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Flight of Fear...


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Has Flight of Fear always had a pre-recorded loading spiel? I noticed it today, along with the "...kindly explain why YOU are the ones trapped in your seats!" and "We didn't actually expect you to survive that!" ones being on. (Also, they finally dusted the UFO and fixed the broken lights- thanks, KI maintnance! :) )

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Has Flight of Fear always had a pre-recorded loading spiel? I noticed it today, along with the "...kindly explain why YOU are the ones trapped in your seats!" and "We didn't actually expect you to survive that!" ones being on. (Also, they finally dusted the UFO and fixed the broken lights- thanks, KI maintnance! :) )

Never knew they did the pre-recorded. Must be new. I knew about the lights though. They still do the video that they play over and over lol.

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Yes, as far as I remember the loading spiel has been playing...

But what happened to all the "aliens" in those tubes? Now they are just plastic manikins covered in...aluminum foil? :huh:

I always thought those things were creepy. One of them, as well as the "Evil Nursery Baby" in the WEBN haunted house looks EXACTLY like my sister.

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Yes, as far as I remember the loading spiel has been playing...

But what happened to all the "aliens" in those tubes? Now they are just plastic manikins covered in...aluminum foil? :huh:

I always thought those things were creepy. One of them, as well as the "Evil Nursery Baby" in the WEBN haunted house looks just like my sister.

I always think of the ID4 movie when I'm in there. Very cool theme.

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I hate that video they need a new one that is not so dumb.

Would you rather have a corny video or none at all? I don't see CF redoing it. Ever. At least they finally gave the queue some TLC- it needed it!

Actually, I love the video and it never crossed my mind about the cheesiness, until some of my friends were making fun of it earlier this year. It is really cheesy.

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Yes, that would be the spiel. I have never heard it before. Hmm. I also wonder why they bother playing the spiels that cut off abruptly...

Spiel: "We know... what happens... when the human body is pushed to-"

Me: "...The Outer Limits?"

Licensing issues. The park no longer has the rights to refer to that series...

The ride was once known as Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. The rights to Outer Limits were not renewed...and this was well before the Cedar Fair days.

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It isn't new, although they did just start playing it again recently.

I actually like the video, I think it's supposed to be cheezy, since most old alien movies are cheezy. When they have the video turned off, the queue line is boring. It gives a story to the ride, and gives you something to ook at or talk about while you are in line.

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First off, I like that video especially the part "Imagine a world..." Second, I thought you were talking about the spiel the alien guy says at the station. They played it more last year and now they play it rarely and very quiet compared to the noisy people. I have listened closley and was able to hear a couple. The first one went something like, "We have enjoyed our visit to your charming little world, but now it's time for you to visit ours." and the other one I'm not to sure on but it was like, "You think you have come to examine us, well then why are you the ones trapped in the seats?" Im not to clear on those. And also last year the alien guy said something at the unloading station that I could only hear a couple words of and I havn't even heard it this year.


This is a link where you can watch a clip of the FOF preshow and the old TR preshow. The clips were scored by a guy named Rob Pottorf.

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