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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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I was just at Cedar Point:

guy: Isn't mean streak like really, really old?

me: no, that's blue streak...

guy: No it's mean streak. the one in the back right?

me: well yeah, but mean streak was built in the 90s...

guy: No, I think you're wrong. That other one, gemini was built in the 90s.

me: no it wasn't...

guy: Yeah it was!

girl who I was with: no it wasn't, we were here for gemini's 30th birthday last year.

guy: Dude. That was mean streak. Get your facts right.

*walks away*

...needless to say-- well, no, actually, if it's needless to say then I just won't say it.



So I haven't been here in a looong time, and i Kinda stopped being active a while ago. but I just noticed an odd coincidence, the only time I've posted since last year (right now) was on the 6 year anniversary of when I joined this website. I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of that.

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^Hopefully they went to the Town Hall Museum, where they have Gemini's 30th anniversary banners, Mean Streak's promo model with the words coming in 1991 and a Blue Streak model which may or may not say built in 1964. Or they could watch the movie which would answer those questions.

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  On 7/3/2010 at 1:05 AM, FF EKU dawg 4 life said:

A few days ago

A guy is watching Drop Tower as it falls. He turns to me and asks "Does the park sell underwear?"

I had a guy ask me a similar question underneath Diamondback, except he asks, "Do you guys sell brown pants?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted this on Facebook last night, so if you've already seen it there, I apologize. And since we don't have an "Associates Say the Darndest Things" topic...

Last night I was at the back bar at Outer Hank's enjoying a frosty beverage, and I heard the associate there telling guests that the park was either going to tear down SoB or sell it, they just haven't decided which they were going to do yet. Also, he said that when they built it, they didn't build it all at the same time so the wood didn't weather the right way so the ride split apart. I made sure to stop by Guest Relations to tell them about this guy, and they were very appreciative of that! There's already enough rumors about that ride that we don't need park associates spreading any more...

Then again, maybe there is a grain of truth to what he said. KI's website says on the main page that they now accept Paypal. So maybe they are going to sell SoB... on Ebay! laugh.gif

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  On 7/16/2010 at 8:52 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:

Then again, maybe there is a grain of truth to what he said. KI's website says on the main page that they now accept Paypal. So maybe they are going to sell SoB... on Ebay! laugh.gif

If it's between $1 mil and $10 mil, I'll buy it, and put it in my....uh...backyard? :unsure:

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Last visit, me and my sister were going to hit up Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and there was a guy with three kids outside the queue line. The little kids were trying to get on the ride, and he told him that they had to leave. The kids begged and proceeded into the line without him. He followed, and as we got to the ride op, he had to measure the kids. Of course the kids werent tall enough to ride by theirselves, but they were able to ride with a taller person above 48 inches. (I believe that that is the rule, correct me if im wrong.) Anyways, the ride op informed him that he could only take one kid at a time, since they were too short. With a completely serious tone and expression, he asked if two of the kids could ride together, and with their combined height would they be allowed to ride. I'm dead serious. I almost died XD

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  On 7/17/2010 at 1:54 AM, Adventure Express said:

Last visit, me and my sister were going to hit up Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and there was a guy with three kids outside the queue line. The little kids were trying to get on the ride, and he told him that they had to leave. The kids begged and proceeded into the line without him. He followed, and as we got to the ride op, he had to measure the kids. Of course the kids werent tall enough to ride by theirselves, but they were able to ride with a taller person above 48 inches. (I believe that that is the rule, correct me if im wrong.) Anyways, the ride op informed him that he could only take one kid at a time, since they were too short. With a completely serious tone and expression, he asked if two of the kids could ride together, and with their combined height would they be allowed to ride. I'm dead serious. I almost died XD

It actually has to be someone 16 or older to ride with children under the required height to ride alone.

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  On 7/17/2010 at 5:17 AM, buckeyemaniac said:
  On 7/17/2010 at 1:54 AM, Adventure Express said:

Last visit, me and my sister were going to hit up Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and there was a guy with three kids outside the queue line. The little kids were trying to get on the ride, and he told him that they had to leave. The kids begged and proceeded into the line without him. He followed, and as we got to the ride op, he had to measure the kids. Of course the kids werent tall enough to ride by theirselves, but they were able to ride with a taller person above 48 inches. (I believe that that is the rule, correct me if im wrong.) Anyways, the ride op informed him that he could only take one kid at a time, since they were too short. With a completely serious tone and expression, he asked if two of the kids could ride together, and with their combined height would they be allowed to ride. I'm dead serious. I almost died XD

It actually has to be someone 16 or older to ride with children under the required height to ride alone.

I had a feeling that I was wrong. Thanks for the correction!

