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Kentucky Kingdom

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Night POV of Storm Chaser.  Don't know if the darkness was planned, or if just the way it is, but it looks like it is very dark in some great places.  Too bad it will be state fair time until it can be ridden in the dark, with their early close times.  Wish they stayed open later.



Edit:  Source is www.youtube.com.  Direct link places actual POV in the dialog box.


Edit #2:  Just a comment on my commentary:  On rereading my post, it sounds strange.  Of course, since it is a nighttime POV, the darkness was planned.  What I was trying to say was the placement of lights and the lack of lights other places.  I had worked too many hours, and my writing was not very clear.

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I don't know if anyone has posted this yet but it appears that KK is still running a deal for Indiana residents outside of Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, and Washington counties.




The deal includes:

Admission for $29.95

Admission to both KK and Hurricane Bane

Free drinks,

A free 2nd day.


All you have to do is show your valid Indiana ID and they should grant you the tickets. I am assuming parking is not included with the deal. So if you are travelling solo it would probably be best to just buy the season pass if you plan on multiple visits. As for the deal I think they ran a similar deal last year and if I remember right a person could use the 2nd day ticket any time of the operating year and not required to use it on consecutive days. If anyone knows the details of the previous offer please correct me if I am wrong. Either way this is a pretty solid deal for Indiana residents and I am sure they are trying to get the out-of-state attendance numbers up.

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Night POV of Storm Chaser. Don't know if the darkness was planned, or if just the way it is, but it looks like it is very dark in some great places. Too bad it will be state fair time until it can be ridden in the dark, with their early close times. Wish they stayed open later.


Edit: Source is www.youtube.com. Direct link places actual POV in the dialog box.

Edit #2: Just a comment on my commentary: On rereading my post, it sounds strange. Of course, since it is a nighttime POV, the darkness was planned. What I was trying to say was the placement of lights and the lack of lights other places. I had worked too many hours, and my writing was not very clear.

To be honest with you I think that the street lights can go die in a hole.

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Greezed Lightnin' was also a staple of my father's adolescence when it operated at (then) Mariott's Great America as Tidal Wave. That coaster certainly made its rounds and seemed to mean a lot to a lot of people.


The nighttime POV of Storm Chaser is great and all... But it's not like there will really be many night rides on it considering the park's typical hours. Especially considering that they are basically right on the westernmost edge of their time zone, which means that on any given day, they have a much later sunset than most other places. Even still, it does look like a great ride Perhaps one of those 9 PM closings will give me just enough time to get in one or two night rides.

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I'm not even going to bother going to the State Fair I'm just going to be doing marathons on Storm Chaser and Lightning Run

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From my understanding that is a pretty bad time to go. From the reviews I have read the dispatch times on most of the rides have been super slow at best and some said the dispatches during the fair were even worse. I plan on visiting KK this year but reading reviews about 1 train ops and 4-6 minutes dispatch intervals I'm going to have to temper my riding expectations.

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c30fb1647c073eea3a31dbb8383213bd.jpg Here's a picture of the landscaping

d5fd96c9f7cecbed5742ea3eb533d7ff.jpg We also got to see Storm Chaser testing

719a7a87bc8ae54c46cdabdd95e4469d.jpgMore testing

Did not have my camera today so had to deal with digital zoom (blah)

Also I got to talk with Brian from IOE which made my day!

One more thing, the first time we saw it test the Chain Dogs did not catch so it was just sitting at the bottom of the lift while the crew was fixing the problem. After that they resumed 2 train operations!

I know I know I'm getting repetitive but Fredd Grub is coming in to see Storm Chaser today

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By all accounts, Kentucky Kingdom was essentially empty most days during the fair. Dispatch times matter little if there are no lines.

That's what I thought as well but then I started reading KK reviews from others online. I'm pumped about going but the reviews I have read from the GP have tempered my expectations a little bit in terms of dispatch times. Basically saying even with no lines they still had to wait longer than expected due to slow moving workers and long delays between dispatch times. I'm guessing most of you guys have had different experiences? I still haven't been so I was just going off of reviews I have seen.
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And if I manage to get back East this year, I's paying cash....

I wouldnt doubt for a second that they took a screen capture of your face from one of the security cams and have it posted in all ticket booths, and they will still find a reason to deny entry, even if that reason is the old fashioned "We reserve the right......"

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I went for a night during the State Fair, as my last visit of the season, and to see what the park was like after dark.  No lines, one train ops, and about the same dispatch time as normal KK operations.


I set my expectations low when i went to KK and was pleased and actually impressed with what they have done.  They have come a long way and have a long way to go, but the coasters are fun, the employees are average to good (and of course there are those that fall outside the curve, on both ends) and the food was good and not expensive.

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They're getting desperate for out-of-state visitors now... https://www.kentuckykingdom.com/2016-a-special-offer-for-out-of-state-visitors/


$30 for two consecutive days and free drinks if you're from out of state (excluding Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott and Washington counties in Indiana since those are part of the Louisville metro area).


I foresee myself making another trip down there at some point this year in addition to my planned trip on the way home from Holiwood Nights.

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They're getting desperate for out-of-state visitors now... https://www.kentuckykingdom.com/2016-a-special-offer-for-out-of-state-visitors/


$30 for two consecutive days and free drinks if you're from out of state (excluding Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott and Washington counties in Indiana since those are part of the Louisville metro area).


I foresee myself making another trip down there at some point this year in addition to my planned trip on the way home from Holiwood Nights.


I might take advantage of that, though I don't know whether I would use the second day or not. Probably it depends on whether I do an overnight stay for the Pokémon TCG Nationals in Columbus or make the roughly one-hour commute back and forth each day.

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Posters that do not live in the city should use descretion when making assumptions about parts of town. While the area KK is located in is far from the nicest part of the city it is also far from the worst. Yes, it is close enough to where people who live on the rougher side of the city may venture out but it will by all means be handled promptly by the park. People who cause a ruckus there will not remain there for long.

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That all being said, the level of security provided for and by the Kentucky State Fair far exceeds that available otherwise. To think the security provided for the fair is typical of that usually provided is to err.

In the late 90's, I spent many nights at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. I am nowhere near as certain I would do so now.

Of course, their security seemed more fascinated with keeping a paying park customer from Washington, DC out of the park last year than one would expect...

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