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Increased Violence?


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Twice at the park yesterday, once at Diamondback, once at Invertigo, I saw fights almost break out (the latter not as severe).

At Diamondback, an older adult seemed to be picking a fight. She threw ice at a group of teens, and the teens came over to my group (four of us-- We had some of the thimbles of water), saying "Did you throw ice at us?" "No." "Ok. Someone threw ice at us, and we don't want that to happen again."

So the older woman then threw ice at them again, saying some really explicit stuff. She obviously wanted a fight, and she almost got that. We could see them starting to push each other around. Thank goodness for Diamondback's fast moving line, or else I fear it would have escalated (they weren't next to each other, but rather having turnstiles separating the two). I don't know why security wasn't called to get the woman ejected, but I saw her later in the day going about her business. Now, I don't know what got her mad, but I saw what happened after.


At Invertigo, someone's kid had to go come back to his mom in line (we were at the exit of the queue house to the walkway under the loop). There was a group of obnoxious kids behind us who wouldn't have let him in, saying something like "No cuts, no buts, no coconuts." I let the kid in to his mom, but the group behind us kept saying really stupid stuff, and it got to the point where the kids mom went back there and screamed "You tryin' to say somthin'?!" The kids said no, but started laughing as soon as she walked away. I'm glad she had self restraint.

My question to you is, has anyone else seen increased violence in the park?

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I have for sure. I think people being just considerate to others has declined too. I have had many instances where people have screamed very high pitched and very loud on purpose thinking it's funny.....when it's not. All of these have only happened within this and last season and one caused me with a painful ear that I couldn't hear out of until the next day. It's very sad that people don't have respect for others in public places. I have also witnessed fairly sketchy behavior in SoB's queue, I would guess it's either A.) The type of crowd was not typically families, but more teenagers and young adults or B.) The queue was secluded from any staff members.

One thing for sure is I've found Kings Island A LOT better than Six Flags St. Louis.

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I get a little irritated by men screaming like bee yotches on tame rides (even more so than by their ubiquitous entourages of giggling groupies that encourage them to keep on going with it). Then again, who am I to dictate how people should have their fun... soooooo:

[Voice of Steven Tyler]

♫♫ Scream on, ah, scream on, ah, scream on, aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha! ♫♫

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Not violence,

But I remember sitting next to my son last year on Viking Fury, he was either late 2 or early 3 (late June birthday, can't remember when exactly we were on it) He had ridden the thing many times by that point, even on the far back seat and it never scared him (until this season where I could tell it made him more nervous that last year, but that's a different conversation) Anyhoo, we were somewhere in the relative middle of the boat when the 2 girls behind us a row or two decided it would be cool to let out blood curling screams each time our side of the ride descended. Not they typical cheerful yells you hear on ever viking fury ride, but screams that literally sounded like someone was getting chopped with an axe; it was too the point of hurting my ears loud. It clearly distrubed my son to the point of near tears. It took a decent amount of restraint to not want to turn around and slap them.

I fail to see how they ever thought that was funny.

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At Invertigo, someone's kid had to go come back to his mom in line (we were at the exit of the queue house to the walkway under the loop). There was a group of obnoxious kids behind us who wouldn't have let him in, saying something like "No cuts, no buts, no coconuts." I let the kid in to his mom, but the group behind us kept saying really stupid stuff, and it got to the point where the kids mom went back there and screamed "You tryin' to say somthin'?!" The kids said no, but started laughing as soon as she walked away. I'm glad she had self restraint.

My question to you is, has anyone else seen increased violence in the park?

Leaving the line and trying to reenter at the same point is line jumping.

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^It's sorta like bandwagon. Most people do it, and nobody really says anything (unless they're trying to show off or be funny--obnoxious group).

I personally never do myself, but when it's a little kid (like 8-9-- he still met height requirement), I'd personally not try to pick a fight with the mother.

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At one point in the Flight Deck line some teenagers thought it would be fun to ask about my piercings and my tattoos. They were just being a typical teenager, being obnoxiously annoying & loud. Later in the day I saw the same kids harassing some kid with green hair, and I continouisly heard them yell "Highliter Head" & the kid at one point turned around and started yelling back at them, telling them to "Shut their mouths before they got some." I was proud of the kid for sticking up for himself, but wish it was outside a family area.

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About a year back, the Haunt had some fights break out, I wrote about it in a post. It was a slow night, only one ghoul, and I'm talking fights where one girl repeatedly smacked her phone against another girl's head. I'd say about three fights broke out, I chalked it up to being during the Haunt, but this year, I saw no such problems.

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In reply to your post. There was a poster here not too long ago who once posted: If you saw a kid with bright green hair by The Crypt and The Beast last year, yeah that was me! (a small flame war erupted, afterwards). And so when you brought up the green hair guy I immediately thought of him!

Sorry, I lost this thread and no, this took place over by Slingshot and The Racer.
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My wife was in line with my 2 year old to ride the little cars over in Planet Snoopy. There was a mon with a little boy and girl, both which had just bathing suits on. The ride op patiently explained that her kids had to have proper attire on (shirts, shoes, etc.) in order to ride. When the ride op told her this, the mom proceeded to go ballistic!! ( Ghetto as my wife called it.. :) ) talking bout " my kids already rode this @$$@ ride and they didn't have shirts on before and yadda yadda yadda. It got so bad that 3 security guards had to come over to subdue the lady, they cleared the ride and shut it down while they delt with this lady. It amazes me how some people just think they are above the rules. I was flabbergasted!!

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I make no apologies for having a very strong opinion on these matters: any bad behavior, any bad language, any violations (smoking in the wrong places, not adhering to the dress code, line jumping) - all are causes for dismissal from the park. I pay a lot of money for what is to supposed to be a fun day and I don't need any of that stuff happening to ruin it. Make rules and stick to them. Follow directions and you'll never go wrong.

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When I went on Tuesday, there was a woman with three or four little girls on the Scrambler when I got on. I don't know what her problem was, I think she wanted to be able to ride it twice in a row or something even though there was a line. But anyway they told her she had to get off and she was screaming and cursing, both at the operators and one of the little girls who asked her a question. She talked to a worker outside of the ride and they actually let her back on...

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Teenagers have always been knuckleheads, that hasn't changed, but what's with all the spitting now (almost always NOT in the greenery)? I saw a teen spit ON A BENCH at KD this week. I supressed the urge to ask why he was being a knucklehead, but sheesh, that was disgusting.

It really annoys me when I'm with my friend at Kings Island and he just spits on the ground. What if, for some reason, there was a gust of wind and it hit somebody, or what if, the same time the spit hit the ground someone steps on it?

It's gross....

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