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The Crypt: Gone for 2012!


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  On 3/2/2012 at 8:38 PM, Gordon Bombay said:

At the top of the "wall" in front of the riders, there were devices which could produce real sparks.

From what I remember, I believe they went off as your Gondola raised up. There were sound effects that made it sound like the vehicle you were on was creaking badly and then sound effects of slight explosions that coincided with the sparks being dropped from the top of the ride room.

It was pretty neat.

The wall also had two shades of flourescent paint. When the goddess was "happy" at the start of the show, certain lights kicked on and illuminated only certain flourescent colors. When she went crazy and got "mad," the other lights came on and highlighted the other group of colors. It gave the effect of the wall coming alive and the goddess changing expressions.

Correct me if I am wrong Gordon, but didn't the pyro also come on and fall to the floor at the end of the ride as well? It has been quite a long time since any of us have rode Tomb Raider with all the effects working, but I, for some reason, have this nagging feeling that the spark pyro did come on a second time as the ride was finishing its cycle.

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  On 3/6/2012 at 12:20 AM, Tuskin said:
  On 3/2/2012 at 8:38 PM, Gordon Bombay said:

At the top of the "wall" in front of the riders, there were devices which could produce real sparks.

From what I remember, I believe they went off as your Gondola raised up. There were sound effects that made it sound like the vehicle you were on was creaking badly and then sound effects of slight explosions that coincided with the sparks being dropped from the top of the ride room.

It was pretty neat.

The wall also had two shades of flourescent paint. When the goddess was "happy" at the start of the show, certain lights kicked on and illuminated only certain flourescent colors. When she went crazy and got "mad," the other lights came on and highlighted the other group of colors. It gave the effect of the wall coming alive and the goddess changing expressions.

Correct me if I am wrong Gordon, but didn't the pyro also come on and fall to the floor at the end of the ride as well? It has been quite a long time since any of us have rode Tomb Raider with all the effects working, but I, for some reason, have this nagging feeling that the spark pyro did come on a second time as the ride was finishing its cycle.

I remember this as well, a sort of punctuation to the orchestral "pop" at the end of the ride. This triggered a blackout as the gondola parked itself, before the dim load/unload lights slowly came back up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've been looking on the Diamondback webcam, and on it the Crypt's entrance and "big ugly box" are visible. It's hard to see any entrance detail or anything, either do to the camera quality or the rain. I wonder what they are going to do to the entrance, or if they've already done something, because in 2 weeks there open.

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^ Well it has already been announced that the ride is going to be used for a Halloween Haunt attraction this fall (subject to change of course) so my guess is that nothing will be done with it, except maybe the removal of the "The Crypt" sign out front.

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Well, I guess I'm a little late on this, but The Crypt is OFFICIALLY DONE! It's not on the website anymore (like Son of Beast) and I'm pretty sure they announced it on Twitter. Yes, I know I'm late on the topic, but that's my two cents.

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  On 4/22/2012 at 4:21 PM, venom said:

Well, I guess I'm a little late on this, but The Crypt is OFFICIALLY DONE! It's not on the website anymore (like Son of Beast) and I'm pretty sure they announced it on Twitter. Yes, I know I'm late on the topic, but that's my two cents.

Or, you could try actually reading the thread before you post. Honestly.

And welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion, best case scenario is that the Crypt gets removed and replaced with a small ride that suites the area. Rivertown has one attraction towering over the midway, I don't think another one is necessary. The Crypt didn't match the area. Hopefully whatever gets placed there won't result in any trees getting removed either. A Screamin' Swing would be neat if the color scheme wasn't extremely eye jarring. However, I like a lot of people, see an empty building sitting there for years to come.

Top of my wanted list though: Don't abuse Rivertown anymore. It's my favorite area of any amusement park.

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Obviously, there are a vast array of possibilities, but I'm going to go out on a limb and analyze the situation.

First, the park removed the faultering Giant Top Spin from the inside of the building (which looks as though it would not be an easy task whatsoever). It looks as though the building has been unscaved in the process.

Second, just as the first, the building is still there. There is a possibility that the powers at hand could have decided that A: The cost of removing the building would be too great for this year, or B: There may not have been enough time before the start of the season to remove the building. However, the fact that the park still plans on utilizing the building for a haunt attraction tells me that the building may possibly be around for a while. The haunt attraction may even be a sort of "placeholder".

Third, the park decided to pull the plug on the final incarnation of the ride just as Mr. Ouimet took over as CEO. With a greater emphasis on providing a "best day of the year" for park guests, as well as an increased emphasis on the park's atmosphere, quality, and family fun, perhaps plans are in the works for a future family-friendly dark ride to go inside of that building; one that fits the theme of the area. Again, I'm just listing a single possible scenario out of a dozen.

So, in my opinion, I believe that the crypt's building would provide a prime opportunity for Cedar Fair to implement a new family-friendly dark ride. There is the possibility that the building could be demolished, and another ride put in its place, but whatever ride it is, I'd be willing to bet that it's a family attraction. Take it as you wish, but that building has the infrastructure, people management, and space which could make a great family attraction. Whatever they decide to do with that particular building, I, like Pillsberry, hope that they put a little more thought into making the area blend in.

Just my 2 cents.

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The park's official Twitter made note that the Crypt's ride building will provide a fantastic Haunt experience "for years to come." Could just be PR, but it sounds like their plans for that area aren't developed or won't be developed for a while.

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  • 1 month later...

Didn't want to dig up this thread, but I didn't want to make a new one just for this.

Why (at least last year) were the red lights used to illuminate the lava pits fixed to face the gondola while it was in its homing state? (In other words, why were the red lights pointed to where the gondola was going back to its load/unload position).

It seemed awkward for the lights to sporadically go off in such a relatively boring time, when the average park guests won't even turn their heads to look and say "Oh look at them purty red lights, Harold!" They could have been used to illuminate the "rock" when it backflipped. If the lights didn't serve any purpose, why have power supplied to them?

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Theming and thrill , also on a side note has anyone thought that maybe the new haunt will be a ride will be in operation? (I have a feeling its wrong, one may only speculate on the subject!)

BB1 who feels intolerent to his own knowledge!

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