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Everything posted by bjcolglazier

  1. For those wondering..when I talk about the New York state death-rates I am looking here: https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Fatalities?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  2. Sure, sure sure. But look at the numbers. In New York State...the hyper-center...like 95-96% of their deaths are over age 50. Under age 50? Like 5%. Yes, we all need to be aware...but it's how old you are. Mostly.
  3. The government is already deciding who is "essential" and who is not. If that is not discrimination I don't know what is. But really this comes down to protecting people. And age is a factor. Says the scientific data.
  4. Yeah, that's why I said "Protecting the over-50's"
  5. This is an over 50 disease. The rest of us are going to move on. Protecting the over-50's. But let's call it what it is.
  6. https://nypost.com/2020/03/31/americans-drinking-crazy-amount-of-alcohol-during-coronavirus-lockdown/
  7. Well I guess we should have killed or censured or locked our doctors up who were ringing the alarm-bells then! Britain has done well...NOT.
  8. Awe, c'mon. @King Ding Dong I don't know if you work in IT, but sometimes you sound like you do. NOBODY Reads TFM. Basically nobody. Certainly nobody in charge. This being a 100-year-event upon us, the new manual is being written. But the next pandemic could be different. Wars will break out. Impossible to prepare for every "if" all the time. Life as it were...happens.
  9. I guess one could apply this logic to all kinds of things. The government may or may not protect you, but hopefully some God-given common-sense will.
  10. Many at the groceries do make a decent wage. It's not white-collar by any means, but it's not bad. Many are also getting hazard-pay right now. But your message is still relevant. I think I'm in the middle on this. I think we've been pretty naive the past 70 years, but getting wiser every minute right now. Going forward we've got to figure out how to keep the economy and human beings healthy during a pandemic.
  11. I wasn't proposing anything. And you keep talking like July 9th is going to be just like April 9th, and it won't be---it's going to be a lot different. None of us knows quite how or why, but it will be. I was just pointing out statistics. 37 of New York state's over 7,000 deaths are under 30. So if we put that into perspective what if deaths of age 31-60 was only 37. And 61-90 only 37. Well, that'd only be 111 total, and we'd all be living our lives as usual. My point was simply that those under 30 are considerably safe. It was a hypothetical park-opening thing...I admitted as much in my post. I still think the park opens in 2020. Because I think positives, deaths, and "what we know" is going to change considerably over the coming months. Our testing capacity and overall knowledge is going to dramatically change between now and July 1. Let alone August 1, Sept 1. Will the park be different this year? Probably. I doubt I take my 70+ parents for bring-a-friend-day anytime soon...lol. But if we're down to a handful or less of daily cases during 90-degree days of summer, and we also know healthy folks under 50 have a good shot of beating it. Meh...fortune favors the bold. :-)
  12. No need to blast me, because I know, I know...the park isn't going to open for a ton of reasons---reasons I understand and whole-heartedly agree with. However, all the data I've seen suggests the park could safely be opened for those under 30 who are healthy, so long as it is also staffed by healthy folks under 30. And so long as the rest of us stay the hell away from them. Folks of this age are more likely to die of something else. The casualty rate for those over 50 is so high compared to those under 50. I don't expect KI to set an age limit, but I think the country as a whole is really going to be evaluating who we let go to work, and who we tell to stay home. This lockdown-for-all thing is not going to happen until a vaccine arrives. We are going to see different rules for different people and different things. Because the science dictates it.
  13. I agree with everything you wrote, but just want to point out that I don't think the entities themselves will be making these decisions. We're to the point that only State governor's will be making these decisions. Sports and KI are pretty similar as far as large crowds go. The Reds nor KI will "play" in Ohio until the governor gives the "okay".
  14. Looks better than the alternative, but still projects 57 new cases on May 31st with "Strict Social Distancing" measures still in place. It's only a projection, but if correct that's still way too many to open the park in June. However, it's only a model, and they are changing daily as we learn more.
  15. So many "kids" are not going to get that video...lol. Sad.
  16. I just had to lookup the definition of "spieling". Fitting. Haha! For some reason I tend to pronounce it, "shpiel"-ing? Probably because I'm a Hoosier, I dunno...
  17. Thank you for posting it, but sadly I don't even recognize it. Now if it was Hall & Oates that's a different story altogether. :-)
  18. Something kind-of along the lines of what we were discussing earlier today... https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/04/07/eli-lilly-co-testing-asymptomatic-coronavirus-infections/2965166001/
  19. I think the details are lacking at this time. However, those in the medical community would get priority on antibody testing. Followed by first-responders. That alone could provide valuable data. And I presume it would be a collective effort of Federal, State and local agencies making it happen. I'm certain it will all roll out slower than we would like...because last month would have been a nice time to start.
  20. Only if we would soon find out that way, way more people have already caught the virus and don't even know it. Asymptomatic. From everything I'm reading now the consensus is that asymptomatic folks almost certainly have to be the ones spreading the virus. Which makes thermometer checkpoints at a place like KI pretty pointless. If this were to be the case, it could dramatically lower the fatality %. In Indiana just 1.6% of confirmed cases are under the age of 20. So what on earth does that mean? 1) They can't get it? 2) They just aren't getting it? OR...3) they've got it alright, they just aren't "sick". Right now we just don't know, but option 3 sure would help explain it's rapid spread across the globe. And it could mean herd immunity arrives sooner rather than later. I'm sure I don't know, but we need to get a lot of testing out there so we can find out!
  21. LOL. Rebuilt with a new one. Because apparently the message 'sent from above' wasn't clear enough the first time. Haha!
  22. Hit me up when KI opens for contact-less food-service pickup. I'm missing the long lines, and that savory food. :-)
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