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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. While I think this would be cool, my infestation anxiety keeps screaming "Head lice! Head lice!!!!" at me. I hope it works out for them tho. I like seeing new things at the parks, and something new that can be added without tearing out something old is always a bonus.
  2. It is sort of beating a dead horse to even bring this up, but, the parking lot needs repaved. I still think there is a high likelihood this will happen before the 2016 season, though, even though the park hasn't explicitly mentioned it.
  3. When I keep checking the app hoping to see something other than this text: when I go to the calendar
  4. I think it may have been guest safety, actually. From what I remember, there were no seat belts, and people jumped on and off while the tram was moving, albeit moving slowly. I always sort of wondered if an injury was what stopped the trams, but I've never heard anything. They disappeared in the years I wasn't going to the park, so I'm not even sure when it happened. It could easily have been the threat of liability if anything did go wrong, like if the tram ever tangled with a car, tram passengers could have easily been seriously injured.
  5. Having driven by there today to check it out, your rendition looks pretty similar to what I was seeing there. I was looking while driving so I couldn't really focus super well but that seems to be the gist of it. So far, I'm pretty happy that the entrance is on the north end of the lot, since that is the way I come from. It was always annoying when the north gate was closed and I had to drive down to the south one. If it is also going to be the only exit, however, I may be cursing the change by the end of next season. I still have hopes the whole lot will be repaved, and relined, even though there were no signs of that when I was there. Since they made such a big deal about the new parking gates at the 2016 reveal, I have to assume they are not going to leave the lot beyond the gates in the state it has been. I don't have any hope for trams, though. As much as I would like them.
  6. My favorite was Phantom Theater. There were several reasons at the time, not the least of which was what felt like almost Disney-level animatronics in my own backyard. What has stuck with me over time, though, is the unique storyline. Very little of the intellectual property at Kings Island over the years has belonged to the park itself, it was always just an extension of what I could see on my TV, etc. it was nice to have a story I couldn't get anywhere else. Not that I think it is bad to partner with the characters children already love, but I just think there is so much KI could do with their own stuff. Make a story about the Banshee and The Beast, for example.
  7. I took it too. I made a few suggestions but the one dearest to my heart is a season-long drink plan on the pass, so I don't need to carry the cup.
  8. It's the only ride in the park that can still get a little adrenaline pumping for me. Even though I know it is perfectly safe, there is something about its construction looking like an Erector set that makes it feel a touch dangerous. The last time I rode it (row 13) I got through it without being "punched" even once. I was pleasantly surprised. There is one spot where I almost always get clocked in the jaw by the restraints, even in that row.
  9. Having lived there a few years, I can say it never rains except two weeks during the winter, when it never stops.
  10. They've made a preliminary page and set the dates. May 20-22. They've added a third night to the event, in case you weren't exhausted enough by last year's schedule Tickets go on sale in January. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/things-to-do/events-and-promotions/?mobile=0 I can't wait!!!
  11. I know they do rent it, because I've seen the signs on the board next to the door (Welcome Trixie's 16th Birthday party or whatever). I haven't contacted them to see how much yet tho. The food for the comedy show was a buffet, actually. They set it up in one of the other rooms near where we ate/had the show (the private room in that picture) Some of it was the same stuff as I've had at other buffets at KI (BBQ ribs and chicken) and some was a little different. Ribs, chicken, green beans, salad, mashed potatoes, some sort of very sweet corn casserole, I think potato salad, and they gave us Grater's for dessert. I don't think it was representative of what they would serve if they opened it back as a restaurant. From what I recall of when it used to be open, the food in the International Restaurant was at least in part similar fare to elsewhere in the park (burgers and fries, for example). There presumably was also more expensive stuff, but I remember the main difference was table service and A/C, as well as being less busy because I don't think a lot of people even knew it was up there.
