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Action FX Theater Film Announced


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I think most here have gotten used to and understand the value of the $5 up-charge for Dinosaur Alive. So it seems the optional additional $2 for a 3-D movie is at question here, I can understand on the premise how some of you may see the extra charge as being a bit overreaching. May I suggest that we all hold criticisms or objection until we see the new attraction first hand. Obviously this is a major cost undertaking to get this area ready and they seem to be trying to do something outside the tradition way of thinking to get revenue in. I applauded that and I applauded Kings Island management taking the risk to try this and not playing it safe. I am more than sure they have researched guest about Dinosaurs Alive with guest at the park these past few weeks. Keep in mind they are there to make money by offering a product worthy of the extra cost and they are putting a lot on the line to achieve this. I do say that if Dinosaur Alive is as big of a success as I think it will be then the current KI management should be nominated to the KI Walk of Fame. So please as a KIC community let's try to judge this as a possible great addition to the park that will enhance a guest experience and a possible windfall for the park.

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Kings Island is an amusement park that costs $52.00 to get into.

This is true if you show up at the gates with no planning but the vast majority of visiting guest come as a group or buy discount tickets through work or online. They often get a great discount that way and feel they got a good deal by doing so. Currently The two-day ticket for $51.99 makes it $26 for two full days at the park. It cost more than that 15 years ago for one day.

Am I the only person that thinks this and Dinosaurs Alive are alienating the newest 'blockbuster' attraction, WindSeeker? WindSeeker and Vortex will literally be the only two attractions at the end of Coney not themed to dinosaurs.

I quite honestly am trying to stop thinking of all the crying children, strollers, and parents berating the staff because they have to pay extra to get into Dinosaurs Alive that will be at the end of Coney this season.

I feel with the scheduled ERT for gold pass and all the billboards across several states I can safely say Kings Island is not alienating WindSeeker. So far as far as advertising goes Dinosaur Alive is taking the backseat to WindSeeker. I am sure some families will be upset and voice their opinions about the up charge to DA but trust me the park has done its homework and feels that most guest will happily pay the fee in some measure to experience the new attractions, otherwise I do not see Kings Island committing to spend the money for Dinosaur Alive.

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I believe it would be more profitable for Kings Island to keep Action Theater free of charge, but, inside the theater, put a major focus on advertising Dinosaurs Alive. (As well as placing a ticket booth for Dinosaurs Alive right outside the theater's exit...)

This is all speculation, as I know not of any research Cedar Fair did to facilitate this decision. I have no personal gripe against the decision, because, like others have said, this is how Capitalism works.

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I have no problem with them charging $2 for this movie - as has been said, people will either pay or not - it will either be empty or not.

My issue is with them removing a ride that had been part of the park and part of the base admission for many years (I can list too many examples of this over the years). My 5 and 7 year old enjoyed the 3D ride experience, I'm willing to bet they will be a little disapointed over this - although they might enjoy the movie (once).

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Do ya think they'll open up Dino no moving seat theater for Gold Passers' ERT? When my neck gets too sore from a Vortex marathon, I'd love to pay an extra 2 bucks to see a Dino commercial.

I miss DB/Beast ERT already.

KI has a prime opportunity for heavy duty advertising for DA here, and they're going to charge $2 to sell it. MISTAKE!!!!!

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Well, if anything, should DA!3D ever be replaced, Side A can now be used as a 4D theater, much like what MuppetVision at Disney Hollywood Studios is like (stationary seats with special effects installed).

Just throwing that out there. :)

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I'm very disappointed with KI/CF management's decision on this. Spongebob was past it's prime, but there are plenty of other motion films that could have gone in it's place. Unless there was a major problem with the motion seats, I would have liked to have seen a new motion movie in there, FREE with park admission. Dino Island would have been the obvious choice. They took away an attraction to put in a lesser upcharge attraction. And yes, I am quite comfortable calling it a lesser attraction because it has one less element... the motion seats. Usually I reserve judgement until I experience something for myself, but that will be highly unlikely in this instance because I will not be paying to see the movie.

I WILL be spending the $15 to take my family to see DA since it's a unique experience (at least to us, since we haven't done anything like it before) but we WILL NOT be paying the additional $6 to watch a non-motion 10 minute movie.

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Can you pay to just watch the movie?

Yes, there will be a combo and regular ticket. Combo is for the DA Park and movie. Regular tickets will be for DA and movie.

The email newsletter (http://www.visitking...ex.cfm?item=174) says nothing about a separate ticket for just the movie. Only the $5 DA attraction tickets and the $7 combo tickets are listed. I could not find mention of the movie anywhere else on the park's website, so there is no mention of a separate movie-only ticket anywhere else either.

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Can you pay to just watch the movie?

Yes, there will be a combo and regular ticket. Combo is for the DA Park and movie. Regular tickets will be for DA and movie.

