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Windseeker & Coney Mall Construction Continues

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I just love how we judged a book by its cover negatively at first then positively the past couple of days. Half of the KIC community was mad about WindSeeker when it was announced. Now, we see it again - in real life, and half of us just had to change our pants......

Just sayin', and I'm one of these people^.

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  On 3/25/2011 at 4:55 PM, frisbeefan said:

Is it just me or from that angle does it look like the tower is leaning toward the left?

Just kidding. :lol: This tower will be massive!

I actually don't think you are wrong - if you look closely at the picture, the top piece is still connected to the crane. This piece is therefore not yet plum and makes the bottom of the tower "look" like it is leaning left.

  On 3/25/2011 at 8:23 PM, Beast1979 said:

As I watched the video (at the end) you can hear the people inside the tower banging - it is my assumption they are banging the pieces into alignment (via a connector bar or some built in alignment fixture) before bolting them together. I'm just imagining how loud that must be inside the ride cylinder considering it was pretty loud on the video.

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  On 3/25/2011 at 9:29 PM, trevor75 said:

7th piece is ready to go? Wow they are moving fast today! Glad to see it, and glad you changed your mind on WindSeeker Angie!

  On 3/25/2011 at 10:20 PM, jdawg1998 said:

I just love how we judged a book by its cover negatively at first then positively the past couple of days. Half of the KIC community was mad about WindSeeker when it was announced. Now, we see it again - in real life, and half of us just had to change our pants......

Just sayin', and I'm one of these people^.

haha I know right? At first I was thinking........ what in the heck is KI doing?? Then my eyes got wider as I saw the tower getting taller and realized, this isn't just going to be a cracked-out version of Zephyr.. this ride may just have several people in a far more nervous state than they originally thought, especially once they're on the ride.

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Well, it is far from being completed. They still have to assemble the actual ride vehicle, and get all the electrical work done. Not to mention all the testing.

I wonder when we will see the 8th and final piece put on the tower. If that will occur today or on Monday...

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The eighth and final piece of the WindSeeker tower has arrived on site just a few moments ago, according to the webcam. I wonder if they will put it in place today.

Another question I have, is if the workers that are working inside of the tower are climbing up all those stairs inside the tower, or if they are attached a man basket to the crane to get the workers up and down. If they aren`t, those workers are getting quite a workout climbing up all those stairs!

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I can't answer your second question, as I have been wondering the same exact thing. BUT, I believe the eighth piece will be put in place today because the small white lift thing (I'm guessing that isn't the technical name) that lifts the pieces so the yellow crane can pick them up is in position, which is only the case when they are about to lift, from my observations.

Can't wait to see the final piece put into place!

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That "small white lift thing" is actually another crane. And it doesn`t actually lift the pieces so that the bigger crane can pick them up. When they go to lift the pieces, both cranes attach to the piece, one on each side. Once the yellow crane starts lifting, the other crane swings over while lifting. The whole point of this, is so that when the yellow crane lifts the crane, the other crane is there to lift the piece, and keep it from dragging across the trailer, potentially damaging the piece, and scraping up the paint job.That is the eighth and final piece. There will likely be the red top, piece, as seen in the renderings, assuming that the top of the ride hasn`t changes since the renderings were made...

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When the tower is toped off, will that crew move on to Sandusky and start the Cp erection unsure.gif Pun intended? I mean that nothing is happening at Cp and I believe the Ki crew will turn the Ki tower over to electricians and another crew that will finish the ride.

I have seen crew ride in a basket on the crane to the top of the tower.

Ps; there goes the next to last piece to the top.

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