  12. I paid around $40 for that comedy show/dinner earlier this year mostly to have access to the International Restaurant for a few hours. It was worth it to me, but I'd love to be able to go more often. It still is pretty up there. I'm considering the possibility of renting it for my 40th birthday next year. The little lounge area next to the elevator Main dining room (this is where we ate back when it was open to the public) View of the top of the stairs into one of the "private" rooms Fireworks as seen from the restaurant
  13. Considering the text says not valid for "admission" during Haunt, I'm assuming someone in charge of writing the copy for each of those dining plans copied and pasted the disclaimers from the description of season passes for the parks which don't include admission to their Halloween themed events for season pass holders (such as KBF). Chances are the person responsible wasn't at all familiar with the actual implementation of Dining Plans, and thus didn't realize the error (and erroneously also carried it over to a couple parks where Halloween-themed events are included, as well).
  14. Even though I had at one time known what a Murphy bed was, when I read this thread I realize somewhere along the line, I got it confused with a trundle bed (which is a bed that rolls/slides out from under another bed). That's what I would have continued to think of if you hadn't asked.
  15. Coasterstock. Hands down. No question. I have been ready for Coasterstock 2016 from the moment I got home after Coasterstock 2015. Absolutely amazing weekend.
  16. There was still a Dyson Blade in the women's restroom in Picnic Grove at KI when I was there during Fright Feast. Assuming that those dryers were legitimately Dyson, not just a knock-off of that technology.
  17. I will be spending Thanksgiving with my husband, who I am most thankful for. I guess it will be our 18th one together. It was over Thanksgiving weekend of 1998 that I went to visit him in California, to check things out and see if I wanted to take him up on his offer to come live with him. We hadn't actually dated prior to that, but had become very good friends before he moved there from Ohio. That weekend I truly fell in love with him, and once I moved to be with him at the beginning of '99, we've rarely been apart.
  18. Well, I hope this is a good sign of Racer's future, and I hope they are planning to paint more than just the entrance: https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/669233560436482048
  19. Welcome to the boards! Unfortunately I don't have any advice for where you can find that. I did a lot of eBay watching for Kings Island merchandise last winter, and I never saw anything from Boo Blasters. I guess my only real suggestion is if you know someone who is crafty they may be able to make you something, working off pictures. Edit: Now I think of it, I actually own one thing, the paperboard glasses they used to sell to make it look 3-D. I got a few pairs at the arcade when they were unloading them the end of summer 2014. If you're at all interested in those, feel free to message me.
  20. I did see a photo earlier today on Facebook that suggested new paint testing for Vortex, but I can't find it now. It was posted to one of the roller coaster groups I belong to. I didn't really know the source of the pic/claim, so I dismissed it. Terpy bumping this thread gives it more credence to me, though. Edit: found it, in Kings Island: Past, Present and Future https://www.facebook.com/Kings-Island-Past-Present-and-Future-247739365237806/ The direct link to the post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1068559706489097&id=247739365237806&substory_index=0
  21. Just hearing Hanks mentioned here was enough to make me crave it intensely today, too. It was my first year with the dining plan, so I rarely ate meals in the park prior to 2015. But, I heard from others that the chicken this year was sub-par compared to previous years. I tried it once and wasn't thrilled, either. However, their pork was excellent nearly every time I had it. The only time it wasn't, it was because it was near the end of the batch and perhaps due to that it somehow became very intensely spiced with one of the spices I associate with sweets, possibly nutmeg or ginger? It was still good, just not as good as it had been previously. My current waistline is a testament to how much I enjoyed the food this summer at KI. I have some work to do in the offseason. The issues I had with dining at KI had very little to do with the food, and almost always centered around the lines at the registers. I don't think I ever saw more than one register in use in either Hanks or Chicken Shack, which becomes a real problem when people who "just want a drink" skip the food line but bog down the register. Worst was one employee in particular at Chicken Shack who was apparently never clued in to the fact that when you have a backup of ten people waiting to pay as their food gets cold, you can stop up-selling everyone for 30 seconds or more, and just get people through.
  22. Yep, the boards do get busier in the off season. I know it's the off season when the depression sets in.
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