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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Wanted to feel the air I guess Silliest thing I've seen on that ride was earlier this season. Two boys, presumably to show how "cool" they were, spent half the ride with their belts unbuckled with the end held high in the air to show it off. Ooh, yeah, no rules can contain you *rollseyes*
  2. I haven't but I've been hoping to. I heard last year his name is Sebastian. I really enjoyed watching him dance. Not necessarily related, but I haven't seen the KI Paint Dept. drummers yet this year either. They were great. On the other hand, I've seen KI Five more often than last year.
  3. I forgot to mention it and it probably means nothing, but I know some people thought there was significance. The stage that was in front of Viking Fury has finally been removed. In 20 visits, the only time I ever saw it in use was when some kids snuck on to give an impromptu gymnastics demonstration.
  4. This isn't entirely my own speculation, but it does go along with what I was pointing out in pictures yesterday about the cleared path behind the train station heading in a direct line smack toward the side of the big box. So, Kings Island has submitted plans so they can start some work. The pages focus on details from a small portion of the entire layout (marked "Area of Work"). Presumably these plans were submitted this month, not just to give us a thrill, but because they wanted to get started on work... however, except for possibly spelling out "watch for falling trees" in sticks (I say possibly because I didn't personally see it, but I may have been looking the wrong direction at the time) and maybe a little more tree removal (nothing major I've noticed), very little visible has changed the last couple weeks. There is someplace we can't see though: inside the box. Every bit of the work detailed in the submitted in the plans could already be in process, possibly completed, and we'd have little to no idea. Keep eyes open for concrete mixers near the prior TRTR building.
  5. I think the current prevailing theory is that it is probably GCI, with very strong wish-for-RMC overtones.
  6. Well, I enjoyed THIS cast yesterday Although, the new ring act was sadly missing from the show. I hope that isn't permanent but I'm glad I had the opportunity to see her perform three times Monday. It was great to see the tightrope get some action again, since the original rope-walker is back. They sort of cobbled the show together around the missing act, and threw the high tightrope walk into its spot. Rather than use the Hand2Hand/Rings music, they let the drummer have the time to just go solo. That was nice to hear. When I saw Josh, I was surprised. I remember him, but he was not who I was remembering when I talked about "Josh" the other day. Looking back at my notes, I seem to have mentally filed what Jonathan Julian looked like when he was in clown makeup (rather than when he later wore black and silver and took part in the Hand2Hand act), as a different person, who I misremembered as "Josh". So, when I said the new guy who is part of the final act reminds me of "Josh", what I really thought was that he looks like Jonathan. So I feel kind of stupid, but I'm still happy to see Josh back. He's putting his own twist on the "Jacko" role which has been interesting to see. Although it actually first showed up at the final show Monday, this new ball makes the pre-show make more sense to the whole audience. I think sometimes it was hard to see where the vine was, when it was pulled away, etc. which made it difficult to understand why the animals were behaving the ways they were. This makes the end of the vine very visible, and gives them a clear object to be attempting to grab The trampoline act has four people again. The original rope walker has rejoined, but currently Josh is not replacing his predecessor in that act due to an injury. So, they have brought in a temporary replacement for Josh in that act only I continue to be charmed by the new woman who is doing the final act. She is not only extremely talented, she is very expressive. After nailing a particularly difficult series of tricks, she did a happy jig at the top of the apparatus and let out a squeal. It was adorable. Can't wait to see what THIS cast will be next time I get to see the show!
  7. I didn't take pics, but the lines for both Woodstock Express and Gliders were full queue when I first checked around 10:30. Express had gone down about halfway when I checked again at 11, but Gliders were still nearly full. I assumed the trivia meant "one" coaster going both backwards and forwards at the same time.
  8. Imagine what they'll think when she is almost 40 and wearing pigtails, too.
  9. It turned out he was putting in his email rather than his username when he tried to log in.
  10. I can confirm I've rode DB twice today and didn't see anything like that. Unfortunately I've been on the left wing both times so it isn't impossible I've missed it.
  11. This has really caught my interest. When you walk into the new WWC entrance, through the first arbor, and across the train tracks, then look right, you see this large clearing: Turn and look behind you from that view, and you see the box Significantly, there are low, almost temporary fences on the path adjacent to the clearing, separating the two arbors At first, I had assumed that like the rest of the clearing in that area, it was related to the WWC entrance/exit construction. But now that it is all finished, it is clear that isn't so. It sure looks to me like something is planned to cross through there, headed right at the former TRTR building.
  12. There's a thread in the meetup section about who will be at ERT. I for one will.
  13. The Kings Island app has been delivering me bits of trivia when I arrive at the park, lately. Today, it asked if I knew The Racer was the first coaster to go backwards and forwards. Thanks KI app, I did know that, and I hope you're mentioning it because there's a chance of bringing back recaR.
  14. If they put one in, I'd go. And even though I've lived in the vicinity of Cincy most of my life, my only previous visits were for Fire up the Night. That was so crowded I could barely tell there were any rides. I'm spoiled by KI, but if Coney got a unique coaster for the area, I'd happily go.
