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Animals in the park


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I was about to start a new topic for this, but search saved the day!

I saw a deer near the track on Beast in 2010.

Earlier this year, I saw a family of groundhogs chilling by the brake run at Vortex.

But the main reason I wanted to begin (bump) this topic was because of a skunk I saw in a strange location. It was in a food stand (maybe Dippin' Dots?) between Diamondback and WWC. The worker started to panic all of a sudden, but kept right on working, so props to him. I then watched the critter run down the pathway and jump off the bridge before you get to the train station.

Just got me wondering, any other strange/interesting encounters?

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We stood and watched a skunk playing* on the rocks around Diamondback's splashdown on opening day of the 2011 season. It seemed unconcerned about the large, loud coaster immediately overhead.

*It may have been looking for food, I'm not an animal expert. ;)

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I have seen my share of animals, both as a guest and as a worker. Once when The Beast still had the pond, I saw a cotton mouth lying in the water. I always watch the local squirrels that feast on the food droppings by the picnic tables at the front near the kennel. One squirrel is pretty big and roams all over. I have had a Blue Heron that was found and brought to the kennel where we placed it in the cat cage for the rescue group to pick it up. A couple of my supervisors adopted a couple kittens that was found by the train station and was kept in the kennel. And there are the ferrel cats that roam throughout the park. Whenever I had to empty trash in the dumpster at Rivertown Pizza in the early morning, I had to bang on the fence or I would risk getting bitten by all the raccoons that feast on the left over pizza. My very first time that I encountered them was a life changer. I did not want to undertake those painful rabies shots! But watch out for the skunks that roam also. I almost had a couple of workers almost get sprayed in front of the operations building by a local skunk.

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Whatever animals are native to southwest OH are likely to have been in and/or around the park. Coyotes, Foxes, Skunks, Oppossums, Deer, Snake, Chipmunks, Squirrels, cats, stray dogs, lions, tigers and bears, oh my.

There is a nesting pair (perhaps more than one nesting pair) of Bald Eagles along the little miami river that I've seen as far north as the Route 48 exit area off 71 in Lebanon and as far south as Milford. With the River running not far behind the park, I'll assume they've rested on a tree somewhere in or around the KI area.

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I've seen skunks, deer, a groundhog, birds, a couple of snakes, chipmunks, squirrels, and I caught a mouse once ( bare hands ) while playing skeeball. I couldn't do much with it, so I just took it outside and let it go. Years ago I saw dolphins, and all kinds of exotic animals. I recently came across a collection of behind the scenes photos, which includes Rhinos lined up alongside the backside of The Racer. ( A good friend of mine took care of animals there once upon a time.) Sigh.....Kings Island could be magnificent with animals again.

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  On 8/24/2012 at 3:41 AM, coasterfanatic2012 said:


I was about to start a new topic for this, but search saved the day!

I saw a deer near the track on Beast in 2010.

Earlier this year, I saw a family of groundhogs chilling by the brake run at Vortex.

But the main reason I wanted to begin (bump) this topic was because of a skunk I saw in a strange location. It was in a food stand (maybe Dippin' Dots?) between Diamondback and WWC. The worker started to panic all of a sudden, but kept right on working, so props to him. I then watched the critter run down the pathway and jump off the bridge before you get to the train station.

Just got me wondering, any other strange/interesting encounters?

Last year I was trucking Rivertown and Nightmare Alley. I went to put my truck in the compactor by Diamondback and as I operated the compactor a skunk decided to walk across my feet as he headed towards Rivertown Junction. Scared me to death almost.

I have a few animal stories from Disney as well.

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Like said, a few years ago while riding The Beast there was a deer that was just standing right next to the track. Then ever so often I see a groundhog around KI and the Interstate, he resides mostly near FD.

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  On 8/25/2012 at 7:35 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:

Beastie1980 and I was ridding DB last night and a skunk sprayed close to the station.

Easier in the day we saw this groundhog as we were walking up the stairs to FD.


Ya know, I kind of wondering what you thought of a thread you started two years ago coming up again two years later! xD
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I've seen a skunk under the walkway to Viking Fury. Made for an interesting entrance to the ride as everyone ran overhead and around the corner.

I've seen them shut down the kids track cars because of an animal in the vicinity. I thought I saw a snake, my in laws swear it was a skunk.

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Also on the safari of our amusement park there are many types of bees(Bumble, and carpenter), spiders (Action Zone and some Beast line areas), and lastly any other native Ohio animal.

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