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Everything posted by WindingSon

  1. The segment is online: http://www.local12.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/GMC-crew-does-Kings-Island-Brady-style-160745.shtml And the "Ride At Your Own Risk" thing is too but I'm not linking to that. That looked like a bunch of fun to film.
  2. Won't be able to watch it (out of area), but I'm hoping it'll be online later in the day. Congrats, Don!
  3. The only roller coaster I've ridden where I felt safer with OTSRs than without is Vortex, and that is only because it sometimes feels like you're crawling through those corkscrews.
  4. Hmmm. King Cobra: closed in 2001 SkyRider: closed in 2014 Shockwave: closed in 2015 And Thunder Road: closed in 2015. Let's hope the pattern doesn't repeat.
  5. That sounds like an awesome day. Glad you had a good time.
  6. It's raining today! On the plus side, Diamondback is a walk-up.
  7. It does have lap bars. It also has OTSRs to make people feel safer.
  8. Article with quotes from Ouimet:http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cedar-fair-reports-5-increase-121900636.html?.tsrc=applewf Important to note this is THROUGH July 4th weekend, not just July 4th weekend. Attendance up 2% Per guest spending up 2% Out of park spending up 10%
  9. Just looking at those things tells me they don't do anything. I don't fault the lady for freaking out because most people don't think about those kinds of things. Growing up with my home park being Lagoon, I'm used to rides only needing a lap bar for restraints and I hate rides that add them unnecessarily (and in some cases like Revolution at SFMM it apparently destroys a formerly great ride). I understand why they do (so that people can feel safer even if they're not) but I will still scream at my cloud for as long as I can about it.
  10. I remember last year there was a ride-op on Diamondback who was having fun saying "Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssee-ya" as the train would dispatch last year. Didn't hear him when I went this year. I missed that.
  11. What I do find interesting is that if you go to this url: http://pixelcaster.com/live/kingsisland/ It's a cam of California's Great America. And it's not advertised on Great America's website.
  12. Rain storm! And Banshee keeps on truckin'
  13. Hit the low capacity rides first. Those are the two X-Base rides in Firehawk and Flight of Fear. They will have the least lines first thing in the morning but will fill up to pretty hefty waits later on. From there, any ride will likely have a wait from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. More on Diamondback if it's having problems or a slow crew. A Wednesday it is, but it is one in July. There could be some crowds, but it will likely be minimal. Oh, welcome to KIC and have a good trip!
  14. Probably not a good sign when people are walking off the brake run on Diamondback right? It ran a few trains through and now people are leaving the line. I checked the app and it says Diamondback is closed. App also says Invertigo, Vortex, and WindSeeker are closed too.
  15. They're the same as displayed on the FUN TV boards. They're about as accurate as something like that could be. As in several minutes behind. But worth looking at.
  16. Cedar Point is closer. I live in Central Indiana and my Meijer sells Cedar Point and Kings Island tickets.
  17. Looks like SkyRider is almost ready to open in its new home as "Freestyle" on July 18th. https://www.facebook.com/104851026964/photos/a.153730851964.126633.104851026964/10152879001321965/?type=1&theater Video of it at its new location: https://www.facebook.com/104851026964/videos/10152843748811965/ It's pretty neat to see it have a second life.
  18. How about a Zamperla Air Race?
  19. I think we all have a little bit of FUN in line these days.
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