  15. It looks like I'll be going Monday to get some copies of the plans. Those of you that are actively working on figuring it out from the tiny info on that video (you're amazing!) are welcome to look at my physical copies if we can work out meeting up at KI one day when I go. I typically visit two weekdays a week, open until close. Which days changes, but I'm unlikely to go on Tuesdays because there is no Cirque. I'll probably just keep them in my truck, so those of you who already know me can just hit me up if you see me around after Monday. I was originally satisfied with the knowledge the plans actually exist, but I've decided I need to look at them with my own eyes at this point. I have a degree in engineering, but never worked with drawings for anything this size before. I'm hoping I can figure something out. At the very least, it will be a unique souvenir from my favorite park.
  16. I would not call The Racer legendary. Sure it started the building of coasters again, but other than that and the racing element there is really nothing very special about it. Maybe she meant Woodstock Express and Beast
  17. By the age you put when you signed up, I think you are 15. I would love for you to throw your Christlike nature in people's faces, but believe me, that is the exact opposite of what you have done here so far. People disagreeing with you, especially when you make negative comments about something they are doing to celebrate, is not bullying. Complaining that putting on a private event is somehow shoving /anything/ in your face is a whole lot closer to bullying than anything anyone has said in response. That said, welcome to KIC! Hope you come to be a constructive addition to the community.
  18. It goes in the center of that turnaround down at the bottom of the pic I'm really buying what you're selling here, Kenban. The zones divided by the railroad track makes a lot of sense.
  19. Kings Island posted a little video that has some interesting views of the Origins show: https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/videos/10154846555498368/
  20. I had the opportunity to see the two new acts that replace the previous two duos. Hand2Hand has been replaced by a fabulous solo act, a young lady with incredible control over rings. She must be seen to be believed. Yet another performer who exudes personality, even after the first performance I was completely drawn in. I will be sad not seeing more of Nicolas and Charlotte, but I would also regret never having seen the new act. I am looking forward to watching many more times. The trapeze act has been replaced by a pair doing an act I haven't seen before. Athletically, I feel like it is even more amazing than what it replaced. However, so far, I am still very much missing Yannick (tattooed gnome) from the rest of the show. I can tell I will grow to like the new performer, but he needs to find his own role. So far he is doing a pale imitation of Yannick, which doesn't fit him. Yesterday also marked the last day for two other performers: "Jacko", the vocal member of the monkey-lizard pair, and Zeph, the replacement slack-rope performer. Both will be missed. The original rope walker will be returning, which was unsurprising, but I was pleasantly surprised by the other change. When I first saw the man from the new act, he reminded me of Josh who performed in Cirque Imagine two years ago (he is most memorable to me as the first "Nico" I saw perform, after Nico was injured but before Carl took on the role). Asking about that, I was told "no, Josh doesn't start until Wednesday." The man in the new act is new to KI, but Josh is returning in the role as a monkey-lizard! I'm going to miss the first performer a lot, but it is great to be seeing a face from KI Cirque history, too.
  21. This season, my surprise favorite has become LaRosa's antipasto salad and breadsticks. What's odd about it is that I've gotten it at least a half-dozen times, and every time it has been different. Generally, there is lettuce, some meats, and sliced provolone cheese. However, sometimes there are three different meats (pepperoni, salami, and I think capicola) other times only two, sometimes a lot of it, sometimes very little. Occasionally there is shredded cheese in addition to the slices. Cherry tomatoes, peppers, and olives have made their own appearances at different times, together or separately. The toppings at times have been artfully arranged, others somewhat thrown together. The salads at each of the three locations always differ from each other, but are not consistent in their design at the same location between visits. The salads clearly are being made by different hands, with only the roughest of blueprints, if any at all. I guess I have come to like the surprise of it! And the breadsticks are heavenly. I've avoided LaRosa's with my dining plan most of the time in the past because I dislike the pizza at the park. But I love this salad. Last time I went, they had LaRosa's house creamy garlic dressing available for the first time since I've been getting the salads. It is ok with the Kraft light Italian dressing, but the creamy garlic kicks it to a whole new level!
  22. My initial response to news like this is disgust and hate, I think that goes for most of us. However, I don't want to contribute to the escalation of hate, either within my heart, or to the world at large. So instead, I want to share my love for all people who may have become fearful because this happened: for gays and lesbians (and anywhere else on the spectrum), peaceful Muslims, the children of immigrants, who may feel they are targets from one side or another after something like this occurs. For every person who dislikes you for one thing about you, there are hundreds who love and care for you, for who you are. We're out there, we care. For some reason, we have become accustomed to freely expressing hate while being reserved about love. Don't let the loud voice of hate drown the gentle whisper of love coming from so many more individuals. Don't be afraid to express your own love, either.
  23. Yeah, I'd still be happy with almost anything. They've been fairly respectful of the wooded feel in the area (so far, and it looks to continue) which would be my only worry. Well, that and the train and RFYLCB, neither of which I fear the park likely to remove. I've been hoping for something similar to the leaked plans (Giga still belongs on the opposite side of the park ) all along, but even if it turns out to be something lesser, I'd be happy to have something new. Some of us would be happy just to get animatronic singing mushrooms, like the ones at KD, right? On Friday, I heard a certain singing-mushroom-obsessed man say he would trade anything else at KI for it to have its own set. Anything.
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