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pki.com changing to visitkingsisland.com?


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If you go to visitkingsisland.com it also works to get on Kings Island's Website. Also if you call 1-800-288-0808 they still say pki.com on the opening greeting, but if you go to season pass information by pressing 2 or ticket prices/park hours of operation by pressing 3 is says to visit our website at visitkingsisland.com. I guess we won't hear pki.com for very much longer.

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Wow! Great find!

(I also used this opportunity to hear Jeff Siebert's voice, and his spiel for the 2005 season at "Paramount's Kings Island, Where the best of Hollywood entertainment is now playing!" Oh boy! 2005 sounds like a blast! :P )

edit: It's probably been like this for awhile, but I've never clicked the link as I've never been interested in anything Group Sales, but I just accidentally clicked the Group Sales link on the main page and was surprised to see a completely different looking site. Check it out http://www2.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/grou...es/default.html )

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Wow! Great find!

(I also used this opportunity to hear Jeff Siebert's voice, and his spiel for the 2005 season at "Paramount's Kings Island, Where the best of Hollywood entertainment is now playing!" Oh boy! 2005 sounds like a blast! :P )

to tell you the truth i have barely been on Kings Island official web-site since i found this one

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If you go to visitkingsisland.com it also works to get on Kings Island's Website. Also if you call 1-800-288-0808 they still say pki.com on the opening greeting, but if you go to season pass information by pressing 2 or ticket prices/park hours of operation by pressing 3 is says to visit our website at visitkingsisland.com. I guess we won't hear pki.com for very much longer.

ha... I was wondering how long it would be before this got out. The official changeover isn't until tonight. PKI.com will forward to VisitKingsIsland.com for several years, however make sure you change any Kings Island email addresses to @visitKingsIsland.com in your address books, because the email will only forward to the new addresses for a few months.

PKIVortex, how did you hear about this?

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So, Ryan, is there already a new site design ready to go up or are they just going live with the new domain tonight?

I want to again emphasize that I'm NOT a park spokesperson, but from what I understand, the layout won't be changing tonight. I'm not sure of that, but that's what I've heard.

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I found out by calling 1-800-288-0808, I was wondering when they were going to update the phone line system, I'm such a KI dork I call from time to time to listen to the recordings. I was hoping they would update when the park would open in 2008, but no such luck yet.

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There's a story behind that...

Way back a year ago when Kings Island first decided to remove Son of Beast's loop, Kings Island's marketing communications manager at the time, and my very good friend, Maureen Kaiser (now Richmond) called me and said that KI didn't have any photos of Son of Beast that didn't have the loop in them, and asked to use some photos on KIC for PKI.com (now visitKingsisland.com). I told her sure.

I never said it was a good story...

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According to this info they bought this visitkingsisland.com in January


Paramount Parks

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Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:

Paramount Parks jim.rein@cedarfair.com

14523 Carowinds Blvd

Charlotte, NC 28273


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Record expires on 11-Jan-2015.

Record created on 11-Jan-2007.

Database last updated on 3-Dec-2007 16:40:34 EST.

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>>>> http://www3.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/attr...ry.cfm?ac_id=18

so when did Top Gun turn into the B&M Top Gun as shown in the bottom left of the screen under the thrill ride column? I know that it's not but come on was there not a good KI coaster picture that they could of put there instead?

its always been like that, its a general template for all the former pp, was the same way when it was the paramount template.

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