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Kentucky Kingdom

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The only reason I'd care to go is to ride a few rides before an inevitable shutdown or sale of the park (again)


Also, to laugh at some of the things there. To decide to repaint a coaster red with red after that terrible paint scheme was removed still makes me chuckle. It's almost as if Kinzel went crazy...or crazier...

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The only reason I'd care to go is to ride a few rides before an inevitable shutdown or sale of the park (again)

Also, to laugh at some of the things there. To decide to repaint a coaster red with red after that terrible paint scheme was removed still makes me chuckle. It's almost as if Kinzel went crazy...or crazier...

The red on red is there to distract you from the duct tape holding it together.

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I know most of you are not from Kentucky.  As a Kentuckian and a taxpayer, I want this park to make it because we need a smaller park and it fits that niche perfectly.  If the park thrives, the loans will be paid off and the taxpayers will recoup the investment.  It is not the perfect set-up but it works.  Also, when I visited on Sunday, I personally did not see Band-Aid type solutions,  I was pleasantly surprised.  I actually hope that the management does not try to compete with Kings Island; Kentucky Kingdom is not in the same league and never will be unless it is moved off the fairgrounds property and has a huge influx of capital.  Based off one visit, I give it a thumbs up.  But of course, this is in comparison to the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom experience I had in 2009.  I vowed I would not go back.  It was nothing like the former park.  Kings Island will always be my "home park" but for a short drive, Kentucky Kingdom is fun, especially with Thunder Run being such a great coaster. If they actually make over Twisted Twins (never rode the original, was closed under Six Flags), that would be a great thing.  Not The Beast or Diamondback, but for a coaster enthusiast, having more coasters is usually not a bad thing.


Edited for spelling errors and to expound on the original post.

Edited by jtro223
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The state land is collateral for Hart & Co.'s loan from The Bank of Kentucky. Also, rides and fixtures owned by the state are also collateral. If the park fails, to the extent that loan is not otherwise paid, the taxpayers lose state assets.

In addition, the property is clearly leased to a private operator for less than its fair market value at its highest and best use. This is in essence a direct subsidy. If I let you use a new Cadillac for $200 a year, the IRS would say, depending on our relationship, you either got a gift or income. Foregone income can be a business choice--are the people of the state better served by Kentucky Kingdom than what the private sector would put there absent government subsidy? But, should a Democratic governor and his pals make that decision without legislative or the people's input?

If we get to November without this becoming a political issue, I will be stunned. Especially if the 2015 Kentucky State Fair is not a raging success.


Thanks so much for the clarity! It'll be interesting indeed if KK really comes into the political arena. Living in Northern Kentucky (and having grown up in Cincinnati), I pretty much identify as a Cincinnatian. The only time I'm even really aware of the Commonwealth's politics is tax season and when I have to renew my vehicle. Given from what I've seen, and what appears to be of concern to the populace - I don't think state money tied up at the park in Louisville is going to rattle many people's cages so long as both candidates are pro guns. 

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Northern Kentucky is a very different place than rural Kentucky. It is part of the Lexington-Louisville-Northern Kentucky "Golden Triangle," and very different from most of the rest of the state--much of which thinks the state's resources are unfairly distributed to the Trianglites at the expense of the Booneyvillians.

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Larger disclaimer this time around:


And was that motion sickness stuff really a good idea when you are trying to sell your park?


Maybe if they had less flat rides, motion sickness wouldn't be such an issue. There's a LOT of spinning rides...

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In the spirit of optimism about T3- I wonder if its just that Kentucky Kingdom found time to test it, just not when the park was open?  They might very well make tomorrow's opening, its just they didn't feel the need to share that info.  

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