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Tomb Raider to be removed?


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Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Reliable".

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Easy on the Body".

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Popular Ride"

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Ride that will Stay".

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Okay if your going to make claims like that you need facts to back it up. Yes TR had a horrible year this year, but I would say it's not popular. Also think about it this way, TR is the first and only giant Top Spin Huss made, being a prototype things are always changing to make the ride better. I however do believe in time if they can't work all of the kinks out it will be removed for the park. But it will still be around for several several more years.

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Still wonder what they were thinking when they decided to build a woody over 200 feet tall. Esp with RCCA, Rattler anyone? You'd think they would have learned there lesson. But I think SOB will only be around for a few more years 10 at best. I don't see CF pouring money they don't have into it, just to keep it up and running. Has SOB ever ran an entire season? Me thinks it hasnt.

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Well I'm talking about an entire season from April thru October. SOB to my knowledge hasn't ran an entire season. Post and Pre seasons are part of the season.

Pre-Season is the time from April until the park opens for Daily Operation, and Post season is from the time the park closes for Daily Operation till end of season.

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Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Reliable".

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Easy on the Body".

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Popular Ride"

Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Ride that will Stay".

Maybe that's an opinion that you'd consider, however you're not a decision maker at the park and Tomb Raider is staying.

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It's amazing what people post on these forums, when in reality they are posting what they think will happen, or rumors as the fact. I just read all 18 pages laughing at most of the posts in which people claim they have "inside info" about this topic, in which reality, I know most, not all, of the information about this topic, considering I am still at KI during the off season. I have yet to go to other topics, but I'll assume it is the same way.

Meh... everyone's an expert. Then again, you're making the same claim that others are... that you know something that we don't.

It's amazing what people post on these forums, when in reality they are posting what they think will happen, or rumors as the fact. I just read all 18 pages laughing at most of the posts in which people claim they have "inside info" about this topic, in which reality, I know most, not all, of the information about this topic, considering I am still at KI during the off season. I have yet to go to other topics, but I'll assume it is the same way.

Many people still work at the park in the off season. From executives in the admin building attending high class luncheons about future attractions and park expansion with info that must be kept under wraps, to games employees counting stuffed animals in a shed, to grounds crew workers and random kids cleaning parts in a wash bin for maintenance. Just cause your there in the off season doesn't mean anything.

I never claimed to know everything, or nearly everything. I said it was funny to read most of the posts on here, and laugh at them because of the information presented. I will never post information on here that I am not 100% positive about- but I guess that is what makes this a forum.

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It's amazing what people post on these forums, when in reality they are posting what they think will happen, or rumors as the fact. I just read all 18 pages laughing at most of the posts in which people claim they have "inside info" about this topic, in which reality, I know most, not all, of the information about this topic, considering I am still at KI during the off season. I have yet to go to other topics, but I'll assume it is the same way.

Meh... everyone's an expert. Then again, you're making the same claim that others are... that you know something that we don't.

It's amazing what people post on these forums, when in reality they are posting what they think will happen, or rumors as the fact. I just read all 18 pages laughing at most of the posts in which people claim they have "inside info" about this topic, in which reality, I know most, not all, of the information about this topic, considering I am still at KI during the off season. I have yet to go to other topics, but I'll assume it is the same way.

Many people still work at the park in the off season. From executives in the admin building attending high class luncheons about future attractions and park expansion with info that must be kept under wraps, to games employees counting stuffed animals in a shed, to grounds crew workers and random kids cleaning parts in a wash bin for maintenance. Just cause your there in the off season doesn't mean anything.

I never claimed to know everything, or nearly everything. I said it was funny to read most of the posts on here, and laugh at them because of the information presented. I will never post information on here that I am not 100% positive about- but I guess that is what makes this a forum.

Think of it this way: when you were a kid, I'm sure you'd ask Santa for everything under the sun for Christmas. Half the fun of look forward to Christmas was finding out what he brought you and what went the way of fluff. Same goes with a lot of the information here.

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And a lot of things that are true when posted get re-evaluated by the decision makers, or the budget gets cut, or some one changes their mind, etc. Then along comes a Mr. or Ms, Know-It-All who loudly proclaims that the original information was incorrect. No wonder parks wait to announce most information....

