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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. If anyone happens to see when there is a special for 250 point tickets, please let us know! My husband doesn't have a pass, so it's nice to get a ticket once in awhile so I can get him to go with me. If it's "free", so much the better
  2. I've never been one to worry that much about how fashionable I was when going to a park, even during my teen years. I always was a little amazed by the people who would dress in ways that looked to be uncomfortable or unwieldy, presumably to pick up or impress members of their preferred sex. High heels or a short skirt when I'm there to ride rides, I don't think so, even if I'm on a date. These days, I'm definitely not dressing for fashion or to pick anyone up. I do try to wear things I think are fun or cute (I have these rainbow tie-dye sneakers that get at least one compliment every time I wear them somewhere), but only if they're also appropriate for long walking/standing, hot days, and riding rides. My uniform usually consists of a fun t-shirt, cargo shorts, comfortable shoes with socks, and my hair pulled into two low pigtails. I used to usually do a high single pony tail but I find the two low ones stay out of the way of some headrests (like on FoF) better.
  3. According to the news at the time, the backwards Racer was turned forwards to be "consistent with other Cedar Fair parks." http://m.fox19.com/fox19/pm_/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=od:mAQAGylG Personally, I really miss it.
  4. I would share it, but... After relaying the story to my husband we figured it had to have been in the news, but came up empty on our searches, so I have to assume that they didn't want to make it public. Maybe if Ryan knows differently, he can share it.
  5. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they've misunderstood your point.
  6. A nice little article about the new petting zoo: http://www.honeyhillfarm.net/see-touch-learn-kings-island-is-hosting-a-brand-new-petting-zoo-for-the-2015-season/ I think the animals having their own blog may turn out to be interesting.
  7. Being able to and being allowed to are very different things. I wouldn't want an operator to risk his or her job by breaking protocol.
  8. Well, it's against the park's rules, regardless of whether they catch you. I prefer not to break the rules myself, and particularly don't like to encourage others to do so.
  9. Last summer they would not let you wear a fanny pack, etc on Banshee, you would have to take it off and leave it in a locker or with a friend before even entering the line. I ended up not getting a new fanny pack for that reason alone. What was suggested to me instead, and what I have learned to love, is cargo pants/shorts. Unable to find any with pockets the size I wanted in women's I ended up buying men's. I can't recommend them enough. Zippers on the pockets are best, but buttons or Velcro will do too.
  10. I don't think my familiarity with the trappings really helped at all with solving the actual puzzles. About the only thing it helped was I impressed the designer of the game who was in the room with us, when I knew the little pointer on a Ouiji board was called a "planchette".
  11. Roller Coast[er] emergency stops for unspecified length of time, but long enough for a minor celebrity to break the rules and tweet out a selfie, so KTLA is on your side bringing this important news: http://ktla.com/2015/04/03/disney-california-adventure-roller-coast-breaks-down-strands-passengers/ In other news, yesterday I had to park my SUV on a small slope while I went in a store, enough that I was uncomfortable just leaving it in "Park", so I deployed my emergency brake. A store employee reports that "as far as I know, no vehicles rolled into our building." I will keep you updated on this important story as it continues to develop.
  12. Some of my ancestors were gypsies from Hungary, so I've always been drawn to the mythos. I used to do tarot card readings for my friends in high school and owned a crystal ball.
  13. Thanks for the link. It's still automatically redirecting me back to mobile no matter what I try. I wonder if they broke their site code or if something changed on my phone.
  14. Crap. The old trick of going to the site, clicking "full site" and pasting the link is no longer working to be able to see stuff on my phone. When I click full site it just reloads the mobile. I've got a cat asleep on me so forgive me not getting on a real computer to check: is that quote about $1 Banshee Twists from a specific passholder night or all season? If it's all season, between that and the dining plan I'm probably going to put on weight even with all the walking I do at the park.
  15. Me looking like a goob with Esmerelda. That was great, guys! I really enjoyed escaping the room with you all. I'm just glad we didn't get paddled by a naked Russian.
  16. The Kings Island iPhone app updated on my phone today. So far it looks much more useful than the old one. There's a new "Friend Finder" functionality, where you create and share a PIN with your friends and you can then find each other in the park. Useful for meetups.
  17. Yep. That's "Riding History to the Limits". I'm probably going to watch it on the PBS app, but it's also available in nine parts on the cetconnect.org website, in HD if you log in.
  18. Edited: I looked it up and the documentary TheCryptCrusader mentioned seems to be called "Riding History to the Limits". I had a strange dream during an afternoon nap today. The season was starting and we were anxious to find out if some rumored removals of things from the park had occurred. One was the Coney Mall arch (as mentioned in another thread) and the other was a Disney-fied Catholic chapel that had been one of many things in a large building that stood approximately where the Eiffel Tower does in real life. I was telling someone before we went in that Kings Island was more than the sum of its parts, and that no matter how it changed (and that it would ultimately change over time) it would still be special.
  19. Then there are crazies like me who think the center of the train on Diamondback (rows 7-10) is the best. At the peaks of the hills, I just float and feel like I'll never come down. It is my single favorite feeling in the park.
  20. The guy to his left appeared to have a phone in his hand he was looking down at. He looked to be doing the same thing when I caught a glimpse as the train returned. So at least it didn't hit anyone.
  21. With a coaster that goes this speed, I'm really hoping I didn't see what I thought I did at the 27 second mark of that video.
  22. I've seen that one with the crown over the script-y lettering used occasionally on souvenirs I've seen listed on eBay. I don't know how long it was used though. I'm more used to the other (as you say "medieval") one from my own experience at the park in the 1980s.
  23. Well, I guess it all depends on if he likes inversions. I saw that comment on Facebook earlier, CoasterOhio, and was tempted to reply, but I have learned over the years not to get into online arguments when I can help it. I must say, I personally prefer Cedar Fair's KI to Paramount's so far. Ruining the park, they definitely aren't.
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