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Everything posted by BeeastFarmer

  1. ^I was envisioning the actual solar panels being the pavement. The covered parking being made out of panels makes alot of sense.
  2. ^ I'm all for using technology in a smart way, but this would seem counter-intuitive. Unless is was a super durable material, wouldn't the solar be prone to breakage and therefore leakage of components? Also, for a large percentage of the time solar would yield maximum benefits, the parking lot would be covered.
  3. I'm not sure how much of a difference there is between residential and commercial blacktopping, but a relative of mine had to spend around 10k to have their driveway repaved. Heck, I spent $500 to have mine sealed, and that was the average of the 4 bids I got. In all honesty, I would love to see Cedar Fair spend the extra money and put some permeable paving solutions in. That is a HUGE parking area and has to cause some negative environmental impact.
  4. BB1, I agree with you, but to a point. I was born and raised in Kentucky, but never really did take notice of the park in Louisville til I had left and would fly back here for vacations. I never really even thought about going to the park because Kings Island has been cemented in my brain since I was born. After moving back to Kentucky in the mid 00's, I went, when it was under the former ownership and what I found verified what I had thought. It was so bad, I swore I would never go back. Fast forward to this year---having a conversation at Kings Island with someone on this board, who is a subject matter expert. He encouraged me to visit, because it may not be there in 2016. So I did. And I fell in love. Kings Island will always be my home park. But now Kentucky Kingdom has drawn me in as an alternative for a smaller park and a much closer drive. I root for it to not only stay open but to thrive. Several of my family and friends have not only bought gold for KI, but season passes for KK as a result of my cheerleading. I think that's a great thing.
  5. While it is a long way from being my favorite ride at KI, this year I grew to appreciate Vortex. I had not ridden it for many many years (and the first time I rode it, I vomited) so it was a big deal for me to ride it. I really love the sounds on the lift hill.
  6. I'm planning on a visit to Camden Park in 2016, on my way to Kings Dominion.
  7. I was not assuming they were. My question was specifically about the tax rebates for out of state visitors.
  8. Have they targeted out of state channels for the temporary price lowering on season passes? To satisfy that requirement, a certain number of visitors have to be out of state, which I would think season passes would be a great way to accomplish. I wonder if the tax incentive for tourism is an open records request?
  9. Or, they want to exceed budgets. In most businesses, exceeding sales budgets is a good thing. Giving $5.30 back indicates they either have adequate funding to do so, are underpromising but overdelivering, or are below budget on sales numbers. The fact is we don't know if they missed, met or exceeded goals. My conjecture is that they are doing well. Several people I know bought passes for 2016 who didn't buy for 2015. But again, I could be wrong. I'll enjoy the park's success or mourn the failure-but be grateful for the time I've had.
  10. 1. Line jumpers. 2. Smokers-tobacco or marijuana. (Although I have never SEEN anyone smoking it, but I have smelled it many times.) 3. People making out. 4. Skimpy clothing. 5. Poor hygiene smells. This usually happens in the switchbacks at The Beast.
  11. Thanks for the education, everyone. I'll be sure to try out these "new to me" seats in 2016. And I will stop calling my preferred seat on The Beast 17-1. Would 6-2 be the correct way to ID it? I relate everything to The Beast.
  12. I was not aware that No Limits 2 had a generic layout. (I guess I am just used to other coasters incredible teaser animations.) So, would it be logical to assume that the Storm Chaser teaser was produced my RMC and not KK? I assumed that the animation was produced by KK. I had mixed feeling about it--underpromise and overdeliver vs. simplistic creation will not bring people to the park. It is interesting that the generic layout does actually kind of look like Louisville with the hills in the background.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csDq4OZa30U Interesting concept. What does this have to do with KK? I couldn't help but to notice the landscape in this concept is exactly the same as the Stormchaser intro. (the hill especially). This seems geographically appropriate to actual Louisville. I am not predicting that this type of coaster will go into KK, but the concept video was too similiar to SC's poorly produced video,
  14. OK, dumb question..(remember, I am learning!). Seat 1-is that on the boarding side or the deboarding side. I tried both rows 5 and 7, on the boarding side and had rough but enjoyable rides.
  15. I enjoy Vortex since I started re-riding this year. No headaches, but I get some nausea and sometimes my shoulders hurt. It is a one or two ride per visit limit for me. However, since I started re-riding it, I have come to love it...the sights, the sounds and the smells. I really like the lift hill sounds. Sounds like you are on a bizzaro woodie.
  16. I love Kings Island, and I love the way they have stepped up in the customer service/employee engagement in 2014/2015, but I have to share a knock my socks off experience I had last week. I decided to get a 2016 Dollywood gold pass. This includes 2015 visits. I went last week and had a great time, despite car trouble during the 3.5 hour drive. I bought two t-shirts at the Wild Eagle gift shop, one for me and one for my budding coaster-enthusiast friend. She takes a different size than me. Later, when leaving for the night, I looked and realized I had bought her size too big. You exit the park through a gift shop, so I asked an employee if the shirt could be exchanged. She said yes, but they did not sell that particular shirt. I replied that I had a long drive, so my friend would just have a big shirt. She said, no, that's not going to happen. She sent someone to the other side of the park to exchange the shirt for me. Unfortunately, they did not have the size my friend needed. I waited for the employee to return so I could thank him. He introduced himself as the director of merchandising for the park. I stopped by guest services, filled out a comment form. The next day, I got an email from Dollywood that acknowledged my compliment and an assurance that the employees would be notified. I got a similar response from Kentucky Kingdom when I filled out comment forms at guest services. I firmly believe in giving compliments and there were many times I did at Kings Island over the past two seasons. While I don't expect to be "in the loop" with internal affairs, I would like to know that employees know that they are appreciated. I wish Kings Island would step up in the follow-up area.
  17. I agree, but if they wanted to engage in placemaking, why would they detheme places? Yes, it is only an entrance sign, but when they removed the Coney Mall sign, it really seems like they are making a statement.
  18. And on that note, my 2016 season pass arrived in the mail today along with a note of appreciation for being a passholder this year and an "early bird" passholder for 2016. I don't agree with many of their marketing decisions, but this was a nice touch.
  19. I bought a season pass to Dollywood this week. I'm more interested in coasters, but I will enjoy the Christmas events. The pass is good from the day of purchase through the end of the 2016 season, which will be the first week of 2017.
  20. And it is a shame about the Koch family. It really is. However, looking at a positive perspective--two parks came back from the dead. The Kentucky and Alabama parks are here, roller coasters have been saved, and people have had fun. I hope the schism can heal with the Koch's.
  21. The Interpreter, I have edited that post to remove the word. Trust me when I say that I had no ill intent in using that particular word.
  22. Maybe "coalition" was a poor choice of words. I was using it in the terms of a group of people coming together for a common cause-before the unfortunate happenings that happened at Holiday World. I was not intending to imply anything of a political nature with the Koch family, except that they don't fit the Kentucky Democratic mold, but the Kentucky Democrats wanted them to operate the park.
  23. I'm not a prophet, and time will tell, but the incentives the current operator are completely legal under KRS statutes. These same incentives were available to any group wanting to reopen the park, including the Koch family, who do not seem to fit Kentucky Democratic ideals, but the Democratic establishment desperately wanted to run the park. The incoming Republican regime has already tapped into Louisville's power base, who I conjecture would not want to see an economic driver disappear. Of course, I have been wrong before and will be wrong again. Time will tell. In the meantime, I will enjoy what the park has to offer. Edit: to remove a word that did not have ill intentions, but could be taken as such.
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