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For those who aren't familiar with Newport on the Levee, one of the things we have is a "parking refund" booth - basically a way to encourage people to see movies at the theater there despite the fact that you have to pay to park most of the time (except between 11-2 Monday-Thursday on non-holidays and days when the Reds don't have early afternoon games...). Guests need to show a movie ticket and their parking ticket to get all but $1.25 of their parking fee refunded.

I usually take my Diamondback souvenir cup to work with me and fill it up at the water cooler in the office before heading off to wherever I'll be working that day. Saturday, I was working at the refund booth. A lady walked by with her kids, noticed the cup and told her kids "someone ELSE went to Kings Island!".

I thought it was funny that she said it that way - almost like she was a bit surprised to see that someone had been to KI besides them.

Also, I'm sort of the envy of many of my coworkers due to how often I've visited KI. One of my coworkers told me the other day that he hadn't been to KI in forever, then proceeded to say that the last year he was there was the year they put Diamondback in. Not visiting KI in a year isn't what most people would consider "forever" (though for someone like me it would be - I'm already considering it "forever" because I haven't been in a month...)

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Not sure if there is a thread for guests do the darnest things...

anyway, last month it was about midday, and I was sitting in Planet Snoopy enjoying my ice cream. I observed a young female wearing a dress. This dress was likely a fashion statement because it was short, tight, and flashy. In addition to her uncommon outfit for the environment, she accessorized with an over sized purple purse, 4 inch or so heels, and tons of jewelery. Finally her hair (assuming she had weave in) was perfect, so either she had super amazing hair or just roamed the park all day. About 10 minutes later, she walked past again, so I'm assuming she left with a ride count of 0.

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Though I am not a KI local, I got a few from SFMM.

"I got stuck on the drop on X2."

"They turn the rides up faster at night."

Or the VERY VERY VERY famous "I got stuck at the top of Superman." The Superman one is heard A LOT.laugh.gif

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1: Two people complaining over whether it is Drop Tower or Drop Zone "They changed all the names when Snoopy bought the patk"

2: On Drop Tower: Child: Why isnt that big one open (SOB) Mom: Because too many people got killed, so they decided to close it.

3: Someone called Son of Beast The Racer.

4: 4 people were in the FD line trying to figure out how to get to the entrance for SOB. (Which they really really need a sign saying ride closed, all there is is a gate, no sign saying Son of Beast is closed from what I could see, saw 4 other people in Acion Zone trying to find the entrance.)

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  On 7/19/2010 at 9:48 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 7/19/2010 at 7:50 AM, PizzaBaby027 said:

Άκουσα μια όρος πει τι γεύση έχει το μπλε παγωτό!

That's all Greek to me!

Terpy, looking for Smurfs...

I think it means he heard a guest ask what flavor the Blue Ice cream is.

Tyler, who is a little Greek. lol

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In line for Drop Tower, someone pointed over to Invertigo and said "That was the first coaster ever built here"

On ET at night, some guy said "Hey look, I can see downtown Cincinnati! That's where Dad lives" It was the ballpark.....

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  On 7/23/2010 at 6:30 PM, TylerRider said:
  On 7/19/2010 at 9:48 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 7/19/2010 at 7:50 AM, PizzaBaby027 said:

Άκουσα μια όρος πει τι γεύση έχει το μπλε παγωτό!

That's all Greek to me!

Terpy, looking for Smurfs...

I think it means he heard a guest ask what flavor the Blue Ice cream is.

Tyler, who is a little Greek. lol

Gee, I wonder why Terpy mentioned Smurfs! :lol:

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  On 7/23/2010 at 6:30 PM, TylerRider said:

I think it means he heard a guest ask what flavor the Blue Ice cream is.

Tyler, who is a little Greek. lol

Am I the only person who thinks it doesn't taste like blueberry? I mean, it tastes very good, but it doesn't taste like blueberry to me. Must just be me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a few recently I have heard

I was by Adventure Express and a kid asked "what Adventure Express?" Her mother said "it the huge wooden coaster" Pointing at Son of Beast.

Guy after watching Slingshot launch. "what happens when a cable snaps?"

I was sweeping up some popcorn and there a little girl and her dad is talking to the foods employee eating the popcorn. She looks at me and says "My daddy did that not me"

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While we were waiting for Maverick to open at Cedar Point on Sunday I heard a girl tell her mother that Maverick was a gigacoaster and that there are only three in the world, Maverick, Millie and Top Thrill Dragster! She then went on to explain that what makes them gigacoasters is that the track is made up of triangles! laugh.gif

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sunday while standing in line for Flight of Fear:

guy: Flight of Fear was installed in '82, then back in '07 they installed Firehawk to make the ride longer. :huh:


same guy: Son of Beast was removed last year.

girl w/ guy: no it wasn't, it's still standing.

guy:(to employee at height check station) didn't you take out Son of Beast last year?

employee: umm... no, Son of Beast is still standing.

guy: well, it isn't on the map.

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