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World's Best Kids' Area to Get a Whole New Look in 2010!

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KI finally 'announced' (no, not the ride names sad.gif) the Planet Snoopy website through their Twitter page:

Planet Snoopy is the place to be in 2010! http://planetsnoopy.com/kingsisland/

Nothing new on the site, but I thought I'd share.

but this is a great sign for Son of Beast, they are clearly going to try to have it open for the '10 season or they would have airbrushed it from the park map advertising the park in 2010 with Planet Snoopy. :D

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Just passed ki and all I could see is that reptar is being painted orange supports and yellow track. I also could tell that either the avatar character or maybe the actual ride car itself is gone. Also the top of the nick store looks like it's getting ready to be primed. That's all I got just figured I'd let you know.

Thanks for the update, I really missed seeing this yesterday as I drove by the park, then again I was driving for in car lessons so I couldn't see as much as I would have liked

Make note of this though as he is correct. I figured Kings Island would be the same as Carowinds but wanted to make sure before I posted anything. These photos are from Carowinds Facebook Page that were added last week showing the color scheme to Reptar up close. Also shares the new name of Reptar, the old Nick Store, and the former Nick-O-Round

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yes, but that is a site run by Kings Island, which if they know that Son of Beast will not opporate, or be standing they wouldn't release a "2010" park map for public view because the last thing they want is someone sueing for false advertisment.

They're also not advertising it as a 2010 map. No where on the page is even one reference to the map having any connection to 2010. Quite the opposite, those who examine it closely will still see Avatar. Not to mention, I imagine that the bright green color on the map will be replaced by a sky-blue of sorts (if we don't get the much maligned - on my part, at least - Cedar Fair style map).

The Kings Island website still features Son of Beast on the attractions page, but I for one do not consider that a hint towards the ride's future. Frankly, I have no idea what will happen.

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^^because they wouldn't have it posted as the 2010 map on the web site showing off the new kids area and have something that wrong be showing on it. if they were not going to have Son of Beast they would have erased it off the map so misinformation wouldn't be relayed to the general public.

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They're probably using the 09 map on the Planet Snoopy site just to fill space and provide general information to the average paying guest, not the typical whiny enthusiast. I wouldn't look too much into it. They're also showing photos and videos of Planet Snoopy's from parks that clearly aren't Kings Island. If the Ride Warriors website proved anything, Cedar Fair isn't the best at keeping up their websites with the most accurate information (still waiting for that awesome "Crypt" ride outside that they advertised on RWN for so long). They're just using it as filler to get general information out. It's not false advertising or intentional misinformation, if that was the case even the former Paramount Parks should've been taken to court for using pictures of Adventure Express to advertise all their arrow mine rides.

I agree with TycoonRebel; I hardly doubt that the use of the 2009 map is any clue into the future of Son of Beast.

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edit: just ignore this post

i understand that the map is the '09 park map but not every member of the general public would. so if a change as big as no more Son of Beast at Kings Island came about, Kings Island wouldn't want someone to raise a fuss because they showed Planet Snoopy and Son of Beast on the same map, yet Son of Beast wasn't at the park.

maybe i'm just looking at this too hard, but i still think Kings Island/ Cedar Fair/ apollo wouldn't want to risk something like that happening.

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Especially since similar maps for Kings Dominion and Carowinds on their respective Planet Snoopy pages do not have their signature new additions for 2010 pictured. It is more about giving the average park guest an indication of where the area is located in the park.

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Kings Island wouldn't want someone to raise a fuss because they showed Planet Snoopy and Son of Beast on the same map, yet Son of Beast wasn't at the park.

If this were the case they probably would've stopped advertising and listing Son of Beast on their website even though they had made a press release saying it would be down for the rest of the season.

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Let's start taking bets on if CF reuses the awful poorly done Boo Hill logo from CP/DP/WoF.


I would bet on that - perhaps even the same building facade! You may say to yourself "Why would they get rid of what's already there just to downgrade it? Wouldn't they make good use of what's salvageable from the ride's previous incarnation?"

You'd think so, wouldn't you?


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That being said, how early was the '09 map released last year? The Kings Island version of the Planet Snoopy site is not the only one with the '09 map. I highly doubt SoB's uncertain future is the only reason the '10 map has yet to be released.

I am pretty sure that the 09 map was not posted on the website untill a few days before the park opened, though i could be wrong.

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I'm not worried in how the area will look, but I suspect the naming will be less-than-creative. They've done a good job with the Camp Snoopys and CP's Planet Snoopy. They have a good, bright, kinetic look that kids seem to get excited about. The names might suck, but they look good.

I wouldn't anticipate a new facade on BBoBH, either. I'd look for a new coat of paint on the existing entry, and a few replaced or repainted characters in the ride.

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Just passed ki and all I could see is that reptar is being painted orange supports and yellow track. I also could tell that either the avatar character or maybe the actual ride car itself is gone. Also the top of the nick store looks like it's getting ready to be primed. That's all I got just figured I'd let you know.

Wow - they must have done a lot of work since Sunday when I swung by for a little look. There was nothing "new" visible in NU/PS. Reptar was still Green/Yellow (I think I'd like Orange actually) and FOC was still Purple (I really hope this changes).