The park's website says otherwise:


Dinosaurs Alive! outdoor attraction and film are not included with general park admission or a 2011 season pass. A separate admission ticket of just $5.00 for the outdoor attraction or just $7.00 for both the outdoor attraction and 3D film is required.
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I think Gator summed up my feelings pretty good. :)

There is one other thing I might add that bugs me about this... I have always been under the impression that the one main thing that usually mandates why an attraction becomes an "upcharge attraction" is low capacity. (Even Dinosaurs Alive fits this bill.) Action Theater easily handles huge crowds. Is there any other excuse other than greed for the upcharge? I know what some people might want to say...the park has spent a lot of money on it or the fee helps pay for the rights to the film. How are either of those logical explanations? Surely the park was paying a fee for the rights to all of the previous movies, so that doesn't wash...and if we are going for the "put a lot of money in it" excuse how does that make sense? The park spent millions of dollars on other attractions but didn't ask the public to chip in...I feel like Action Theater is kind of like the park's new toll booth!

P.S. Don't ya love when we were all guessing if Action Theater would be coming back that the park assured us that it would in fact be open...I guess they didn't want to let the other shoe drop back then...cowards! :P

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Maybe they should have made another catagory on the park map, "Upcharge Attractions":

Xtreme Skyflyer

Thunder Alley


Dinosaurs Alive

FX Theater

$5 to dry off after White Water Canyon

Seems like alot of extra charges after paying to get through the gate

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Is there any other excuse other than greed for the upcharge?

There are numerous reasons. The # 1 being higher cost to the business (or park in this discussion).

For instance: Johnny Walker Blue costs more to make than Dewar's thus the extra cost is handed down to the consumer through the local watering hole.

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But this is irritating not only in that it's a 10 minute documentary, but also in that we have just lost another included-with-admission attraction. It seems senseless, especially since the removed motion base seats could easily be relocated to side B and used to show Spongebob, or the much-more-sensical, much-more-fun Dino Island 3-D.

I'm pretty sure they trashed the other side to put in that Haunt Attraction. I just hope they clean up Action Theatre for this, if it's supposed to be as amazing as they say it's going to be. Urgent Scare looks awful. The plywood walls and cramped exit are terrible.

I totally see Browntggr's points, however now there is one last ride that you got on free with your admission/pass.

An educational film on dinosaurs? At COSI's IMAX screen, sure. At the Great Lakes Science Center's OMNIMAX screen, why not? But on Kings Island's "Action Theater" screen, likely using the same 3-D glasses we've seen for the last nine years at Spongebob 3-D? And it costs extra?

As pointed out in the press release, there will be newer 3d Glasses.

Besides, they were originally planning to close Action Theater in 2009.

Uh, no. Where's your source on this?

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I think the only people likely to partake in this would be people who are there by themselves and therefore it will truly only cost them $2. If you have other people in your party whose admission to the movie that you're responsible for, then that's where it really gets tricky. It'd be something I'd pay $2 extra for just to have the experience. However, I'm highly disappointed in the fact that the seats don't move. If dinosaurs were small animals that moved around gracefully, then it would make sense. But these are animals where most of them were bigger than any land animal that we have around today. If you want to put us in the middle of an area surrounded by dinosaurs and dinosaurs in action, let us feel it. If the seats weren't already there, that'd be one thing--but they're neglecting to use the seats that are already there and they're doing so quite deliberately.

While I do like Dinosaurs and I will pay $7 one time to experience all of it, I'm just confused by some of the decisions. But keep this in mind: if 10,000 people see it for free, they'd make less money than 100 people paying $2 each. Although, as the argument has already been made, the movie could very easily be used to entice people to go to Dinosaurs Alive. So, in that respect, they could end up losing money. "I'm not paying $5 if the movie isn't free."

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[There are numerous reasons. The # 1 being higher cost to the business (or park in this discussion).

Please explain the difference when they add something like Diamondback and don't make it an upcharge attraction to make up for the undeniable "higher cost to the buisness". I am totally serious...explain to me how the two are different. Both cost money...Diamondback even more...both are NOT low capacity rides...why upcharge for one and not the other.

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Very Well said. If the seats don't move, then I won't even bother. I will feel like KI is a education park or something. So 52 for admission, 20 for food for the whole day, another 7 for this and maybe 10 for a souvenir. About 90 bucks. wow.

So please as a KIC community let's try to judge this as a possible great addition to the park that will enhance a guest experience and a possible windfall for the park.

Very well said. I mean, really its not that much, but I mean, some families will be skippin this one.


More on topic, I was so sick of Spongebob 3D I am just glad they did something with it. I have no guess as to the appropriateness or fairness of the upcharge.

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[There are numerous reasons. The # 1 being higher cost to the business (or park in this discussion).

Please explain the difference when they add something like Diamondback and don't make it an upcharge attraction to make up for the undeniable "higher cost to the buisness". I am totally serious...explain to me how the two are different. Both cost money...Diamondback even more...both are NOT low capacity rides...why upcharge for one and not the other.

How do we know that the park didn't pass the cost on to the guests when Diamondback was built...

Operating expenses could have decreased, yet gate prices (as an example) may have remained the same or increased by a few dollars. Food prices in the park could have remained the same or increased by a few "nickles" while the cost from the food supplier may have decreased (whether by negotiation of a contract or even buying a lower quality product to substitute).

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