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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Yeah, I thought for a long time the Mobile Strike ad was originating on KIC, I guess because it was typically the only site I visited at KI. Then one day when my husband was at the park with me he nearly had a heart attack when the ad showed up on our business page (which isn't supposed to have any ads). He thought the site had been hacked or something until we put two and two together and realized it was coming from KI's wifi. I would by far rather have the wifi availability with ads, than not have wifi at all when I'm at the park. Plus I got a handful of front of the line passes throughout the summer from downloading and playing Mobile Strike, so it was a good partnership as far as I'm concerned.
  2. 12 (three 4-person cars per train). I always like to hit it after FoF, after opening, so lines are still low.
  3. ^^ I nominate an adult Whip as the third classic flat
  4. https://twitter.com/donhelbig/status/797155262469734400 Within the last 24 hours
  5. I like BLSC there, so I don't have any good suggestions. But, welcome to KIC!
  6. I got 155 'til opening day... Hope I'm the correct one It hasn't been officially announced yet has it?
  7. ^VP Finance and Administration at Cedar Point for the last year, and VP Finance at KI for the four years prior to that.
  8. If a coaster is being built in the forest and nobody sees it, is any work really being done?
  9. I had another one recently. The park was either closed to the public or very very light crowds, so I was able to ride Vortex alone suspended from the track in a harness kind of like EXtreme Skyflyer's (which in reality would be a good way to take a face full of steel, but it worked in the dream ) Even as I was dreaming that I was soaring along, I thought to myself "I'm so spoiled that I get to have opportunities like this!" and felt grateful. From the air, I had noticed I could see Mystic Timbers' construction area from a unique angle so once I was on the ground, I walked over to look. There was a small concrete wall and beyond was a vast valley, filled with small log cabins, which I had never noticed before, and the new coaster looked like it was going to be rushing over them. It occurred to me maybe they were going to bring back camping to Kings Island's property. I wanted to get a pic and realized I wasn't wearing shoes, so I went to get my stuff I apparently left somewhere before flying Vortex. Around then I woke up.
  10. Just for heaven's sake don't put it in Planet Snoopy.
  11. I also have had dreams where I'm trying to get to KI but things get in the way. And I think it is more rare that I will dream a part of KI that actually agrees with reality than for it to look completely different. I'm that way with most locations, like if I dream I'm in my house, it doesn't look anything like my real house.
  12. I personally wear cargo shorts or pants, and love being unrestricted. One of the things I always carry with me in my pockets is a foldable tote bag or a string backpack. So, what's funny is that usually the only time I have something I can't stuff in my pockets is when I am carrying something I purchased in one of the shops in my bag or backpack. This makes it so that I rarely buy something on a whim: I need to already be planning to make a run out to my vehicle. I would probably spend much more money than the couple bucks for a locker, if I didn't always need to be on my way out to feel like I want to buy something.
  13. I think it will. With its lower speeds, unsecured items aren't nearly as dangerous. So, they don't need to have someone before the queue making sure no one is taking anything into the line they can't secure, the way they do with Banshee.
  14. Answers that question for sure. Almost as though they're watching us...
  15. I've had little other than KI dreams the past few nights. My favorites: Anyone who spends much time with me at the park knows I'm always almost compulsively on the lookout for change and other interesting things on the ground. In my dream, I found several different pieces of foreign paper money in quick succession. Then I learned that Don Helbig is an excellent forger and had been producing fake money to leave around to entertain people like me In another dream, myself and friends got to ride Mystic Timbers even though it wasn't finished yet. Because it wasn't finished, we were left in a big field at the end, and had to hike back to the park. The ride had a big station building that they decided it didn't actually need. There was this whole section that had been going to be used as queues but they decided not to. So, I was going to be able to move in. I was in a hurry to do so, so I could enjoy it as long as possible before the winter, because it didn't have full walls
  16. ^^^ it definitely is the number of visits. I kept track of my visits in a spreadsheet this year, and the number that popped up after my pic was always accurate. However, I only have a gold pass so I don't know if it is the total number for visits to KI or across all the parks, if one has a platinum pass.
  17. The front of the line passes just act as a single use Fast Lane. Except for closing Sundays when half the park has their free FL+ for renewing, this usually isn't a problem ;D
  18. I would hope for it to be always included, with a second coaster in rotation.
  19. 62. At least 50 of those had to be from park open to close.
  20. They've basically stopped pretending this "prize wheel" is anything other than a way to buy a one time line skip for $5 Every spin wins at least a FOTL for one, and two of the spots offer a Front of the Line pass for two. This should be very helpful for those of you who like this wheel, you pretty much know what you're getting now. Assuming this change is permanent and wasn't just an end-of-the-season bonus. (Although, looking closer at the pic, it could be that each individual space offers only a FOTL for the ride featured on that space. I hope that isn't so)
  21. Regardless of whether it has something to do with what is in the shed, I agree that interaction with the train is going to be a big part of this ride. Losantiville station offers a beautiful view of the first hill after the drop, and as you leave the station there is an excellent view of that insane first curving drop. A short while after that, there is the potential of Mr. T trains rushing right towards the train, as they turn around and come down the hill next to the KI&MVRR engine shed, at the very end of the out and back portion. On the way back to Rivertown, the train will go under the track twice: between the Shed and station, and again where Mr. T leaves the station. When we were at CoasterStock this year, at one point one of the trains approached the station with what I believe was described as a "Lew Brown entrance," billowing steam*. I hope this is something that can occasionally still be done, and that the interactions with Mystic Timbers don't make it impossible. One of the required train whistles seems to coincide with around where it will interact with the MT track and station so that may be quite loud and exciting from that side. * edit: yes, I found my tweet with a video of it: https://twitter.com/maglizrd/status/734363383785521152
  22. An article about the re-creation http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3891568/Gold-Coast-Dreamworld-investigators-use-crash-test-dummies-create-theme-park-tragedy-killed-four.html
  23. Since yesterday it has been looking to me on the webcam like the conical roof on the water tower has been removed. Is this something that usually happens in the off season?
  24. I just put it in my countdown app as April 15th, 2017. I suspect they may have a preview night again on the 14th. Nothing official about those dates, of course. But it means there are 165 days until opening day if correct.
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