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And a lot of things that are true when posted get re-evaluated by the decision makers, or the budget gets cut, or some one changes their mind, etc. Then along comes a Mr. or Ms, Know-It-All who loudly proclaims that the original information was incorrect. No wonder parks wait to announce most information....

Isn't that the truth!!! Not just about parks, but about life in general....We never know what's going to happen on any given day. Things change, and sometimes very quickly... in the park business and all of our lives...... Remember waking up on September 11, 2001????? I don't but I remembr very well what happened shortly thereafter...... (I know that's an extreme example but I hope you get my point....)

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I remember 9-11. I was a smaller boy then, and my memory is fuzzy.

I woke up, Got breakfast, and turned on some cartoons.

I remember flipping channels and on one I saw A building on fire. With my natural atraction to violance, I stayed on the channel.

When I reliezed what was happening, It was devistating. It was crazy.

You guys are right. Things can change VERY quickly.

Who Remembers When Geauga Lake Closed?

I do. I walked into my grandmas house (i'm a Teen,) in Cleveland, And she handed me a newspaper.

It all happend so fast.

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And just as for many in your generation, 911 will be the first national/international event that they will always remember where they were and what they were doing when they found out, the JFK assassination will remain ever thus for mine. For those older than me, for many it was Pearl Harbor Day, and for some even older than that, hearing of the death of FDR...

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Long time lurker, 1st time poster! :rolleyes:

During the GOCC Holiday Party this evening it was confirmed by KI PR that Tomb Raider isn't going anywhere. The only thing changing is the name.

Of course I've never even stepped foot on the ride ever. The most I've ever done is last year walked thru the queue during Beast Bash just to see what the queue looked like. Way cool. The ride itself never interested me.

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Ha... thanks for the shameless plug, Bombay. Don and I had a great time at the GOCC Christmas party tonight. We were really honored that Kings Island could finally be officially represented.

On the note that Raptor Jo mentioned above, Tomb Raider WILL be reopened next year... sort of... Expect the Paramount-branded rides to get a retheme... also, don't be shocked if there are some surprises with that big top-spin-in-a-box next year!

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Patience my friend. Patience. Yes, it will likely mean that most of the rides that bore the names of Paramount movies will get new names. At this point in time, I doubt that even the park has pinned down the final names they will be using on all these attractions. And I highly doubt that rides like Italian Job and Tomb Raider will receive completely new theming packages to correspond with whatever the new names of those attractions turns out to be. It simply would not be worth the park`s money to completely renovate

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Hey there Raptor Jo and welcome to KICentral! That pr guy who was speaking was Don Helbig and with him was Ryan Suhr who I believe was speaking tonight too, for KICentral. How was the party and the speeches?

Hey thanks so much! Don't know why I waited so long to register since KI is after all my home park!

I think the party went really well (being 5 minutes from my house didn't hurt either!! :lol: )

The place was a tad squished, but the company, the food, the speeches, the door prizes and all the presentations were great. My CP buds and I sat in the back and of course caused the most trouble! I know we did have alot of fun--if anyone was at the ACE Holiday party last week it was a bit....hmmm...not as much fun.

It was very nice actually seeing someone from KI present (Ryan too) In previous years it was rare (if ever) a KI rep would show at one of our get togethers or even ACE's as far as I can remember. We usually had to go to KI to hear from them. I had seen Ryan many times during the KI ACE events but had never met Don before last night.

There were alot more ??s I meant to ask and naturally didn't.

It was a pretty good time I would say! :rolleyes:

Especially when they showed our wedding picture in front of Raptor! :P

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Don and I both thought the crowd was wonderful. If you're a presenter, your worst fear is that you can have is that people will either get bored during your speech, or worse yet, not ask questions at the end. You guys laughed at all of our cheesy jokes and were very active during the Q&A... we really couldn't ask for more...

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Anyway Getting back on topic: (Again)

It proves that Tomb Raider is obviously not going to get removed.

Apperently the Problems with the motherbored are getting better.


I was thinking about an abandond mine. That would tie into the old west Rivertown Theme.

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What would be cool would be a wrap-around IMAX-style screen and it would be themed as a skydive jump. All the flips and rotations would be like what you would experience in a real sky dive.

If I were a decision maker at Kings Island, and had like 50 million to put into it, I'd use your idea and drop you a ton of money for coming up with it. Good thinking.

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