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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. I took these notes during Dennis Speigel's talk at Coasterstock: I honestly think "gamification" and "augmented reality" here. I think somehow the riders are going to interact with screens inside the shed to beat back the growth trying to take over the Island.
  2. They never took the swings off, from what I saw.
  3. I still think it's possible it isn't even going to be a coaster. Whatever it is, I think it will be shocking. I think it might even be the first of its kind something, but don't have a clue what that something might be! I do agree that he /may/ have meant nobody has totally nailed it while getting some elements correct, but I'm also willing to believe he meant we still haven't even gotten close.
  4. They've lifted it back up some
  5. Going down a hill on Diamondback behind a guy with white boy dreadlocks looks like the scariest spider ever is preparing to leap into your face over the seat.
  6. I've mentioned before that maybe it's a lack if imagination on my part but the way the path is shaping up just looks like an antique car path to me, especially when viewed from above. I ran into Don Helbig in the park, and he said a couple things I don't think he'd mind me sharing. First is that no one on KIC has got it right yet. Second is that there won't be seating in the announcement area (the stumps are for show). So, if you haven't left home yet and feel like lugging a folding chair through security you might want to pack one! I told him personally, but I also want to commend him publicly on what a fantastic job he and his team have done this season. It's less than 12 hours until the announcement, and I've been following closely all season, and I still don't have a single detail that I am certain about (even the type of ride). Don Helbig and his crew have kept the excitement and mystery going this whole time without giving anything away. It's been a fun ride and I can't wait for tonight!
  7. After seeing the area behind the train station from DB this morning, I'm back on team 'tiques.
  8. For Thrill Biscuit. Sorry they're not as cool as yours
  9. If so, that is so awesome! Doing a little happy dance over a possible extended season. I know one young fan who would be really happy to hear that too since she'll be missing a week of shows.
  10. Dangit! I heard on Monday from an employee outside the theater that the reason they were opening the doors late was that they were practicing with a new performer, but he didn't know anything beyond that. So is there a new juggler/painter, new act(s), or just an empty hole in the show? Going to miss him.
  11. Good, benches. I was going to pack my folding chair just in case, but I don't want to have to go out to the truck to get it or try hauling it through security (maybe) and all the way to the back of Rivertown.
  12. I disagree, I enjoy when Don plays along with us. Lets me know he cares enough to follow what we're talking about here.
  13. Also remember, being able to ride a ride or not is not a judgment on your character, and is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If you find you're unable to fit on a certain ride, please don't let it ruin your day!
  14. Pretty sure that Don is messing with us about the Splintrcat, it was his personal account, not work account, and if they were using the name they would have their own artwork done for it. But others are free to believe otherwise. It's all very exciting, either way!
  15. If they're doing the announcement over there it does make sense for them to shut down Diamondback early so GP can start entering the area to get spots to watch. I wonder if they'll use the back of the building as a giant projection screen.
  16. I believe CoasterOhio was referring to closing early the evening of the announcement, not the rest of the season.
  17. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/32241-announcement-day-meetup-jul-28/
  18. Until you mentioned it, I hadn't even thought to do special nails for the announcement. Definitely planning to do so now. I can't do anything quite as elaborate as your mock-up but I do have some stamps that look like trees.
  19. For me, living closer has /added/ magic to the park. When I was young I wished I could go more often, and being able to as an adult has not been a disappointment. We lived over an hour away when I was a kid, and went maybe three times over the summer, except the years after my sister got her driver's license and she and I had season passes and went more often. Now I live a half hour away, and I've been to the park over 30 times this season open until close. Being at the park so much gives me a view on just how many special things are going on at the park all the time. I get to go to the park when attendance is light, and ride whatever I want. I also can go to the park when it's busy and not feel like I'm missing out or wasting time I should be riding, and enjoy other aspects of the park like shows or special events. As much as I am at the park now, I'm not tired of it, and often wish I lived a little closer, even.
  20. The only place other than International Street that I heard anything Christmassy was when a couple Beast ride-ops were singing Christmas songs over the mics. Including, I believe, Princess Sparkles in the drive box.
  21. No. Zephyr has been temporarily dismantled. Shake Rattle and Roll was dismantled, refurbished, repainted, and got a new lighting package, all in a prior season.
  22. I'm a little emotional. I'm riding the train for the last time before announcement day. Here's that clearing next to the engine house I mentioned earlier
  23. Actually, Snoopy was in the Festhaus and later KI Theater. Fortunately for the kids inside, I haven't seen any of the characters outside of AC. Pretty sure Santa Snoopy is wearing a long coat. But he doesn't wear pants anyway, so does it really matter if it is a coat or dress? I saw mention on Twitter, I think, of Candy Cane fudge and Gingerbread fudge. I haven't actually been over there tho.
  24. About the announcement location, last year I went into guest services early in the day to ask where the announcement would be (for what ended up being Tropical Plunge). They said not only that they didn't know, they wouldn't be told until shortly before the announcement. Fortunately I ran into another KIC person later in the day and found out it was over in Soak City. If not for that I may have missed it entirely. So, on Thursday, let's try to keep the meetup thread updated with where it looks like it will be. I'm still assuming in front of the funnel cake wall.
  25. They're surveying and adding more markers to the path wandering behind the train station. It's looking more like a turn around here. As close up as I could get of one of the markers 5' off 101A left/ 10' off 102A CTR possibly?
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