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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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you guys keep on saying remove the rose bowl, but what will go in its place?

A loop, a few more hills,or a breake run?

A idea might be to reconstuct the rose bowl as much to take some of the stress off the structure and this would allow for a better ride and who knows even be able to return the loop.

Note im not a expert but i play one on tv.

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you guys keep on saying remove the rose bowl, but what will go in its place?

A loop, a few more hills,or a breake run?

I can guarantee that the loop will not be returning.

You don't re-engineer to remove a section, and then re-engineer again to remove another section and add original failed section. There is no sense in wasting more money on it.

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B&M doesn't do wood. The only time they did do wood was when they made the trains for Psyclone at Six Flags Magic Mountain.


It was known as a horribly rough woodie and was demolished a few years back, Terminator: Salvation now stands there.


Quick! KI call up GCII and get them fixing on Son of Beast! ;)

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Which would be worse publicity for the park: tearing down a major ride with a long history of injuries and even a death, or having more accidents every year?

Is that question supposed to be answered? If so, I think having more accidents ever year would be worse. Because people would probably feel unsafe if they went to Kings Island if another accident happened.

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cedarpointer... you exaggerate things too much.

Agreed. No one knows anything yet.

Let's see, I know that...

1. They have sold all the SoB mechandise for nickels. Even The Crypt stuff is still normal price. In fact, Scooby and Nick stuff was more expensive than the final SoB firesale.

2. KI will not say anything about the future of the ride.

3. SoB has caused many problems for the park since 2000.

4. Many people have had bad experiences on the ride.

5. KI has said that they are not happy with the way that the ride operates.

6. The exit gate has been permanantly gated off.

7. The logo has actually been removed from the crate.

Yeah, let's not get the facts get in the way...

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Its sad how the ride was designed so fast and built that way by a crappy company too really doesn't it seem fast how it was up and operating and the father was designed in a good amount of time by a designer who knew what he was doing too and is still operating now and is awesome and will be for many years to come that is exciting to me too its my favorite wooden coaster ever! :D

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Well, keep in mind that The Beast was technically designed in house by Kings Island`s own staff, including Al Collins and Jeff Gramke. Although John Allen did give them some advice on The Beast when it was being designed. And part of the problem with Son of Beast can be solved by the old adage that "bigger isn`t always better." Just look at the GCI wooden coasters, they are not the tallest, fastest or longest wooden coasters around. But anyone that has had the pleasure of riding a GCI will know that they are true works of art that provide a remarkable ride experience. They do not need to have all the superlatives to provide a fun and thrilling ride.

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Its sad how the ride was designed so fast and built that way by a crappy company too really doesn't it seem fast how it was up and operating and the father was designed in a good amount of time by a designer who knew what he was doing too and is still operating now and is awesome and will be for many years to come that is exciting to me too its my favorite wooden coaster ever! :D

Uh, Son of Beast had, for the majority of its construction, a general contractor by the name of Paramount Parks.

Terpy, just sayin'

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