Maybe one of the good photographers on the site can swing by and snap a couple of pictures - with the bare trees, you can actually see quite a bit from KI drive/passenger pickup area.

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Just passed ki and all I could see is that reptar is being painted orange supports and yellow track. I also could tell that either the avatar character or maybe the actual ride car itself is gone. Also the top of the nick store looks like it's getting ready to be primed. That's all I got just figured I'd let you know.

Wow - they must have done a lot of work since Sunday when I swung by for a little look. There was nothing "new" visible in NU/PS. Reptar was still Green/Yellow (I think I'd like Orange actually) and FOC was still Purple (I really hope this changes).

Maybe one of the good photographers on the site can swing by and snap a couple of pictures - with the bare trees, you can actually see quite a bit from KI drive/passenger pickup area.

I just happened to notice reptars colors on my way to Best Buy. I pulled into the metro parking lot at KI to get as close as I could. All that I could visibly see was Reptar's color change, and it looked nice from the lot. I tried to take pics with my blackberry, but none of them were good enough to see the details. I think I might try to take my camera on Friday and get a few pics.

P.S. The top of SDTHC was still the same colors it didn't look like anything had changed.....yet.

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...the typical whiny enthusiast.

No matter how I try and take this comment I think i'm offended...since I do admit to being a park "enthusiast"...I guess I would have to fall into one of two catagories... the most I can hope for is to be a "whiney enthusiast"...which isn't great but, if I don't fit there, that means I am simply average and would fall into the "typical whiner" catagory...that would disappoint me also...I try to NEVER be average!tongue.gif

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...the typical whiny enthusiast.

No matter how I try and take this comment I think i'm offended...since I do admit to being a park "enthusiast"...I guess I would have to fall into one of two catagories... the most I can hope for is to be a "whiney enthusiast"...which isn't great but, if I don't fit there, that means I am simply average and would fall into the "typical whiner" catagory...that would disappoint me also...I try to NEVER be average!tongue.gif

I'm confused by your post, but laughing - so I guess that works.

Also had to comment that your new avatar is awesome!

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Log Flume was never on the chopping block, it was a very good thing that they put it through rehab, when I worked maintenance on it the guys said that the fiberglass trough was getting into really bad shape and was in a badly need of being replaced. It's funny to say that I operated and performed maintenance on a ride that both my grandparent's and parent's rode before I was born, I can say that about the Carousel too.

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Oh, really? Why then were there news stories about it closing for good? Why then did Jeff Seibert invite enthusiasts for last rides after the park closed the flume for the last time before what turned out to be rehab? And why was the planned location for a major ride changed after the rehab?

Paramount Parks, at the very least, represented to the public that the log flume was being closed forever.

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...the typical whiny enthusiast.

No matter how I try and take this comment I think i'm offended...since I do admit to being a park "enthusiast"...I guess I would have to fall into one of two catagories... the most I can hope for is to be a "whiney enthusiast"...which isn't great but, if I don't fit there, that means I am simply average and would fall into the "typical whiner" catagory...that would disappoint me also...I try to NEVER be average!tongue.gif

You know Standbyme after reading that comment I admit I went back later and reread it and thought to myself "so is that what the park thinks of enthusiast" but seeing who wrote that and putting that comment in the context of his post and what he was saying I knew better than to think that was meant as a blanket statement for all enthusiasts. But honestly I can only hope that the bar of pleasing is set as to please even the whiniest of park enthusiast and not set so low that they are only trying to please the "average paying park goer". Because if that is the level of trying to please, then there will always be whiny enthusiasts and if they fall short of the lower goal of just trying to please the average paying guest then they will have major problems. My dad always told us as kids "strive to be the best at whatever you do, if you are a banker be the best, if you sack groceries strive be the best one at it and then you will be successful". He never told us to just try to please the average. Thanks Dad!!!:rolleyes:

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^Nice post...and I agree.

I have never quite understood the logic that since we come to this site that our opinion is any different than the "average" guest. I am still the same person inside that I was before I discovered sites like this...I would see things that I either liked or didn't like...the only difference is that now I can mention to other people who are not standing next to me while I am in the park.tongue.gif

I am the only person in my family who posts on this site...but I can tell you, they say the same types of things about the park that people post here...so what makes us really any different than what is referred to as the "average" park visitor?

The only difference I can see between the "average guest" and the "enthusiasts" is that we go to a greater length to let our feelings be known.

As for Ronny's comment, I know he meant no malice...I just felt it was my duty to whine about what kind of whiner that I was/am!laugh.gif

(I know Ryan is reading that statement and agreeing with it!)

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Oh, really? Why then were there news stories about it closing for good? Why then did Jeff Seibert invite enthusiasts for last rides after the park closed the flume for the last time before what turned out to be rehab? And why was the planned location for a major ride changed after the rehab?

Paramount Parks, at the very least, represented to the public that the log flume was being closed forever.

I was going by what the maint. guys said while I worked with them. I was in rides that year and we didn't know anything about log flume closing for good, we were told it was being worked on then it would reopen the next year

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