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Attractions / buildings MOST LIKELY to leave PKI


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Okay folks, what rides, attractions, or ENTIRE areas (like Oktoberfest) do you think are most likely to be removed by PKI in the future?

I'll vote for Cyber Sez because I didn't find it thrilling. All I did was stomp my feet and scream. If I'm going to pay extra money for an attraction, give me Sling Shot or Xtreme Skyflyer any day that I have an empty stomach and the weather is good. :D

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I will second the motion of Magilla's getting the boot. It was rumored that it wouldn't be around for the 2003 season but it looks like it has survived and will be surving "grilled cheese" this year. I still see it leaving in the next few years with a restructuring of the food service in HB to provide a little more space for new rides.

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Location, location, location. I can't stress that enough. Its also not very bright to have two food stands that offer the same type of service (whether it be burgers and fries at one and corndogs and chicken fingers at the other) so close to each other. Those three food stands (Magilla's, Huck Dairy, and Busytown) all need to be torn down and brought together as one. Make one larger resturaunt so more people can be serviced at once, offering what they had at each of the two normal food stands but pushed back so to open more space in front and create a roomier look and more inviting to the guests. Cause happy guests will buy more, its a proven fact.

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Those helicopter guys are good. I'm sure they take care of what they need to in order to stay in the park.

On a side note about them:

In order to persuade the park to bring them in, they had to show "What if the engine fails? Will it crash" The pilots took a few of the VP's up for a flight and then turned off the engines to simulate an engine failure. They were able to land that stear it still and land it perfectly inside a parking space in the middle of the parking lot. Now that is impressive with no engine power and just the momentum of the blades still keeping the helicopter up.

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Those helicopter guys are good. I'm sure they take care of what they need to in order to stay in the park.

On a side note about them:

In order to persuade the park to bring them in, they had to show "What if the engine fails? Will it crash" The pilots took a few of the VP's up for a flight and then turned off the engines to simulate an engine failure. They were able to land that stear it still and land it perfectly inside a parking space in the middle of the parking lot. Now that is impressive with no engine power and just the momentum of the blades still keeping the helicopter up.

This method of landing the helicopter is called auto-rotation. The pedals on the floor of a helicpoter are called anti-rotation pedals, and keep the chopper from spinning, while it is flying. You can perform this with any helicopter no matter how large it is. Usually, you make the chopper dive for the ground, and at the last second pull the nose up. The chopper will usually land upright, but may bounce a bit before it settles down. On occasion though they can crash and flip. If you do not have enough altitude to perform this maneuver, you will just fall out of the sky and crash.

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I really HATE seeing Nick moving in on HBland but at the same time i dont like Nick as much as much as i do Hannah-Barbera, any way here soon i read somewhere that PKI is Getting a Treehouse themed to the Wild Thornberrys and a race track themed to the rugrats, i wonder if pki will rename Rivertown because of Tomb Raider? if they Get rid of Hucks Dairy i will be ****ED i mean i go there everytime iam at PKI i love there blue Ice Cream, i see octoberfest leaving Real soon!!!! :ph34r:

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The building most likely to LEAVE Paramount's Kings Island is actually already gone.

The Chinese Food building "Panda Express" which was located in-between the French Bakery on International Street and the entrace to HB Land was demolished/removed over the off season. The restaraunt will remain at PKI, but in a different area of the park.

Now you stipulated LEAVE, not change... or get gutted... or remodeled... or re-themed... so that rules out a few buildings getting an overhaul this year.

But I think that in future seasons we will see (a) building(s) on Coney Mall possibly demolished and (a)new one(s) built. Complete speculation on my part.


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On a side note about them:

In order to persuade the park to bring them in, they had to show "What if the engine fails? Will it crash" The pilots took a few of the VP's up for a flight and then turned off the engines to simulate an engine failure. They were able to land that stear it still and land it perfectly inside a parking space in the middle of the parking lot. Now that is impressive with no engine power and just the momentum of the blades still keeping the helicopter up.

Thats one cool things about helicopters you can still land them inacase of an engine failure, however I believe the pilot must stll flip some switch to disconect the props from the engine or something like that.

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The bungee rides (Slingshot and Xtreame Skyflyer) are expensive because their parts are worn down alot faster than other rides. The replacement of the parts is one part of the price and I'm not sure but I bet the insurance is higher than normal for those rides since the risk is higher for an accident. I know that those rides are safe I'm just saying the accident ratio is higher. :lol:

Edited by Coasterguy107
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The only reason the costs of the Slingshot and Skyflyer are exhorbitant is because people are willing to pay it, it has nothing to do with how much replacement parts cost.

Manufacturers, when selling an upcharge attraction to a park, fill the heads of park folk about how lucrative the attraction can be. That gives the park merchandise execs (At PKI upcharge attractions are staffed by Operations, but fall under the Merchandise department... that should tell you something right there...) a base in which to establish the "upcharge" to guests who wish to experience it.

The Skyflyer and Sling Shot, and Climbing Wall, and Euro Bungees, and Go Carts, and Laser Tag and blah blah blah..... will all reamain at PKI until guests are either no longer interested in them, or willing to pay the cost.

One of my few complaints about PKI is the absurdity of the amount of pay-extra attractions they have installed. It is a slap to the face of their less fortunate guests that scrimp and save to attend the park, only to find many of the attractions cost extra.

$50 for a Sling Shot ride, c'mon PKI. That's ludicrous.


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Whats up guys? No love for Skyflyer? Skyflyer is actually one of the safest rides in the park, if not the safest. Hours, and I mean HOURS, of training(trust me, I had to go through them) and even a test from the company is required to be able to "signed off" on Skyflyer. On top of that, there is back up after back after back up in order to ensure proper operation of the ride. No need to feel worried on Skyflyer guys and gals. As for the technical aspect, not much here either. Just a simple winch to bring the flyers up and down. Believe it or not, the platform that raises and lowers you to the cables is more complicated than the ride itself! :D

Edited by AZ Kinda Guy
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I agree, I think the Launch Pad(Trampolines) will be the most likely "Pay as you Play" attraction to leave! SkyFlyer and Sling Shot are two popular attraction, not one do people like riding them but they sre fun to watch too! the only was SkyFlyer or Sling Shot will leave is if the price becomes to highand people never ride them or the attraction breaks down to often and is too expensive for PKI to keep it running! But let's hope they are never taken away, and lets also hope PKIwill lower the price to ride the attractions!

Edited by PKICoasterFreek
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Its probably like the cables for an elevator. Say the elevators Max weight is 2500, an elevator has 3 cables that are 3000lbs. working weight.

Anyway, I think extreme Sky-Flyer, is a waste of money. After the first swing, it goes downhill drastically. And PKI is probably making a killing off of it because all the power it needs is for the winch, and lowering and raising floors, and employees.

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