  15. If not for finding myself with a group of girls who wanted to ride coasters the summer I turned 13, and not wanting to be left out, I most likely would not have ever become a coaster enthusiast. Before that trip, I had only ever had one terrifying ride on The Beastie (no lie). After riding all the coasters at Cedar Point (I think there were nine at that time) I was hooked. So the default assumption can sometimes come to good. I prefer going to the park alone most of the time now too, tho.
  16. Last night I had an extended dream where I was trying to get ready for season pass preview night, but things kept getting in the way. Eventually, it was 7:30 and I wasn't showered or dressed and wouldn't get to the park until 8 even if I left right then, so I gave up. The dream went on to Saturday morning and I was still encountering obstacles from getting to the park for Opening Day. Finally, I woke up to the point I realized what day it actually was and that opening was still a week away, and that was the hardest blow of all.
  17. Wow, he was part of the book and record I had about the ride when I was little. Pretty cool! Edit: so you can experience it too Hatbox starts around 4:25
  18. Too bad that My Little Pony rights are probably too expensive That would have some cross-generational appeal as well. I still watch Charlie Brown specials every October and December but I don't feel much connection to the characters when I'm at KI (or when they're used in other advertising). I don't know how the kids feel about them. There is a lot to be said for choosing characters that have been around for so long, but I just don't think Peanuts have the charisma needed to carry a themed land.
  19. If the success of Haunt teaches anything, it is that there is a market for (non-thrill-ride/adrenaline-fueled) fright among non-child audiences. I think Rivertown is the perfect location for a haunted dark ride that is geared more towards older audiences than Phantom Theater and its successors ever were. At the same time, it might not be a bad idea to theme the dark ride in the children's area back to something that will really appeal to current children. I watched a documentary about KI recently that talked about how there was an outcry (among older patrons) when Enchanted Voyage was changed over to Smurfs. Having been a child of the target age right when that change was made, I have to say it was the absolute correct decision. Many of the characters in EV were already foreign and outdated to me, I only knew them through the ride. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, and of course there is a place for history and nostalgia. But, each new crop of kids need to really connect with something before it will ever become nostalgia for them. Kids live in the now because that is all they've really experienced yet.
  20. Mine is still in my wallet behind my license. Now where I put the coin purse I use to carry my smashed penny supplies, that is another story...
  21. Ah, but the preview night means it is only 9 days left for some of us It's the day I'm counting down to, anyway.
  22. So, it would probably be a detriment that I've already done both rooms? If not, I'm totally up for being there. It's the least I can do for getting the opportunity to play both rooms for free. You did say 6 AM? Lucky I'm an early bird.
  23. I saw a picture earlier today showing some concrete being poured near the front of Tower Gardens, unless I was interpreting it wrong. It looked like they were expanding the walkway there on the way toward the new Coca-Cola Marketplace using some of the land that was previously Tower Gardens. Found it, it was actually originally a Tweet from Kings Island, although I saw it through GOCC's Facebook: https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/585121284952043520
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