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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Blue Racer often closes early (and opens late or not at all on days when crowds are very light), I'm not certain that was directly related to the fireworks.
  2. There are so many things I love about that video! I wish I had access to a clean copy of it I could just watch, as well as the original version. I've actually been known to just stand in an unused part of the queue and watch the whole thing through, on occasion, in the morning when it is still quiet. The whole thing is about 15 min long if I'm remembering right. This year, with the synchronization of the queue lighting to the video, and other small upkeep steps, has been the best in recent memory. But I don't remember it enough from the beginning to compare theming to then. I rode it once when it opened and swore never again. I love it since they changed the restraints though. One day in July when it was the ERT, and no one else went back due to rain (it's indoors! Why not?!), I rode ten times in about 45 min, once in each row of the train. The first seven times were all during ERT, and the first five were zen rides. Rides six and seven, a single ride op hopped on each time. The last three, the park had finally opened to everyone and a handful of people drifted back and rode with me. I certainly haven't noticed it being at all more rough this season: if anything, it seems better. The day I rode ten times, I was having a small problem with my neck and worried it might make it worse but it didn't.
  3. I don't think I've seen this mentioned here, but Kings Island is offering an event on August 16, in honor of NRCD . It includes Banshee and DB/Beast behind the scenes tours, and exclusive "night" rides on Beast starting at 8:15 (I know it won't actually be dark quite that early, but should be by the end). It's free but you need to register by August 12, and be a member of one of their accepted coaster clubs. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/things-to-do/events-and-promotions/National-Roller-Coaster-Day-7-30-14-32
  4. As I posted in the other thread, the ride will in future be known to me as Mr. T
  5. A lot of it was actually done when you took your pics, but from the train angle, you couldn't actually see down in the trenches to the concrete work. I had seen it from DB very early tho.
  6. Finally got over to WWC queue to get progress pics. As I was taking them, a random guy asked me "what, you gonna build your own?" I wish.
  7. I've decided the nickname I'm going to use. Mister T. I pity da fool who ain't lookin' forward to this ride.
  8. The construction crew has been busy beavers since I last saw the area. They've started to dig trenches near the WWC queue area (where they were spray painting Monday) and have even begun to fill some of them with concrete. I saw it from DB and wanted to get some pics but WWC isn't opening until later because of the construction. So I'll update with pics as soon as I'm able. I'm so excited!
  9. ^ the photo shoot I attended last year at KI, we were also instructed to keep our hands down. I thought it was more for aesthetics at the time.
  10. Listen. We need to get consensus or the GP will take over the nicknaming. I like Embers better than the transliteration of MT. But, it makes me a little nervous because I have a husband often telling me he's surprised no one has ever tried to burn down Beast. Not that he wants to, but he's just surprised it hasn't been a thing.
  11. Pretty sure it will be permanent, yes. It defines the new maintenance road that seems to be going through there.
  12. He's a real winner: (From Orlando Sentinel article http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-pinky-flamingo-dead-busch-gardens-20160803-story.html )Probably shouldn't be allowed to make his own decisions.
  13. I really enjoyed the theming of Top Gun when it opened, it made the ride into a full "experience." However, I am awfully fond of the change of theming to The Bat. The original Bat was a bit legendary to me, here and gone long before I started riding coasters. So, even though it's not the "real" Bat, I can pretend. I think its flight resembles a bat more than a jet fighter to me, anyway. I am a little upset that the stickers on the front of the trains are already either in bad shape or missing. That is a disappointment in theming.
  14. Another issue is how MyTi should be pronounced. Like the drink, Mai Tai? Like the adjective Mighty? Or like the nickname Mitty? The third way is how the actual syllables from the whole name would sound, but I like the other two ideas better.
  15. We should probably move discussion of the stakes in Dinosaurs Alive over to the Decoding 2.5 topic. I think it is pretty fair to assume that it is not directly related to Mystic Timbers construction. It very well might be related to the second announcement though.
  16. What part of DA? Maybe they're going to bring through plumbing for X-Base restrooms!
  17. If you're in a wheel seat. I don't find it very rough in the center of a car, though.
  18. ^notice that is his personal Twitter account, not his Kings Island official one.
  19. Forgot to mention, I saw this last night. They've begun spraying what appears to be the layout onto the ground. Assuming they continue, it should give a very good idea of how the final ride will lie in the area, especially when viewed from Diamondback. Won't be able to get pics of that of course.
  20. Mysty, Mitty, and Mai Tai are also possibilities. Along with the obvious, Empty (MT).
  21. I recognized them as rebar, but didn't know enough about coaster construction to realize how they'd be used. Thanks for sharing I guess I'm going to be learning as I go. If I had a message board like this, and the connections I have now, when I was in college, my life may have been very different. Roller coaster design and construction was my dream job when I was graduating with my mechanical engineering degree, but I didn't know how to get into the field and assumed they'd want me to have more experience first. Life went sideways and I never got the experience anyway. I was trying to get a pic of the tags in case there was any info there others might find interesting. There was a tag very near the WWC path, but flipped so the info was facing away. From the back, I can say the rebar isn't heat treated
  22. Having a dining plan and visiting the park all day twice a week or so, I can sympathize. I can also vouch for what others have said, the antipasto salad at La Rosa's and the one at RHOFG are excellent. If you go to the International Street La Rosa's they usually have a fantastic La Rosa's creamy garlic dressing (in the cooler near the salads) in addition to the Kraft offerings they have at the others. Unfortunately they usually leave the olives off their salads, in favor of pickled peppers. All three locations tend to have variances in how they make their salads: which meats and toppings, how much of each, and it can change from day to day as well. At Red's, even tho it is called a Buffalo Chicken Salad, you can get it without the buffalo sauce and it is just a salad with diced grilled chicken. Very yummy. You can also get a salad at Chicken Shack this year, and can have them put whatever on it you want, of their offerings. I haven't actually tried it tho, because I've found their tenders disappointing this year.
  23. Yes, I did, and yes, it was more or less the same as last season.
  24. Jorge is back! And in an unexpected turn, Josh's (Jacko's) ankle is well enough finally that he joined the tramp wall! Four person tramp wall! Yay!
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