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Everything posted by bjcolglazier

  1. Me too. I'm working, so I'm expendable---err, essential. The public is informed or should be. Let's ride!
  2. Reading this thread it's hard to imagine a time when people rode coasters and even drove their cars to the park with small children not buckled in. I used to ride Beast when it had a simple lap-bar that came down across all riders. Now we're trying to figure out no-contact belt checks, facemasks for everyone, and every-other-row seating. And don't scream going down the hill because that might spread droplets. UGH.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/japanese-theme-parks-will-urge-guests-not-to-make-loud-noises-on-roller-coasters-upon-reopening/ar-BB14IcZ5 If requested at KI, I guess we can all stay silent and just do jazz hands as we go down Orion's first monster drop. Riiiiight. ;-)
  4. I'm guessing we just need some reliable data about the virus spread outdoors. And it'll arrive soon I would think. Literally everything I've read up to today suggests it almost always spreads indoors. Not so much outdoors when it's hot and humid out. We'll see. Been loosening things up in Indiana for about three weeks now, and cases and deaths both trending down versus the peak in mid-late April.
  5. Wish DeWine would say what he is waiting for exactly. Indiana and Ohio have almost identical numbers of positive cases, and Ohio is almost 2x the population of Indiana. So one could say Indiana is in worse shape, but...Holcomb is letting Holiday World and Indiana Beach open up in June. Unless he changes his mind, but I kinda doubt it. It just all seems willy-nilly unless they let us know what they're really looking for.
  6. I'm going to give some extra space to guests ahead of me on the stairs on rides like Banshee, Diamondback, and Mystic Timbers. Honestly though I try not to ride up on folks in line anyhow. A few extra feet of spacing shouldn't be that difficult. Let those microbes (wherever they came from) some room to disperse. :-) https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/04/27/can-farts-transmit-covid-19-coronavirus-here-is-what-is-being-said/#529031e9310f
  7. I can only speak to Indiana, but today the governor slightly accelerated opening things up. In our state we do not have what one would call a health "crisis". It's a situation---we all know it's a situation---but the hospitals by no means are packed. And they certainly aren't packed with Covid-19 people. Holiday World and Indiana Beach are opening in June, and this weekend so is the beach at Indiana Dunes. And it sounds like Universal Orlando is also ready to go. I think cancelling Haunt or Winterfest is premature to say the least. At least if people are kept outdoors.
  8. My apologies if this has already been discussed, but saw this today. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Disney-Springs-reopening-comes-with-a-warning-15278259.php “By visiting Disney Springs you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19."
  9. Oh they do! Yes. I am familiar with their secure portal personally. Good point. I do not know for sure if this would have changed his situation to be honest. It might have? It was IU Health.
  10. My brother-in-law got tested for Covid-19 about 2-3 weeks ago. He had to provide his negative paperwork to go back to work and asked the hospital to email him his negative. They said, "we can only fax it to you". Pffft. He had to go back into the facility just to pickup the paperwork because they would not and could not email it to him.. Absurd! But...very real.
  11. Something relevant to my work. https://apnews.com/aff923bc384089489d168ee2ced71a93 I've been trying to get rid of the fax machine at school for 10 years. The nurse requires it. Because in Indiana the hospitals and state still think fax is "secure". It's really sad. But this virus has exposed the sadness even more.
  12. You probably could actually. Accuracy...meh. FDA fast-track!
  13. No, they knew it, but were lying to you. Again...everybody and their brother is on it...how would President King Ding Dong spit out more tests? You cannot! Everybody is trying to. It's ramping up as fast as any government/private sector possibly can. You cannot crap test results out. Because God knows we are trying. Those who can are going fast as they can.
  14. In early March the CDC and the WHO were telling us masks were foolish.
  15. What would President King Ding Dong do to spit out 360-million tests per day. If everyone wanted to? If you are reasonably ill you CAN get a test. I've been talking to many people across many states. Sometimes a test is not warranted. And I know you're smart enough to understand that.
  16. Here in Indiana 97% of the deaths are over 50 years of age. Not sure I see anyone over 30 in that pic! Probably a creeper in there somewhere though. ;-)
  17. This is actually a discussion about coronavirus impacting theme parks...
  18. Would shoulder-to-shoulder crowds at KI cause you to fear for your life? If so, I have an idea...
  19. By July 4th I think you're going to see "insane". By your definition. For better or worse---and I mean that as I don't know how it will sort out. I'm sorry. I just think that's where we are going. I could be wrong. That said I think the park itself will be doing things different. It will feel different to be there, and a lot of people won't show up. So it might not be quite as bad as you think.
  20. They might briefly try options 1, 2, or 3. However, I anticipate they will quickly come to the conclusion that option 4 is the only option worth staying open for. Option 4 or close it up is most likely the decision they will have to make.
  21. Every state and even cities are different right now. Our mayor in West Lafayette, IN had the tennis courts locked up until today. And tennis is a thing here. Finally unlocked them this morning. You can't even play tennis without social distancing at least 20-80 feet apart---you literally can't play the game without distancing. At a certain point you just have to let people adult, do the best they can, and move on. At the beginning of this the goal was not to overwhelm the hospitals, understanding the virus is going to spread. In the midwest that goal has been achieved thus far---by a country mile. What are we doing?
  22. Have not. And they are usually happy to send me their survey's when there is one. IF this happened, I suspect it was park-specific...aka not Kings Island. Yet.
  23. If the local municipality is getting the paid admission---open. If a private entity---closed. Being a tad facetious here, but we all know those good local pools with kiddie play areas and a slide or two are probably getting the nod to open.
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