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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. Granted, the coolest part of the evening was when we got stuck on the MCBR of DB to watch the fireworks. But, for me, the second best thing was that they've finally fixed (even improved from what I remember) the light in the pouring lava at the end of Adventure Express. That wasn't the only new or improved, or simply working theming, since last season. This was exactly the kind of things I had hoped they would focus on this "off" year. More of FoF's theming was working (the music while on the ride itself really adds to it) and they finally replaced the 90's clothed mannequins in the pods in the loading station. BLSC has some newly painted theming. I couldn't tell for sure as I shot through the tunnels, but I think attention has been given to the theming in addition to the final lift hill. Everything also seemed to be running exceptionally well, as though a lot of worn wheels have been changed out. Had a wonderful smooth ride on Vortex. I feel like our concerns have been listened to in a lot of ways, and even though there were some hiccups tonight, I think it was a lovely start to the 2016 season.
  2. I got to be the first player at the new soccer game. I only made one of six shots but considering I've only ever kicked a "soccer ball" before was into the fountains to kick cancer, it's better than I expected!
  3. Something like this? http://www.KICentral.com/photos/albums/userpics/10001/Racer5.jpg I don't know why I was surprised by either of these things but I was: I searched for that image only to find it on KIC, and also, Don Helbig has his own Wikipedia page.
  4. Just use the same ones. I assume processing will be open, probably around the same time as the parking gates (which I think was confirmed as 3:30)
  5. As I understand it, it is "self scan" rather than "season pass" because people who have purchased parking in advance online will also be able to scan their print-outs.
  6. The part of Soak City's parking lot that she's standing in doesn't appear repaved, either. If none of the worse areas have gotten any love, I'll be a bit disappointed.
  7. I was there almost 60 times, and spent a lot of time in that arcade (Wizard of Oz coin pushers) and I never saw it in use either :-/
  8. I think that at some point over the weekend, the height limit for the Great Pumpkin Coaster should be waived, so attendees can get our credits without "hijacking" a small child to ride with us.
  9. IME, the tolls have typically opened an hour before the front gates opened for ERT, so an hour and a half before "official" park opening. I don't remember for sure, though, when they went to Haunt evenings in the fall, whether it was an hour before gate opening or an hour and a half. I sat outside the south tolls waiting a couple of times, but I can't remember exactly how early I was. I /think/ it was an hour before opening. I'm going to be shooting to arrive at the new parking gates a little before 4, myself.
  10. Well, Soak City opens at 11 that Sunday, so one could potentially use those showers then. Since admission is only included for Sunday (and ERT Saturday night) I guess they aren't expecting people will sweat all day Saturday and want a shower before bed.
  11. Or divert people away from an unconstructed area, and entrance that no longer is an entrance. They're going to need more fences if they want to block view of whatever is being constructed (assuming) since the train runs on the opposite side of that fence.
  12. "New this year! Campsites will be located behind the Eiffel Tower, near Diamondback." Well, that makes me much more likely to go than when it was in Picnic Grove last year. It is a little more tempting, but at effectively $100 each for my husband and I, plus needing to scrounge up a tent, etc. I'm probably going to have to donate through other means this year. It sounds like a lot of fun for those who are able to do it, though!
  13. Yes, there indeed is a soda-and-food only discounted ticket for designated drivers or others who aren't interested in drinking for whatever reason. I strongly considered it last year, but decided I wasn't excited enough about the food options to face a busy weekend crowd. But getting to try some new-to-me ciders might be the deciding factor.
  14. I'm going to, again, revel in my season pass to Kings Island, like I have the last couple years. Even going twice a week on average last summer (and a great many of those trips being open until close), I wasn't bored. I'm still working on making up for the years I went without coasters or parks in my life. I'm also planning on my first trip to Stricker's Grove to celebrate my 40th birthday, and I may be able to make a trip up to Indiana Beach with some friends (and play Fascination!) but that's about it.
  15. Finances permitting I think I might too. I don't like beer, but I've noticed Angry Orchard and a couple other cider companies are some of the featured breweries. I love hard cider. I'm hoping Rhinegeist brings Cidergeist too, because that is my new favorite, truly local, cider. Interested in trying the food too.
  16. You might want to dial it back there a little bit shark. I know Gannersdaddy in real life, and he is a very nice man, and he wasn't taking pot shots. Good and/or improved operations on a ride one loves is what /everyone/ should be hoping for, especially anyone who works there (which I can only assume is why you seem to have a chip on your shoulder). Banshee has on average had excellent operations. It is hardly being negative to wish or expect for Diamondback to be able to show the same excellence.
  17. The best chili dog I ever had was outside the Tastee Freez in Las Vegas. I'm sure that was colored somewhat by having heard that song for what seems like my whole life but... It was also in many ways the worst week of my life (surprisingly not gambling related regardless of the location:), and that was one of the highlights from the week that I choose to focus on rather than the bad stuff, and I remember it fondly. I was there with my husband, and we had each other, and really, that has been all that matters.
  18. Yeah I went in the app too to check what you were seeing. It is kind of confusing, but the text there does say gold and platinum get in free, too.
  19. On the website it still says under the FAQ "Do you offer a season pass discount? Dinosaurs Alive! is free for Gold and Platinum passholders! Admission to Dinosaurs Alive! is free for Gold and Platinum season passholders. Non-passholders ticket information is coming soon! " https://www.visitkingsisland.com/dinosaursalive/plan-a-visit/frequently-asked-questions
  20. Buzz. Making people feel involved. Of course, if they had taken entries rather than giving pre-selected options they might have come up with an actual good name. Like Berserker. Or BerzerkR if they wanna be like that.
  21. True, I really wish we could have any of them back again. We may yet, I don't know. When I was being all nosy last month, the ones I looked up were all far-flung*, but that's not saying they couldn't be coming back. I would be ecstatic if Julien Roberge, from the 2014 season, were coming back, I still miss watching him in the air. Last I heard he was working in a Cirque du Soleil show, though. *it was pretty funny for me when I was looking through pictures from a production halfway around the world that one of last year's performers was supposed to be working on, to see if I could pick him out, and instead I recognized a different one of last year's performers, who was apparently working in the same show. Not Haut-Vol, tho.
  22. No, it's still Productions Haut-Vol. It will presumably be different performers tho.
  23. It is scheduled to begin May 28 https://www.visitkingsisland.com/things-to-do/live-entertainment
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