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General Son of Beast Discussion

Gordon Bombay

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browntggrr made perhaps the most insightful post on the old SOB thread that I read. He made mention that the last thing the park wants to do is to get all that heavy machinery back there to demolish the ride, then bring it all back a few years later to rebuild something else. Until they know what they're going to replace it with (if that is the plan) its wasting money to bring it down any sooner.

In the meantime, perhaps a reasonable, cost effective fix hits the market that has worked elsewhere. Cedar Fair probably doesn't want SOB to be the test track for a new design approach that might fix the ride experience. They've already attempted to fix it once, without success, why dump a good amount of money unless you know its going to work. Is the Texas Giant treatment something that would work? Perhaps, I'm sure they'd like a couple of seasons to know for sure. In either case, the smart decision is to wait until you know exactly what the future holds.

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How many people here have been or are in the market to replace a car that they own? This is the easiest way to compare what to do with SOB. You bought a car and it turned out to be a piece of junk and you keep putting money into keeping it repaired. Now do you keep it repaired or do you decide to invest and buy a new car? Is it cost effective to just repair it when it needs fixed or is it cheaper to eat the current loan and go into deeper debt and buy a new car? Now figure your current finances and your current employment, will it be ok to buy and finance a new car in todays economic climate? How will it effect your current debt load? Now I know there are a lot of pre-teens and young adults that are members of this site and might not have all that much experience yet being on their own financially. This is the very type of discussions that is taking place with Cedar Fair and Kings Island as to what to do with SOB. It is a very complex issue, more so than deciding on what to do with the lemon of a car that you currently own.

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  On 7/9/2012 at 3:03 PM, Jr for Birdy said:

Ok,i am done with this topic.There is absolutely nothing worth reading here until the park makes a decision.You can change the name of the thread,but it still has no substance.Just everyone arguing, maybe were all just S.O.B frustrated.

To be honest I don't see anywhere people were actually fighting.

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I appreciate where you're coming from, but its an apples/oranges scenerio (for most of us anyways)

A car (to most) is mearly a means of transportation from one place to another. I make no money directly off my car. I could drive a $20,000 toyota, a $10,000 kia, or a $250,000 Bentley and it won't make me any more money (though the bently is obviously going to cost me some). It doesn't matter how much I sink into it, or how much I spend up front, the only thing it does for me is get me from point A to point B

Perhaps a better comparision that some could relate to is the cost of a lawnmower and summer mowing job. Lets say you've got 15 lawns in your neighborhood and you've got your old handme down lawnmower you inherited from your father. It gets the job done, but every month you've got to perform some kind of maintence on the mower that costs you both time and money, and limits your ability to add the new neighbors that just move in down the street to your client lists. However, if you went out and spent $500 on a new reliable mower, perhaps you could take on 2-3 more additional lawns over the next couple of summers. Would those 2-3 additional lawns make up for the cost of tnew lawn mower, minus the reduced costs in maitenance?

As a company, Kings Island will(should) only build new rides/attractions if it helps them retain and/or establish new customers and increased attendence thru their park. While they do have to deal with the debt load that you mention, it would be a wise decision if the cost of tearing down SOB and putting up something in its place or simply rehabing the ride to a point of satisfaction meant they revenue generated by the park more than offset the additional debt load.

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  On 7/9/2012 at 3:48 PM, KI-ORIG-EMP said:

How many people here have been or are in the market to replace a car that they own? This is the easiest way to compare what to do with SOB. You bought a car and it turned out to be a piece of junk and you keep putting money into keeping it repaired. Now do you keep it repaired or do you decide to invest and buy a new car? Is it cost effective to just repair it when it needs fixed or is it cheaper to eat the current loan and go into deeper debt and buy a new car? Now figure your current finances and your current employment, will it be ok to buy and finance a new car in todays economic climate? How will it effect your current debt load? Now I know there are a lot of pre-teens and young adults that are members of this site and might not have all that much experience yet being on their own financially. This is the very type of discussions that is taking place with Cedar Fair and Kings Island as to what to do with SOB. It is a very complex issue, more so than deciding on what to do with the lemon of a car that you currently own.

You do it the hillbilly way, and leave the junk car parked in the side yard for 3 years for everyone to see.

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  On 7/9/2012 at 2:47 PM, Jr for Birdy said:

Suits dont talk to people,huh? Ive walked up to them and have had lengthly conversation. You might not hear what you want,and you might not hear everything they know,but listen carefully and you might hear something. This is my opinion,no sources were involved. :)

So there's no source? Folks, he's admitted that he hasn't talked to suits, and suits haven't talked to him!

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I have? Ask Gordon! I talked to Don and Greg. I asked these gentleman in the park and said what they said! I live at KI this year and at CP the last several years! I actually told not even half of what i know and my son knows! I came clean with my sources and im glad i didnt tell all because of people like YOU! You talk alot Cyrpt,but i have spent hundreds of dollars at KI this year,and you? I dont like to fight about dumb stuff,but many of you i have met in the park and you dont know it,and your actually really cool people! I do alot for charity and even bought season passes for 3 children that are not mine,i love to read this forum and maybe i come off wrong,but please forgive me. :) I shouldnt say what i know,but what i was told. I know that would have been some jerks focus! Sorry,i got a bit carried away.

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Just use the report button in the lower right hand corner of the post.

So, when are we going to require new members to be accepted by a moderator / a short written essay to create new accounts?

But back to Son of Beast...?

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  On 7/10/2012 at 6:49 AM, Jr for Birdy said:

I have? Ask Gordon!

Ask me what?

I wouldn't take offense to people questioning you Jr for Birdy, or any other member who recounts an experience at the park. That's the nature of the internet, especially forums about the amusement industry. People are naturally skeptical here...and they should be. Especially with all the idiots who popped up here as trolls over the past few months.

Just be prepared that if you're going to claim something, you'll be facing criticism and speculation.

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  On 7/10/2012 at 1:40 PM, Gordon Bombay said:

Just be prepared that if you're going to claim something, you'll be facing criticism and speculation.

More credible claims than: "I talked to a suit", "My uncle knows this guy", "I live at KI", "I have green flourescent hair, did you see me?", "I'm so close to Don, I know when he does not clip his toenails", go a long way.

In a nutshell- don't come off as bogus.

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  On 7/10/2012 at 1:59 PM, beastfan11 said:

I'm thinking neon green wigs for the next KIC day at the park?

Some already have..... :)
Here's an honest question:

Do they still walk the track in the morning even though the ride is closed?

I can't say for sure, but I highly doubt it.

With all the time that has passed, there is no way someone would not have snapped a pic of people walking SoB's track.

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  On 7/10/2012 at 1:47 PM, stashua123 said:

It looks like Ocean Kingdom in China canceled there Plans for the new worlds longest wooden coaster :D

Go to Scremascape and look at the newest update!

That's great news. Now The Beast can retain his title.

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  On 7/10/2012 at 2:05 PM, Browntggrr said:
  On 7/10/2012 at 1:59 PM, beastfan11 said:

I'm thinking neon green wigs for the next KIC day at the park?

Some already have..... :)
Here's an honest question:

Do they still walk the track in the morning even though the ride is closed?

I can't say for sure, but I highly doubt it.

Is that something that would happen when the park is open? Like before people are in the park. Because we obviously couldn't get pictures if that were the case. Again, just curious

With all the time that has passed, there is no way someone would not have snapped a pic of people walking SoB's track.

Edit: Sorry guys, this was supposed to be something other than a bunch of quotes but my Iphone didn't want it to. My bad.

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